Tyle does an AMA | 100th post special

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tyle, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    So what kind of tools you use to draw in Inkscape?
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  2. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    Oh, hey, I'm really sorry for the late reply - guess this probably calls for a quick how-to...
    You know what? Give me a couple more asks and see if I can brew up a tutorial for how to inkscape in the meantime ;)
    The Purple Dragon and Alkanthe like this.
  3. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    Yup, no problem, I believe you're pretty busy. Oh, yes, for the question I will give you the list below.
    1. What kind of tools usually use to draw?
    2. What kind of tools usually use to color?
    3. What size/resolution of page/ paper/canvas usually use (I mean it is like for each type of artwork, like comic or normal drawing)?
    4. Any tips or tricks?
    5. Can you describe what each tools for?
    I guess that's all for now. Sorry if I list to much. Thanks for helping, take care! :)
    The Purple Dragon and Tyle like this.
  4. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    Hm, that really is a lot of things to ask. Some of them (especially the 5) is probably best answered by Inkscape's own tutorial page, to be honest, but I'll see what I can do.
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  5. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah, I guess so, Sorry to trouble you.
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  6. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

  7. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    Again, thanks a lot. Thanks for helping me out. :)
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  8. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    How to not think of dark thoughts when trying to be "creative"? . __.ll (Yes,em a psycho...)

    (Here's an example in-game of how to uhh farm "madness" in F.U. 'coz I'm lazy to make my own char insane so I made a tenant one for me instead...)
  9. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    oh hey dude I almost forgot this thread existed

    can you be a little specific? Like, dark thoughts as in 'negative thinking that demotivates you' or 'making characters too edgy when you don't want to'?
    Catherine Franz likes this.
  10. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    I always uhh think like from simple to twisted...(in-game) like making a colony only to make it to a testing zone later doing totally humane acts . __.ll
    (IRL is boring soo maybe that's what's makes me uhh think these "creative" stuff)

    E: (extra) I'm pretty sure the lag is because the A.I. is self-learning and they can feel emotionssss > .>
    upload_2019-6-4_12-50-8.png upload_2019-6-5_15-58-6.png
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
  11. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    Hmm, if you're worried you're going overboard with the dark/psychotic style, I guess you can try putting yourself in your creations - you know, maybe think of things in a more down-to-earth angle, maybe even imagine yourself interacting with them and see if you feel comfortable being there. I feel like the best kind of creations/characters are the ones that, while fantastic, are still very relatable to real life.

    I don't have a lot else to add other than that personal tastes noticeably change over time (cause you bet mine did), and moving on from a certain style/aesthetic is just as okay as holding on to it if you feel it suits you.
    Catherine Franz likes this.
  12. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Oh I'm not really that into anything...(prolly the real problem) more like "Oh this is pretty good,pretty nice yada yadayada" but no like "Fits for me" thingie...(another problem)
    I think I need uhh social interactions IRL but that's the problem for me...No one can relate that's why IT's kinda boring... (. __.ll (I'm surrounded by middle-aged people and no same/similar age like me ; n; )
    theflamingchuthulu likes this.
  13. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    If society collapses right now, what would your most useful skill be?
    Tyle likes this.
  14. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    Hmm... I like this kind of question. I will add mine.

    Who will you protect when the apocalypse comes?
    Tyle likes this.
  15. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    Definitely being able to eat questionably safe (i.e. expired for months) food without ill effects. I ate 2-week old fridge pizza once. It's kinda stale.

    The cats, then family. Well it's more of a co-protection of the cats between all family members, you get the idea. Oh and also my laptop/hard drive, all the art and photo stuff are in there.
    Daikon Ocelot and Surenu like this.
  16. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    What is the most selfless thing you've ever done? What's the most selfish thing you've ever done?
  17. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    Can't remember either, actually.
    Surenu likes this.
  18. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Have you ever eaten an entire watermelon in one sitting?
  19. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Society collapsing eh, how interesting...Em just gon' observe as usual (same everyday boring laifu)
  20. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    dude I can hardly finish one orange on my own how well do you think I fare for a watermelon
    Surenu likes this.

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