Peelz submitted a new mod: Two-Person Couch - Because two butts are better than one Read more about this mod...
Thanks for making this, though would it be possible to add various looks to it, like a dye mod compatibility?
Both of those would be easy changes to make. I can do that within the next couple of days most likely. Glad you guys like the mod!
Peelz updated Two-Person Couch with a new update entry: New Couch + Infinicouches! Read the rest of this update entry...
because 8 robutts is is is isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ({ERROR:ERROR:ERROR BUTT OVERLOA ERROR}) because 8 damn robutts is better than 2 and it is AWESOME no serisouly awesome update
Just wanted to let you know this definetely doesn't work with Upbeat Giraffe. It uses the old _merge format for it's player.config changes rather than the new .patch format.
That's odd... I definitely changed that. Must be something wrong with the upload... Hold on a minute.
Peelz updated Two-Person Couch with a new update entry: let's try again... Read the rest of this update entry...
Is there any possibility of making different styles of couches? I would love to have a wider variety, as I am making a planetary apartment complex, and would prefer to have lots of styles. I adore the idea of this mod, and would love to see more of it.