Two New NPCs

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by C. Roach, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. C. Roach

    C. Roach Intergalactic Tourist

    I thought of two new NPCs for Stardew Valley: Hugh the city exile and Jonah the monster hunter and adventurer.

    Hugh: an exile from his city following an incident at his workplace that claimed the life of his brother Frank, he moved to Stardew Valley to start a new life there. He is still shaken from both his exile and his brother's death and gets unhappy when his brother and the incident are mentioned. He doesn't speak like the others, his sentences are often missing phrases and are often short.
    Loved Gift: "Oh nice! Where did ya get it?"
    Liked Gift: "Ah... a fine gift. I'll keep it."
    Neutral Gift: "Hmm... Not bad"
    Disliked Gift: "Uh, I suppose no worse than what I had at work."
    Hated Gift: "Augh! This is nasty junk!"
    Sees you searching trash: "Oh! What ya doing in that bin?!"

    Jonah: a monster hunter and adventurer who went to Stardew Valley after hearing word of monsters infesting certain caves. He uses firearms to take down monsters from a distance, preferably the automatic M16 assault rifle. He is close friends with Hugh.
    Loved Gift: "Ha ha! I like the way you think!"
    Liked Gift: "Pretty nice thing you got me. Got any more later on?"
    Neutral Gift: "I can do something with this. Thank."
    Disliked Gift: "Well... I think I'll use this at my next target practice."
    Hated Gift: "Agh! What a lousy present. Find me a better one next time!"
    Sees you searching trash: "Whoawhoawhoawhoa! What are you doing sticking your hand in the trash can?!"
    • Pretty_Princess

      Pretty_Princess Void-Bound Voyager

      Hmm, I do like the idea of having some new NPCs (well not too many of course) but maybe not make Hugh an exile because I think that's a little bit too much. If you get what I'm saying. And using guns in SDV takes away from the game setting and what not. But keep up with the ideas. I love seeing them. :)

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