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Digital [Tutorial] Coloring in Paint Tool SAI shouldn't be this easy.

Discussion in 'Art' started by pigrocket, Feb 26, 2013.

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  1. I hear this one pretty often:
    Stylistic colorings can look really nice. Why you gotta hate on yourself like this? Rock that crayon tool.


    if you do want to change your ways,

    some of you's may not know how easy-peasy it can actually be to color in a line art. It's yet another reason to use SAI for digital drawings.

    Get our yer fuzzy select tool. Click anywhere you would not like to color in.

    The idea is that after this step, you invert the selection, and you're done! No need to worry about going out of bounds anymore.
    But chances are, the selection isn't perfect yet. There may be some rough edges, because the fuzzy select didn't traverse the anti-aliased pixels.

    Now, you're a perfectionist. You simply cannot color with a clear conscience while some color could be escaping. Stop whining; there's an easy fix.
    Find selection -> incriment. This button will move the selection closer to the lines. Click it one or twice for good measure.

    But it's still not a miricle fix. Find any hard-to-reach corners and shade them in with the select tool

    Now you can invert your selection.
    Selection -> Invert

    Click to any non-selection-related tool and
    The marching ants are where they should be. It worked!

    Fedora Man (c) Dust
  2. protip:

    on the lineart layer, check Selection Source above new layer button and below clipping group

    using magic wand tool. Check 'Transparency (strict) and set it to selection source.

    select supposed negative area. [or select all positive areas and skip step after next step]

    use select brush to select remaining areas

    invert selection


    pigrocket likes this.
  3. By the way (off-topic question): Is there any way to redefine an eraser of the Wacom tablet's pen to do anything but rectangular selection in SAI? (Sorry for off-topic and unreadable question:cry:)
  4. Not sure if this works on your tablet, but just choose another tool using your tablet eraser, rather than your mouse/tablet pen
  5. Facepalm.jpg
  6. qianshou

    qianshou Mop

    Hi,thank you for your Tutorial .

    I just recently got SAI and I'm trying to color in my lineart but I'm not able to color in it properly. I use a xp-pen deco pro drawing tablet with it .
    I mean to color in my lineart like fill in and color it. Would doing this let me color in ?
  7. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    Oh my God, this thread was like from the time I hadn't yet know Starbound. And... I am still really green back there. What a memory.
  8. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    Guys, this thread is 7 years old and the OP hasn't been on in over 2 years. Necro-posts are only allowed if you remain on topic and the topic is still relevant. Going to lock this.

    Start a new thread if you want to discuss something similar.
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