Modding Help Trying to understand dialogue modding

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Sixpix, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. Sixpix

    Sixpix Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey there people.

    I'm a bit new to Stardew modding and I'm currently at this stupid roadblock.
    I'm currently trying to get a understanding of the "dialoguePrerequisite" flag but for the life of me can't get it to work properly.
    Below is a bit of a snippet of another mod I'm trying to use as a launch point.

        "I put on eyeliner this morning.$1
        #$q 4001/4002 makeup_followup#Do you think my makeup looks okay?
            #$r 4001 25 makeup_yes#You look great.
            #$r 4002 -50 makeup_no#You don't need makeup to be beautiful.",
        "makeup_yes": "Hehe. Thanks, @.$4",
        "makeup_no": "O-oh. Um. But...$2#$b#...$6#$e#%Sophia doesn't want to talk anymore.",
            "$p 4001
                #I like looking pretty.$9#$b#It um. Makes me feel better in a way.$1
                |I wonder if Haley would want to do makeup together?$1
    My problem is when I interact with the character after the initial question dialogue. When I come around next summer_Sat it completely breaks.
    If I select the 4001 response it only gives me "I like looking pretty." with the correct portrait but it doesn't continue to "It um. Makes me feel better in a way."
    Meanwhile if I select the 4002 response it gives me the whole dialogue prerequisite response. So "I like looking pretty. <break> It um. Makes me feel better in a way.|I wonder if Haley would want to do makeup together?"

    From my understanding if I select 4002 it should have only gave me everything after |, but for whatever reason it breaks on me like that.
    Am I missing something or is Stardew just borekd right there?

    Thanks in advance.
    • MissCoriel

      MissCoriel Phantasmal Quasar

      "summer_Sat": "I put on eyeliner this morning.$1#$b#$q 4001/4002 makeup_followup#Do you think my makeup looks okay?#$r 4001 25 makeup_yes#You look great!#$r 4002 -50 makeup_no#You don't need makeup to be beautiful.",
        "makeup_yes": "Hehe. Thanks, @.$4",
        "makeup_no": "O-oh. Um. But...$2#$b#...$6#$e#%Sophia doesn't want to talk anymore.",
        "makeup_followup": "$p 4001#I like looking pretty.$9#$b#It um. Makes me feel better in a way.$1|I wonder if Haley would want to do makeup together?$1",
      Pardon me for using the default way.. I am nose deep in this stuff and can't read it otherwise. You were missing a #$b#

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