I've been working on redoing the Yoshi race. However, after respriting, only a little bit of the alt skin/boot colors work. Does anyone know what's going on?
I'm no modder but providing more details will probably help. For instance, what is the mod and what are you trying to change?
Here's what I have so far for the body color: "bodyColor" : [ //LIGHT RED { "50f001" : "E86D46", "50f000" : "D1422E", "29af00" : "96201B" }, //RED { "64D618" : "ff3030", "53C710" : "e62c2c", "42AD09" : "c92626", "196300" : "9c1e1e" }, //DARK RED { "50f001" : "ad2716", "50f000" : "8f1f1b", "29af00" : "731a1a" }, //RUSTY RED { "64D618" : "fc3d0d", "53C710" : "e3370b", "42AD09" : "bd2e09", "196300" : "912407" }, //BROWN { "50f001" : "7d3c1c", "50f000" : "4d240b", "29af00" : "2d1606" }, //LIGHT BROWN { "50f001" : "7f5a39", "50f000" : "5b3523", "29af00" : "3b1f15" }, //DIRTY ORANGE { "50f001" : "a6671d", "50f000" : "915622", "29af00" : "743e1d" }, //ORANGE { "50f001" : "efa838", "50f000" : "be6d1d", "29af00" : "834012" }, //DIRTY BLONDE { "50f001" : "eaa758", "50f000" : "cd8b3d", "29af00" : "93682c" }, //YELLOW { "50f001" : "e6e756", "50f000" : "c7ac3f", "29af00" : "a9882f" }, //BLONDE { "50f001" : "f1d992", "50f000" : "daba5e", "29af00" : "b59a4d" }, //LIGHT YELLOW { "50f001" : "f2eba3", "50f000" : "dcd28c", "29af00" : "c2b677" }, //LIGHT GREEN { "50f001" : "8bfc28", "50f000" : "7de324", "29af00" : "6cc41f" }, //GREEN { "64D618" : "64D618", "53C710" : "53C710", "42AD09" : "42AD09", "196300" : "196300" }, //DARK GREEN { "50f001" : "3b7f44", "50f000" : "2e6a38", "29af00" : "1d4b28" }, //TORQUOISE { "50f001" : "5BD5B6", "50f000" : "4AA9AD", "29af00" : "237082" }, //LIGHT TURQUOISE { "64D618" : "9dfae4", "53C710" : "8de3cf", "42AD09" : "75bdac", "196300" : "578c80" }, //LIGHT BLUE { "50f001" : "61BCDE", "50f000" : "5381CC", "29af00" : "2C489E" }, //BLUE { "64D618" : "3636ff", "53C710" : "3030e3", "42AD09" : "2929c4", "196300" : "1f1f8c" }, //DARK BLUE { "50f001" : "425879", "50f000" : "343965", "29af00" : "242247" }, //DARK PURPLE { "50f001" : "7f3b6d", "50f000" : "6a2e53", "29af00" : "4b1d30" }, //PURPLE { "50f001" : "653b7f", "50f000" : "562e6a", "29af00" : "3f1d4b" }, //HOT PINK { "50f001" : "cd72d9", "50f000" : "ac4da6", "29af00" : "913b86" }, //PINK { "50f001" : "D26BA4", "50f000" : "A54669", "29af00" : "89334D" }, //LIGHT PURPLE { "50f001" : "ad68e2", "50f000" : "8d41b0", "29af00" : "6a2980" }, //BROWN GREY { "50f001" : "50422f", "50f000" : "36261e", "29af00" : "170f0d" }, // DARK GREY { "50f001" : "525252", "50f000" : "363636", "29af00" : "161616" }, // GREY { "50f001" : "74726f", "50f000" : "53504d", "29af00" : "2a251e" }, // GREY BLUE { "50f001" : "6f6d85", "50f000" : "525269", "29af00" : "3e4352" }, // LIGHT GREY { "50f001" : "b8b8b8", "50f000" : "828282", "29af00" : "555555" }, // WHITE { "50f000" : "d4dee0", "29af00" : "828282", "29af01" : "828282" } ] I've only worked on a select few of colors.