A key factor to immersion would be a button to toggle on and of a walking animation. I intend to play this game with a small group of people that intend to play through the game gradually so we can keep the nostalgic 'first-play' feel intact. I was thinking there should be a walking feature implemented, where you press a button like alt or something and your character would slow to a walking pace. The reason this would be immerse is a group of friends are walking through a dark cave and the point man's got his sword and flashlight out ready to fend off enemies while the one in the rear shines his flashlight back to make sure no monsters come around from behind while the rest of the group is in the middle. The mood to this scenario is set by being able to move at a walking pace. It's hard to have an experience like that when everybody's running around and jumping like jack rabbits while the objects on the screen are moving by them at the speed of sound. I consider this a necessity because it's a change that a lot of people would like, it's not that hard to implement and it's completely voluntary; If someone doesn't want to use the function, they don't even have to have that key bound.
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This already exists in the game. You hold shift to walk. Also as some friendly advice, next time you say stuff like Do make sure you actually have evidence of this and not just using hyperbole to make a point. Aside from the fact that no one is actually asking for this because it's already in, saying stuff like "lots of people want this" without backing is not a credible point to make for anything you're trying to persuade people with.
I don't see how this is important. If you can walk already what's the big deal for holding a button? The amount of time you'll spend walking in a cave will be very little considering all the jumping and dodging you'll have to do from enemies. The game is not a very flat word at all.
When you're playing with friends if you're not walking you're going to split apart fast. It's important for those who want to stick together and explore the world slowly so it stays new and mysterious longer. I already know of a few people in particular who're even going to role-play. You'd think role-players would want to be able to toggle walk so they can just push a button and walk through the world, right? All I'm really suggesting is they add in an option to change button hold/toggle so those who want it can have it, whereas those who don't, don't need to have it. It's like gay marriage in a way; Gay people getting married doesn't affect straight people, so why would they care? Much like toggle-button users don't affect hold-button users so why would they care?
I think that OP is getting a lot of needless hate from this suggestion. This is a suggestion board, after all. It's supposed to encourage new ideas, new ways of thinking, and overall improvement. What I see happening in a lot of these suggestions is that the Original Poster is getting berated by a plethora of people. Why shouldn't there be a walk/run toggle? It would literally require almost no programming to implement (I'm sure if walking is in the game, a toggle will probably be in as well), and some people will be playing to do immersive role-playing; rationalizing that they don't want to be running every second of the game (to break immersion), and would rather walk. If it's not hurting you to implement, don't just instantly hate on it for almost seemingly reasons. Don't think it's a good addition? Downvote it. No need to get hostile in comments.
Personally, I agree with the OP. I think an option to change shift to a toggle would be great for ease of access.
Where is all of this "needless hate" you're reading? There were a total of 2 people, myself and one other person, that responded to this before you, and there's no hate anywhere. I clarified that the feature being asked for already exists and offered advice on avoiding the use of hyperbole when trying to persuade others. That's hate? Hardly. Before you get all gung-ho, perhaps you should do yourself a favor and actually read the posts in the thread before berating people for something that very clearly did not happen. The fact that you're not sure if walking is in the game despite my earlier post very specifically saying that yes, there is walking, and that you hold shift to do so is a clear sign that you didn't read. Oops. Maybe it's you that needs to not be so hostile? Yes, this is a suggestion board and as such, people are allowed to comment on and disagree with proposed suggestions. I'm sure Contemplate, the thread creator, is a reasonable enough of a person to be able to handle any disagreements that would come up.
I was never stating that I believe you can't walk. As I said in my post: What I am arguing for is a toggle to run/walk, in lieu of holding shift, which is what the entire post is about. Not an inclusion of a walk feature. Not realizing that that was my point is a clear sign that you didn't read. Oops.
I see you're going to just ignore the fact that I called out your baseless accusation in favor of arguing semantics and resorting to petty mockery. Alright.
The final post I read before posting is what made me post a statement accusing the OP of receiving hate, not yours. Specifically: That post seemed to be a little rude, and it is the reason why I posted my comment in the first place. I did not mean, originally, any specific jab towards you. And I did not mean, originally, any offense. I also stated that I see hate in multiple suggestions, not just this one, and a lot of the hate in the suggestion boards is unwarranted and volatile. In any case, I apologize I was misinterpreted, I apologize if my wording lead to that.
Woahwoahwoah, I'm all for gay marriage, but I wouldn't use an analogy as radical as that, considering these are COMPLETELY different subjects. Honestly, I am all for walking in the game, as I'm sure there's many instances where it'd be more accessible. But all you need to do is hold shift. I believe the lead designer, well, designed this features because of the likeliness of swapping right into fights. The ease of letting go of shift is much easier than pressing a button to stop walking, especially when you're about to get in a fight. I mean, could you imagine getting kicked around by some alien thing and barely being able to jump, not even out of the way, because you're still in the walking state? That'd be incredibly frustrating. Walking just overall will be used in such a minuscule time that having to toggle it just seems awkward I understand this is a discussion so I'm just trying to explain the unnecessariness of this key-bind.
I'd like a toggleable walk button. Actually, I like it when all the actions like aim, crouch, walk or whathaveyou are toggleable. The less keys I need to keep pressed down while doing something else, the better.
Imagine this: Slowly walking in a dark cave, while holding your pistol and flash light at the ready... I would love to do that without holding down shift the whole time.
Wait. So this guy was talking about RP-walking, and it somehow got into gay marriage, what the FUCK guys, seriously? I thought this forum was better than that. Shame on you.
I like the feature too, I was just too stunned by the insanity of this thread to state it in my previous post. I like RP walking, it can be handy at times to match the pace of an NPC or just to mess around. In WoW, I remember tanking an entire LFR in RP-walk, and succeeding at it, just to prove a point to some other people. And 'cuz it was hilarious.
Guys, seriously stop arguing over pointless things or this thread will be closed. Also, Contemplate, stop double posting. I had to merge you twice just in this thread. You can use the edit button to change previously made posts and additionally you can hit the "reply" button on more than one post to accumulate replies at the bottom input bar.