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RELEASED Tier Harribel suit / Traje Tier Harribel 1.1

costume worn by Harribel in Bleach / traje que usa Harribel de Bleach

  1. Dante271

    Dante271 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dante271 submitted a new mod:

    Traje Tier Harribel - traje que usar Harribel de Bleach

    Read more about this mod...
  2. Dante271

    Dante271 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dante271 updated Tier Harribel suit / Traje Tier Harribel with a new update entry:

    Traje de huesos Hollow / Hollow bones suit

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. TroEd

    TroEd Space Spelunker

    What's with her hair? I can't find her
  4. Dante271

    Dante271 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    El pelo no lo ha agregado aun, por el momento es el que viene con el juego el que utilizo para las fotos, pero en una actualizacion futura en unos dias pondre el pelo de Harribel pero con mas paresido al del manga...

    ING/ The hair has not been added yet, at the moment it is the one that comes with the game that I use for the photos, but in a future update in a few days I will put the hair of Harribel but with more peer to the manga ...
  5. TroEd

    TroEd Space Spelunker

  6. nunxux

    nunxux Big Damn Hero

    I do not see any weapons in the image.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2019
  7. Ekdoul

    Ekdoul Space Hobo

    No me deja descomprimirlo es normal??

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