-Starbound Forums Cross-Post If you find anyone complaining about how hunger has been removed and they ask for it to be added back in, please link this thread to them. This is a compilation of sources I am aware of (as in, not all resources and statements made on the topic). More may be added in later. 10/29/2015: Source 10/28/2015: Source 08/28/2015: Source 08/25/2015: Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 08/22/2015: Source 07/28/2015: Source 06/25/2015: Source 03/28/2015: Source 01/05/2015: Source 1 Source 2 12/20/2014: Source 1 Source 2 12/19/2014: Source 1 Source 2 11/18/2014: Source 11/16/2014: Source
Update: Added a few more posts, some going back as far as November of last year, from various members of the Chucklefish team.
nice! even though i never player starbound with hunger and temperature i don't know what to expect xd
why not making hunger an optional setting for a world? The game would generally eb a lot more interetsign if we had some universe settings to decide, like full mixed randomisation of weather and threats again. But as I can see by the quotes, stuff was basicaly casualised because "average" players couldn't handle it. LOL yes because growing food was below averages players skills? Wow whats the average player in SB? 6yo? Heat system would need stuff to cool us down. Cold system was fine with warming on fires and stuff. The game went so many steps backwards -.- The entire Food in this game is now just good for healing or selling to make money. Cooking? For minor pointless buffs that you don't even need. Totally sad whats left of it.
It was cut becuse it wasen't fun for the majority of players, not becuse they coulden't handle it. Especially the hunger mechanic was just a "click this once in a while" timer. That said, i personally miss both the heat/cold and hunger mechanics, even if they were flawed. Im looking forwards to hungers return as a more evolved mechanic.
lol, ok in which game is hunger not a "click food" once in a while thing? I eman what do people expect a small minigame to cut off your steak into pieces? The emhcanic behind food is aquiring it, not "eating it". Also one quote clearly states it was to much trouble for the average player. So what trouble, and why for the "average player"? clicking an item?
Hunger in most games that have it requires food management. It didnt in starbound, it was extremly easy to get a 99 stack of food that you just hade to click once in a while (therefor making it a click once in a while timer). From what i have heard of the improved hunger mechanic (food spoils, wont be able to stack it as much or at all, etc) it will hopefully add the required food management to make it a viable intressting mechanic.
I hardly know any sandboxlike game where food ever was a problem. Not even in those where food was rotting. Its Roleplay element that just exists for giving farming a purpose.
If its for roleplay you shoulden't need a mechanic. You simply need to eat once or twice a day as part of said roleplay. I get that a "timer" would help in such a situation (simply to remind you), but its hardly needed. Personaly i prefear it when food has some sort of impact and needs to be managed. In games that have food it generaly tends to be a problem early on (with a real risk of starving) but become easier and easier the more effort/time you spend on it (getting a proper infrastructure up).
At first I hated the hunger mechanic, but after the Colony update and the revamped farming system, I'm actually looking forward to it!