Themed gear?

Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by Alternal, Jun 23, 2012.


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  1. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    Just a quick thought or two.
    We should really get like "themed" biome gear.

    For example:
    An ice armour: ice crystals, yellow visor, that kind of thing.
    Fire: Flame shoulders, an large orange visor, molten looking.
    Sand: Maybe some col wrappings and such. Think Wayward Vagabond (Homestuck)
    Water: Thin fluid armour, maybe it moves like the fire?

    These aren't pure ideas, just a "feel free to build off of it" kinda thing. :)
  2. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    To be honest I'd rather have just some player-custom-choice-colored items (which are a possibility) rather than having the devteam make dozens of equipment variations sprites.
    M C likes this.
  3. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    Yea I wasn't sure on the whole colouring thing. Just a general suggestion :p
  4. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    Really? I would prefer pre-made, themed gear, if only because I'd mess up terribly on the coloring.

    Also, regardless of color/design, I think they should have effects, as in water armor increase swimming speed or something along those lines,
  5. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    Yea that would work pretty well actually. Fire resistance, and maybe even a magma suit capable of protecting 100% for like 10 seconds. Other than that I'm sure they'll have scuba gear, but I'd personally love colouring :)

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