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The Wallpaper of the Marchtimes (By Bietol)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Darthkitten, Mar 15, 2013.


To Quote Fetalstar: What race is your favorite?

  1. Avian

    38 vote(s)
  2. Glitch

    78 vote(s)
  3. Human

    63 vote(s)
  4. Floran

    86 vote(s)
  5. Hylotl

    66 vote(s)
  6. Apex

    42 vote(s)
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  1. Actually it turns out I was thinking of a lizard, and not a fox.

    Those are two very similar things to confuse, right?
  2. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    Oh ,sorry. My bad, I guess the thought of going back and reading up slipped my mind.
  3. No need to apologize, your quote was entirely accurate. If you went back and read it, it would still say "fox," because that is indeed what I said.
  4. Eldritch

    Eldritch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Either way, I'm just saying that thematically, a whale isn't fitting to base the Hylotl on because they're nothing alike besides the fact that they're both aquatic. It's like if you were to base a drawing of an Avian off of a bat. It's not that it's a wrong way to interpret it, it's just a really bizarre way to interpret it with little relation to the original.

    I really do like the rest of the wallpaper though, and the female Hylotl, it's very good art. Especially the way you drew the Apex's eyes. And the longer I look at the male Hylotl, the more I become okay with it despite how it differs from my own headcanon.

  5. Similarly, while it isn't wrong, an odd way of doing something doesn't necessarily make it not fitting. As mentioned above, using a fox [or even a lizard], which has little relation to a hylotl, still turned out to look quite well.

    Another thing to note is that the artist has the artistic freedom to base it to what he wants. The base references are, as mentioned earlier, pixel-art after all.
    Bietol likes this.
  6. Eldritch

    Eldritch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's also very true. Your art of the Hylotl is the closest to my own headcanon, but I admit that Bietol's is starting to grow on me.
  7. A fun-fact to note is that while Bietol did try to stray away from a humanoid feel, I, in contrast, tried to stick to the humanoid feel as much as possible in the wallpaper.
    My original interpretation is a bit more frog-humanoid like and not something you'd want to kiss
    HedgeFlanders, Tyto and blind sniper like this.
  8. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Y no kiss it?
  9. Eldritch

    Eldritch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You'd be surprised. You really would.
  10. R4B97

    R4B97 Void-Bound Voyager

    New wallpaper! :love:
  11. LordPils

    LordPils Orbital Explorer

    I love this wallpaper so much that it made me look up the lore behind the Apex and completely rethink how I felt about playing them, honestly they are now one of my favorite races. It also made me love the Floran even more!

    Edit: I even later tried to remake an Apex character in STO, I failed miserably, but I was excited enough to want to be able to play as them somehow I will have to wait.
    Bietol likes this.
  12. LordPils

    LordPils Orbital Explorer

    I'm a little sad that I can't see the female Floran or the female Apex, separated from the wallpaper like I can with some of the others.
  13. blejd

    blejd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    my htc sensation just get new look!
  14. Cheer up!
    Zilem, ProjectRay12, LordPils and 3 others like this.
  15. LordPils

    LordPils Orbital Explorer

    The Apex female looks pretty badass on her own, the Floran looks as badass as I expect Florans to look. Which is quite badass.
    HedgeFlanders likes this.
  16. punkypie

    punkypie Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm racist, i always play as a human :p
  17. Starbound-lover

    Starbound-lover Space Spelunker

    I really love this wallpaper: I have it as my background :D
    My comments, starting from the top:
    The florans look pretty awesome because of their epic hair and just because they are ...
    The female glitch I like :D, the maid is a great idea.
    The male glitch I think is a little not like I pictured it because the overalls, but who knows really?
    The hylotls look really awesome and badass. The male hylotl: I like the gills; i had never thought of that.... The female is a little hard to see, but the dress is pretty nice
    I never liked the Apex much, but your interpretation is changing my mind, partly because of the guy's epic hair style :D
    The male avian is a little weird, in my view, but female one is a little better. Sorry, but to be perfectly honest, I like fetalstar's avian better D:
    It's just that the male avian's face is really wide, but I liked the other avian in the sketch better.
    The humans are anime! my favorite :D
    Male is great! the jacket is well done, and his hair I like, only that his teeth are really white
    The female I like a little less though, i don't know why...
    Hope I helped you, Bietol!
  18. Thanks! I'll try to remember your feedback the next time I draw an Avian or something.
  19. Strange. Your interpritation of the Avian is my absolute favorite. I think I laughed when I first saw it, it's so full of character.
  20. SlyNinjaRabbit

    SlyNinjaRabbit Title Not Found

    OMG thats amazing could i use it as my profile picture??

    Never mind someone else took it
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