RP The Tower! Chapter II: Power Acquisition.

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by walrusman72, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. walrusman72

    walrusman72 Phantasmal Quasar

    Somewhere, deep in subspace, A large tentacle made of pure energy groped around a massive archive of knowledge. It's objective was unknown. It grabbed at small megabytes of knowledge pondering each and everyones existence. Nothing truly captivated the mind of the Beast. Abandoning its endeavors within that archive, It shifts its attention to multi-planar timeline distortions. Though it hadn't the need to truly be attentive toward its main task, it loved doing it all the same. It relished learning the reasons for the destruction of the fragile fabric between time and dimension. It quickly manipulated it's console to discern the reason for the distortion. The readout suddenly labeled something that the creature was unfamiliar with. Massive amounts of magical and natural energy was being poured out around a tall structure. This amount of energy was so immense, it could even be physically measured within its own realm! This stirred two things within the creatures belly: The first being a feeling of general interest. The second was something he was entirely unfamiliar with. Worry. He acted quickly, first copying the base region for the energy input. The second was deleting the offending energy wells, as well as leveling the original structure. Finishing this, it quickly took off to trawl its data banks for the reason of its worry. It soon found a time/planar match and downloaded it into its conscience. The message read: Welcome to the Tower! This thread allows users to destroy or defend the Tower. The destroyers want it gone because it contains Treasure beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and the defenders must guard it down to the last second of their lives. Let the war begin.

    Tower: 100,000 Hp
    Status: Good
    Affects: None

    How this works is that attackers will post "attacks" to try to destroy the tower. Defenders will post defenses, to protect and save the tower. The game ends and the winner is announced when either the the towers Hp reaches 200,000 or the attackers destroy the tower.


    RaNdOm GuY1: I throw stones at the tower.

    RaNdOm GuY2: I put a bandage on the tower were it was hurt.

    Guy1: Not very effective -1 hp
    Guy2: +1 hp

    Tower: 100,000 Hp
    Status: Good
    Affects: None

    Affects are given by me and are just random affects to the tower, such as adding defense and the like.

    Rule: Don't disrupt the topic

    Now, attackers, GET DESTROYING! Defenders, SMASH THE ATTACKERS!
    It stopped the rest of the data flow.

    "This is… interesting" It thought.

    Without warning, it suddenly was struck with an idea. It rushed quickly back to the data banks and grabbed a several schematics. It then rushed over to its "POCKET UNIVERSE MATTER MANIPULATOR MARK VII" and loaded in its data load. Through the small side view port, it watched as billions of atoms assembled themselves into the components needed for its new plan. Then, it traveled over to the psycointergalactic-commsLNK and sent out a message. Within seconds, a small package materialized in front of it. Within the package as a small sign. It read "Power Acquisition Plant 94B". The creature smiled and placed the sign over the door of Its PUMMM7. It finally stepped into the door, in order to finally enact his plan.

    Hello Everyone! Welcome (or Welcome back!) to the Tower! This threads ancestor had died… approximately one year ago. After deciding to look through Starbound forums again, I found the old thread and realized something terrible. We hadn't finished it! I realize this post may seem like a just a reposting of the old Tower! thread, but I say to you that this is something entirely different. The original rules still apply, but there are now some additions. The Tower! Chapter II now not only pits player against player, but adds the EYE! The EYE is a being who summoned you to either attack or defend the tower and, using the energy you used to perform this task, generate CASH! The EYE allows you to stay within the game if you generate him lots of cash. Every player is placed on a cash leader board. The lowest two on the leader board after a cycle are then taken away to duel. While this happens, player may attempt to persuade the EYE to keep a player with acquisitioning cash for the troubled player. The EYE then decides who to keep and who to dispose of. If the EYE disposes of you, you are gone from the thread. That's right. This thread is PERMADEATH! I hope you all enjoy this!

    Suddenly, within a PUMMM7, a giant tower springs into existence. Surrounding this tower is 8 small pillars set into the flat dry landscape. The tops of these pillars start to glow and this battleground suddenly starts flying within the planar/timestream.

    A grating voice rips through the silence,
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  2. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot


    From outside the scene, a girl strained, slowly walking into view.
    The red-head was holding, with both hands, an enormous chain the size of her arm. The other end of the chain is still currently hidden from view.
    The girl grunted with each and every weighted step, evident that whatever is on the other side of the chain is weighing her down.
    Though it took a bit of time, the girl managed to reach her destination, stopping at the middle of the onlookers' points of view.

    "Phew. That took a whole lot more than what I thought it would take!", she mused to herself.
    The girl then turned, facing directly toward the viewers, and began to speak.

    "Hey there! Yes, you, the one reading this thread right now! Thanks for coming and welcome to [The Tower! Chapter II: Power Acquisition]! I'm Ana, one of the players of this game!"

    Ana tugged on the chains that she was dragging forward.

    "Anyway, since, well, I'm a girl, and I don't think I can really do a lot by myself... I brought this~"

    The view panned toward the other end of the chain, revealing...
    An enormous cube of smooth black metallic material, dragged by the chain on a large wheeled platform.

    "Introducing the Unexplainable Pentadimensional Black Box!", Ana said cheerily,
    "Nobody really knows how it works, but what it does is give me some place to get creative with my actions. I took a long while preparing it!"

    After introducing the Pentadimensional Black Box, Ana quickly rushed over to the construct, and entered the box through an automatic sliding door that somehow appeared on one side of the box.
    Her next sentence boomed, as if spoken through a voice amplifier.

    "Anyway, for my first move... We can't have a tower siege without siege engines, right? So HEEEERE WEEE GOOOOOOOO~!!"

    On cue, four gates suddenly appeared from the Box, opening to each reveal an authentic old-school medieval catapult somehow moving around without being manually operated.
    The catapults trudged forward on their wooden wheels, stopping when they're in range of the Tower.
    "FIRE!", Ana's command boomed over whatever she was using to amplify the voice.
    The four catapults acquiesced, and each flung a rock toward the tower.
  3. walrusman72

    walrusman72 Phantasmal Quasar

    Mokon: (An astounding entry as usual) All right! Our first attacker! -400 Hp. First strike applied until first defender!

    Tower: 99,600 Hp
    Status: Good
    Affects: First Strike (x2 attack Damage)

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