Story The Time-Traveller

Discussion in 'Winter Holiday Contest' started by Garneac, Dec 27, 2012.


I am a...

  1. futurist.

  2. time-thief.

  3. chrononaut.

  4. proleptic.

  5. prophet-historian.

  1. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar


    [​IMG]Thanks! I quite like it myself, too, but I'm biased. :p Still, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. It's much appreciated. =)
    nababoo likes this.
  2. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    While I was reading your entry, I totally felt a Speaker for the Dead vibe on the time dilation. I'm glad it wasn't my imagination!
    nababoo and Garneac like this.
  3. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar

    [​IMG]Hell yeah! Back when Card wrote some really good stuff, I was both intrigued and terrified of the idea of time-dilation. So cool but the cost was so high... I've tried several times to write a story that uses the concept over many, many years, but only now got it to meet my standard.
    [​IMG](Since you're familiar with Card, I'll say that the Ander/Ender [Andrew] similarity of names is purely coincidental. Scout's honour. :p There's a member on the boards here whose name is Ander and I thought that it was short but strong. I'd grown too attached to it once I finally made the connection, though. :rofl:.)
    nababoo likes this.
  4. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    I was wondering about that! It is a good name for that character.

    I haven't read any recent works by Card, assuming there are any. I obtained audiobooks for the whole Ender and Bean series and I have to say that his writing is even better in that format. He even comments on them, stating that he considers the audio version his preferred format.
  5. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar

    [​IMG]Oh really? Then I should look into them. Game and Shadow, and some of the later books in the respective series, are some of my favourites of Card. But I don't think the series is done just yet. I remember some talk about a forthcoming novel in the Shadow series which will bridge the gap between the two timelines. I'd have to Google that to be sure, though.
    [​IMG]I recommend Ender's Game all the time and all the time Card gains a new convert to the Enderverse. =D
    nababoo likes this.
  6. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    I do too. I have gifted so many copies of Ender's Game that I stopped keeping track. I would love a book that ties the twos series together!
    nababoo and Garneac like this.
  7. They're both awesome books, and I'm glad intertextuality has come into play.

    Literature helping literature, no?
    Garneac likes this.
  8. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar


    Although, just so it's clear for anyone else looking in, all I took from Card is the time-dilation concept (which is a staple of sci-fi). Everything else is the product of imagination and Starbound. =)
    nababoo likes this.
  9. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    You clearly stole everything! There are buggers and piggies all over the place!

    (Not really)
    Garneac likes this.
  10. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar

    [​IMG]Alrighty then! it's 12:44 a.m. on my end, so there's nothing to say but thanks for the opportunity and the best of luck to you all!
    nababoo likes this.

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