Extra Stuff Music Credits aka Lovely People Who Should Not Sue Me Havoc to be Wrought, Homestuck Vol 7 by EidolonOrpheusJetpack Blues Sunset Hues, by Anamanaguchi
I'll have to give kudos to the amazing flash presentation! And also Anamanaguchi. Great job, love it!
Here's some stills for those who did not view the flash for whatever reason they had, be it attention span, browser limitations or internet speeds. Further bonus for compulsive clickers: The planets! In all their hastily scrawled glory! And the concept 'art'!
Thank you for the kind words, gentlemen! And the ambiguously kind words, oni! Here's what is likely to be my last promotional image for the hat. Pip pip!
This hat and the Boxman's Bodacity (or whatever it was called) should duke it out in a no-holds-barred cage match. I for one would be proud to lose to this. Great job!
I'm just a bit antsy. Bit excited. I blame you for triggering my shameless bumping urges. Shame, shame. (I don't really blame you. I just love to hear such statements. Heph.)
I just posted a thread called "The Think Cap 2.0" in this section without even realizing this thread existed.