THE STEAMPUNK HELMET - Art, abilities, animated sprites and more!

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by DevastoR, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Stargazer

    Stargazer Existential Complex

    Thanks for clarifying; the rules for the contest are really hard to find, because they are hidden all throughout the forums. But what I last heard was:

    WoxandWarf likes this.
  2. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Ill be playing Dishonored now...
  3. ProfScarecrow

    ProfScarecrow Big Damn Hero

    Beautiful, glorious, work of art.
    i want~
    very good job xD
  4. DevastoR

    DevastoR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    AS A "FIRST WORD" :3
    1 - Okay-okay!!! I'm noob in animation, I just said this in post. :3
    2 - :rofl: Okay, I'm not a "HE", I'm an Enderman. But I think you can call me "HE" in comments =)

    THANK YOU! I appreciate your opinion, perhaps more than others, because you are the best terraria-related artist!

    :rofl: Phahahhahah
  5. Dr. Otaku-Sensei

    Dr. Otaku-Sensei Phantasmal Quasar

    Hell yeah, I'd love me some steam! Very nice work and quality, really hope this would win.
  6. Master Pixely

    Master Pixely Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I've changed my mind.
    This one NEEDS to win.
  7. DevastoR

    DevastoR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah :rofl:

    Thanks for your support :3
    Pixely Delight likes this.
  8. I'll feature this one in Vector Squared for "dizzying amount of features."

    Just a heads up ;)
  9. Huntrex

    Huntrex Big Damn Hero

    noob at pixel art?! ... Your like, at LEAST Novice-Journeyman pixl art... I wouldn't have been able to do anything like that easily.
  10. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead Phantasmal Quasar

    Wow, really nice. Really nice. I like it. Now we need a Steampunk race and world for this:

    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  11. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    Great work as always Devastor. Hope this gets in looks pretty epic. (I have other favs as well)
  12. shadowcrazy

    shadowcrazy Phantasmal Quasar

    love the artwork, hat, and creativity behind it.

    very much in love with this entry.
  13. Steam Pirate

    Steam Pirate Space Kumquat

    Oh my god. We have a winner. This is my hat when Starbound comes out.
  14. The Corrupted [ITA]

    The Corrupted [ITA] Big Damn Hero

    And the winner is... THIS!
  15. Jarod

    Jarod Cosmic Narwhal

    thumbs up
  16. Appledamn Fruitcake

    Appledamn Fruitcake Tentacle Wrangler

    There are a large vary of hats, some may be original and some may be unoriginal. Out of all the steampunk hats out there, I feel this has been giving the most dedication and hard work. I love the sprite, it still looks amazing, even if you are a bit inexperienced with it and all.

    Good Luck!
  17. Crystan

    Crystan Maverick Hunter

    Nice Helmet! Love the spoof of the Steam Logo and the outstanding artwork (especially the blue haired girl - have a wallpaper version of it available? :) ). :D
  18. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    This or barrel helmet. Or both. Preferably both. Please.
  19. Firesoul

    Firesoul Lucky Number 13

    You forgot to add the persuasive: 'pretty please with a cherry on top'

    This must have took a long time to produce, I'll be expecting this to come 1st or 2nd.
    Yaxlat likes this.
  20. Ephexis

    Ephexis Cosmic Narwhal

    i love all the effort you put into this hat :up:
    not my preferred color but it's still quite awesome

    the sprite gif work is also well done with the electricity and such :coffee:

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