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RELEASED The Stars My Destination - Sword and Spells 0.2.5c & 0.2.6b(NIGHTLY)

A sword you can do Combo, A wand you can do Magic

  1. HyperMan19680

    HyperMan19680 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Did you install both version by accident? Try removing the Nightly version.
  2. Doomsday18

    Doomsday18 Void-Bound Voyager

    hey it works!!! thx dude!
  3. HyperMan19680

    HyperMan19680 Pangalactic Porcupine

    No prob. Had the same issue myself til I noticed.
  4. DruidicSymphonies6713

    DruidicSymphonies6713 Astral Cartographer

    Hi there. Ever since I became a mage and unlocked all of the possible spells, I became slightly bored with the mod. I play on the stable version, and may I ask if there is anything to do after one may unlock both techs and all the spells. I would like to embrace more content from this mod.
  5. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    Sorry if im a bit of a douche but i'd like to know how to enchant the wand with spells
    Why i didn't read the desciption of the mod? Beacuse when "Magic Tutorial" starts the page goes blank and all the way to a picture with a man doing sword combos
  6. LvsrsRedDragon

    LvsrsRedDragon Big Damn Hero

    Hi! I'm a big fan of RPGs, and when I first saw the mod I was super excited. Are you still working on it? Does it work in the 1.0 update? Thanks!
  7. DrotZawk

    DrotZawk Void-Bound Voyager

    I suppose my Starbound do not support ".MODPAK." files but only ".PAK." or folders.
    Will you please make a PAK file for that mod?
    I would really appreciate it if you do that. :)
  8. PerkTurk

    PerkTurk Space Spelunker

    Can i post this to steam please?
    Then I can start the new growth of the Starbound Unstable workshop, and this would be a great start.
    If yes, I will need:
    - Your Steam Username (if u have one)
    - Any other credits you want me to post
  9. Halwynth

    Halwynth Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello, It says the 1.2.5c version of this mod is supported by Glad Giraffe and Cheerful Giraffe, yet the mod doesn't seems to be working. I noticed the game file is a .modpack file, I would assume the current latest version of Starbound doesn't support it anymore, I'm also unable to unpack the mod. As someone above said, could you make a .pak of this mod?
    That would be great, and your mod seems to be the only RPG mod that actually seems to fit well with the game.
    Thank you for your consideration.
  10. MeowingInsanely

    MeowingInsanely Master Chief

    I hope the creator is doing well...
  11. peteOlantern graveyards

    peteOlantern graveyards Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well, someone have to find the creator in somewhere, facebook, twitter, and ask if someone that like the can put the mod on steam and make it compatible with the atual version, the mod is much complete its just need to be compatible with the actual starbound
    ps: sorry my bad english, this is not my native linguage, i am from brazil
  12. MiamotoRei

    MiamotoRei Starship Captain

    Will this mod work on 1.4.1?

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