Well, you know were you'll find me To everyone who may be interested in Leeven architecture, I wrote a little but informative post which explains some details about these structures. This time, it explains a bit about the mosaics and ornaments in Leeven houses. Have a look, please!
Even if San Geronimo is really cool at the moment, I don't forget about good old San Leone. Here is the third part of the San Leone guide; this time, we visit the Southern District and the first third of the Eastern District.
We're all waiting for the stable, and this will be the end of San Geronimo, too. Here some screenshots I didn't show in a long collection: Screenshots
Well, first, I started in the first week of January, so I build three weeks on that whole project. Also, like I said, the inhabitants who live in the houses also "paid" me and brought me some of the materials. Especially soft brick, which is rather annoying to dig.
Thanks! And here is the fourth video of San Leone. This part is also interesting because it shows some parts behind the political district which I didn't show before.
Whoa, this tore my Mother Base creation a new hole. (Sorry for that) But seriously, this is one of the greatest creations I have ever seen.
Thank you so much. Well, there is a ton of stuff I did last year, know I have to look forward waht I'm going to do after the update... not even sure if this thread will continue...
As servers are unstable and playing nearly impossible at the moment, my projects are under hiatus. Here's only a little video about the skyrail system of San Leone, because I don't have nothing new at the moment...
(Begins replaying starbound after the update finally comes) "Yeah I'm a BOSS! Look at this cute little brick house I'm building." (revisits this part of the forums) "... I am nothing. " P.S. hello again beatrice
New update. I heard they fixed the multiplayer perfomance. if that is the case, I may give SB another try....
I'm really out of practice... I'm not satisfied with that building, but it was more an experiment than a planned work (and I wanted to show something after all these months). Unfortunately, at least "my" Starbound version is still laggy, especially in MP mode. It's also an annoying feature that monsters spawn on player-build structures. I had to kill three of them (also on the roof). This is not really player-friendly when building plazas like market places or public areas; as I'm still looking forward to build another colony, I'll wait until an update solves that.