The vines around the columns are really cool. We really need a way to make round archs on the top of doors and windows.
Grapes are there because of the Leeven lore. These lions love wine. However, their sort of grape seem to be much more resistent, as the overall climate on their home planet Lyon is a bit hotter than ours. Yes, I'm in love with them and copied the same concept when it came to other houses. And yes, it is really some sort of art to make "round" things in this pixel game. Well, as the master of domes you know what I mean..
Hey Beatrice, just thought you may want to take a look at my own RP styled build I'm starting. You've inspired me. The Stratocracy of Sloodhon. It will be interesting to have a little friendly banter back and forth between the two kingdoms, no?
Subscribed! Welcome in the family of fictive Starbound states! The Republic of San Leone always considered the Hylotl natural allies.
Been stealthing here for a while, love the middle eastern influences especially. Go forth and build tons!
Oh, I have still plenty of them to show! The fact that they are part of my own lore for my Leeven race together with friends who actually live in therĀ“m... motivates me a lot to build. I think I didn't have that much fun with Starbound since months. Hopefully, I can also post the "background" of Leeven architecture in the other thread and link to it when it's ready. It will give some more informations regarding the different structures.
Only a short impression from my actual building efforts. It's only a casual screen shot, nothing special - but I like the composition. Note the colour of the sky and my clothes.
This is really nice. So many interesting details: the window above the character, the vines going "around" the wooden wall, the white brick patterns...
You've expressed it in wonderful words what I wanted to show! Here's house Nr. 4, near the theater which I consider "my" house. It is still in need of furniture. The place changed a bit since I made the screenshot, I'm gonna to show that later when I added the interior items/objects.
Hmm, how quant... but it seems kinda off somehow... can't put my finger on it. But somethings seems odd.
This is a fancy one. Much green, two palm trees forming an in-room-garden, and farmables under columns. Yes, here my fantasy made the final building a bit... more ambitious
The top pillar room seems out of place... and overweight in detail for that part of the building.... I would suggest it going on the left side of the indoor garden area. Just my opinion.
Criticism is appreciated; however, the new citizen has just moved in and decorated the home, so I better don't change anything now. Hopefully these screenshots may satisfy your search for perfection: The house on the right... ... the house on the left... ... and the Leeven in the middle. Here the whole bridge... ... and here the whole area.
Haha, I KNEW that this would be more something you would like San Geronimo has grown in the last days and at the moment, we have 10 inhabitants. I make a break until next week when we will see what impact the new update may have (perfomance!). We may lose the effort from the last two weeks, but nevertheless, we decided to celebrate our new city with a concert:
It's a German server, I'm not sure if you feel comfortable there . But if you're interested, it's "Gameunity": One cool thing about this server is the griefing protection. However, it faces sometimes disturbing laggs/disconnects, due to the perfomance problems of Starbound, when more than 30 users are online.
well hopefully the next stable update will help the lag issues. I know very little german, I should have my friend come on with me, he is fluent in german. I may still check it out, just to get in on a good building group