The Red Fang

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by WakeskaterX, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. WakeskaterX

    WakeskaterX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Entry: Red Fang Helmet: [​IMG][​IMG]

    -Crafted from the fangs of the venomous red fang spider.

    Other Hats: [Not Entries, just for fun]
    The Bubble:[​IMG] [​IMG]The Crown of Flames Helmet:[​IMG] [​IMG]Golden Crown: [​IMG][​IMG]
    Blood Demon Mask: [​IMG][​IMG]Twisted Mind Mask: [​IMG][​IMG]Golden Crown of Flames: [​IMG][​IMG]
    Karamunin, 1nk-kp0 and blind sniper like this.
  2. Neat:fusrodah:
    A "horn" (or whatisthis?) seems as it should be replaced a bit to the left, though...:unsure:
    WakeskaterX likes this.
  3. Pumpkildir

    Pumpkildir Space Hobo

    This looks really cool. Probably one of my favourite hats yet, although, I have a lot of hats I do like.
    WakeskaterX likes this.
  4. WakeskaterX

    WakeskaterX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I like pixel art a lot, in fact I do a lot of stuff like this for the games I work on, I could whip up all sorts of hats. I might add a bunch more just for funzies.

    Ya I could probably move the "horn" to the left a bit to center it
    (moved 1 pixel to the left, looks a lot better)
    blind sniper likes this.
  5. Pumpkildir

    Pumpkildir Space Hobo

    The new hats look awesome. You're pretty talented, I must say.
    WakeskaterX likes this.
  6. WakeskaterX

    WakeskaterX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Haha, if Tiy wants any outside help, I am always available to help. I have done the graphics for most of the games I've worked on, and really like small scale stuff.

    I suck with real graphics and high quality drawings and shit though.
  7. Finn_The_Human

    Finn_The_Human Astral Cartographer

    Wow I really like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. WakeskaterX

    WakeskaterX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Haha, thanks, what are your guys favorite helm/masks? If one of them is cooler maybe I'll just submit that one instead.
  9. ViralTank

    ViralTank Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Don't mean to be a pessimistic ass, but there's only one entry per person. You have 7.
  10. WakeskaterX

    WakeskaterX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hmm, well that's why one of them says ENTRY, the rest of them I just made for fun because they take like 2-3 minutes to make.

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