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RELEASED The Phantasm 1.3

A race of ethereal ghost-like beings

  1. Deatrathias

    Deatrathias Void-Bound Voyager

    Deatrathias submitted a new mod:

    The Phantasm - A race of ethereal ghost-like beings

    Read more about this mod...
    Viralord and Jareix Cryvix like this.
  2. demonix

    demonix Subatomic Cosmonaut

    if you want i can help you at spriting to do the armors and help you with the stuff (design more weapons, etc...) i'm quite good at pixel art so if you want to me to help you i can give you one armor sprite for each tier and you just have to make the others by modyfiing the base sprite just send me message, also now a personnal message, i really love the concept of your mod and i would really love to help you to devellop the mod, i mean, not just giving you 2-3 sprites but being really implicated in the devellopement of the mod (not has a mod creator just as a guy who help the modder) so already i can surely give you concepts if what i do doesn't interest you. (for ship, pet , armors as i said, etc) and if i have time , doing a fanart of the race, (you know like a big portrait) also if i do the fanart it will be on REAL paper but don't worry i know how to use photoshop and i'm good at drawing, of curse. i'm really interested to work with you if you want, like collaborate.
    Viralord likes this.
  3. Viralord

    Viralord Poptop Tamer

    This looks really cool! :O I'm definitely gonna cruise around as a spooky space ghost! *-* I can't wait to see all the features you've mentioned come to fruition! :D That being said, I do hope you take up Demonix's offer; as different looking armor helps to flesh out each race. :)

    Also have you considered tweaking the Scythes? As an early-game weapon, the broadswords are flatout better. I think the damage of the Scythe needs to be upgraded to that of a hammer since it's a single swing that both divides the damage between the swing & projectile and how it costs energy every swing. (Because if you run out of energy, you end up only dealing 3/4 damage with each swing)
  4. Deatrathias

    Deatrathias Void-Bound Voyager

    I still want to keep it a solo project, so I don't really want someone else working on it.

    As for the scythes, keep in mind that they don't have a wind up time and can be angled in any direction, which is something that two-handed weapons normally can't do.
    I want to change a few things in the next version, notably I want to change the melee/projectile damage ratio to 1/2, meaning that the projectile will be a lot more powerful, so that the weapon is more useful at range. It's supposed to be a melee/ranged hybrid weapon anyway, and you're supposed to manage your energy like you would do on a normal ranged weapon.
    jonathonspy likes this.
  5. demonix

    demonix Subatomic Cosmonaut

    as you want, but i still can do some sprite if you tell me what to do, but if you want to do evrything by yourself, i understand that)
  6. Deatrathias

    Deatrathias Void-Bound Voyager

    Deatrathias updated The Phantasm with a new update entry:

    Respawn and tenants

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    jonathonspy and bluestorm2112 like this.
  7. bluestorm2112

    bluestorm2112 Tentacle Wrangler

    Very cool, thanks for the update. Keep up the great work.
  8. Deatrathias

    Deatrathias Void-Bound Voyager

    I've been working on the scythe tiers
  9. Keyondria

    Keyondria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Floran isss very much okay with thisss. Floran downloaded Sssteam versssion.
  10. Starbound_Hero

    Starbound_Hero Master Chief

    Wasn't gonna lie, I thought this was like the terraria bow; The Phantasm
  11. Deatrathias

    Deatrathias Void-Bound Voyager

  12. Deatrathias

    Deatrathias Void-Bound Voyager

  13. jonathonspy

    jonathonspy Existential Complex

    any chance of Racial abilities?

    or little easter egg scythes?

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