The Penguin Syndicate XV - [GAME OVER]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Zebe, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. CjBeats

    CjBeats Weight of the Sky

    Wait really? I thought you just jumped on towards the middle. Dang yeah you messed up there.
    Jimlad 42 and Alkanthe like this.
  2. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    We both did. Hindsight is 20/20.
    Jimlad 42 and CjBeats like this.
  3. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I just realised why I make such a good town.
    I bandwagon hardcore, give any info I have, and come up with good reasons for my vote for the bandwagon.
    Jimlad 42, CjBeats and Alkanthe like this.
  4. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova what's the lucky penny?
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  5. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    rumor has it, if you find a penny head side up, you get 24hrs good luck. Like knocking on wood or other lucky practises.
    Jimlad 42 and Alkanthe like this.
  6. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    Why were you looking for one? What more luck would you need?
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  7. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, just hoping the agaran doesn't infect us.
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  8. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    I mean, we could fix that.
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  9. CjBeats

    CjBeats Weight of the Sky

    It's a 50/50 chance. I found a lucky penny today in fact if that's what it is, so hopefully it actually works.

    Edit: Also I just realized it's only 2 more hours till day end. If Hunter was gonna come in, he would've done it by now so he shouldn't get a night move in the first place. So we shouldn't be infected tonight then we just lynch him early morning next day and end the game.
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  10. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    50/50 chance of win with agaran or 50/50 chance of win with town, or 50/50 chance of getting killed.

    That's a 2/3 chance of winning(if agaran winning includes me)
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  11. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova


    I'm literally about to fall asleep, even though I do wanna be up for EoD.
    If it does.
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  12. CjBeats

    CjBeats Weight of the Sky

    I would like to be up for EoD but I'm actually dead tired so I'm about to sleep so that won't happen
    Jimlad 42 and Alkanthe like this.
  13. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    Jimlad 42 and CjBeats like this.
  14. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Could @Zebe clarify if I win with agaran if I'm infected by agarans?
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  15. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    I'm tired. Sorry.

    If you lynch me and get infected you win.
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  16. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    @Jake9039 and you're okay with that? You think Hunter would infect you above Cj?
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  17. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I mean, I can ask them not to lynch, and just infect me with a 75% chance
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  18. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    CJ just wants the game to end. Are you sure he'd take the uncertain option over the certain option of lynching you, with or without Hunter?
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  19. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  20. Zebe

    Zebe Space Kumquat

    Yes, that is true. All Agarans, both infected and original, will win in the case they manage to take over.
    Jimlad 42 and Alkanthe like this.

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