I don't think there are any special roles, except for the king penguin, that lets me pretend to be a boring human. ... Wait... ONLY ONE CAN BE BORING HUMAN It's either Zebe or me. If we are both "boring human" one of us is the king penguin. So guys. If I die as a boring human. It's Zebe. Unless Zebe is lying about being a boring human.
So guys... Kill both of us... If you know that both of us are Boring Humans, Either Zebe or Me is the Penguin King.
If one of us is just a Boring Human. Then its innocence. If it's the Penguin King. Then it's to seal the identity... Of being a legitimate Boring Human. ._. Enough spam. I'm gonna get lynched. Civilians, I'm 80% certain that @Zebe is the Penguin King.
Um. Hey. There can be multiple players with the same role. MilkCalf and Arra were Boring Humans. As evidenced. Milk and Arra weren't likely King Penguins, as they were Nightkilled and there probably are no Cultists. Though, after this stuff, you seem even more innocent to me. Vote: None I'm not sure who to vote for...
All of this is confusing me. Im staying neutral untill i manage to figure out what is actually going on. VOTE: NONE
WOOP WOOP! Vote count time! ^^ *** ^^ 4 votes are enough for a lynch. Not Voting - @CjBeats @FactoringZettaShonic @SpaceMonkeyRingo @Zebe Zebe - @Ren Fox Ren Fox - @HunterC1998 No other votes ^^ *** ^^
Okay, did a quick re-read... These were right after another. And so were these. We may have a serious case of Penguin in our hands. Zetta is clearly following Hunter. I'm not sure which one to go for, but I have a feeling that lynching Hunter would reveal more. Vote: HunterC1998 Opinions?
It would reveal you fooking up! And what am I supposed to do? Tell Zetta what to do? I'm not getting screwed over cause someone's got itchy Lynch fingers..
That happened twice. We'll see after today. If you get lynched that is. No probs. Should we try lynching either Hunter or Zetta? Nobody else seems to be around to vote... No-lynch won't help us in getting rid of the Penguins, that's for sure.
Vote? Someone? That's because you're obviously a Penguin. You're trying to attack back. Not very innocent thing to do. And not that much more, if you remember the last time I actually was a Civvie.
1: There's a reason I said 'A bit' 2: I'm not attacking, just seeing if anyone else agrees or if I am just seeing things.. 3:How am I obviously a penguin?
1: You said "again" where? 2: Ok. 3: Because Cj isn't because he didn't end the game with a majority lynch when there was a chance. And because Ren probably isn't, given his very civilian-ish mistake. And I know I'm not. That leaves you, Spacey and Zetta. That's 33% chance already. And there's pretty big evidence why you and Zetta would both be Penguins. So yeah, kinda obvious.