True that. Hey, in that case, maybe you're a Cultist! I know. No need to fallacy me, I literally run on intuition here.
Heck, I have to agree on that. Too bad I've only been that twice... but then again, twice was more than enough. Oh hi Zesko. Vote: zeskorion.
I can't believe you've all so impolite. I'll welcome in the newcomers again, then. Vote: @Karmin Arlert Welcome to the madhouse Syndicate. I tortured people for 10 months. Twas fun. That's the GM curse.
Why they put us here with those birds is beyond me... And how can the suits imprison me but those assholes walk over them? *Inaudible mumbling* Hey pengus! Can I join you? Please? Or I can just skin you... Heh heh heh heh heh haah haah haah! *cough cough cough*
It sure was, since all of my victims were volunteers. Many stayed around for several rounds of that horror. Some even all 10.