You can never be too sure I think we should hold off from any more role claim attempts (off hand comments), the Hylotl can only protect so many you know
But that was too obvious, in my opinion, and even if it hadn't been, I just ruined it by pointing it out for Apathy.
In this game Wilfrey is a lot like Zetta: their actions are too random to figure out whether what they say is the truth or not, which helps no one overall. Like last time I say we wait for everyone to post once before we get into serious discussion.
I disagree with this; I know Wilfrey, and I think this was what I said it was. True, it may still be a lie, but I don't think he would lie in this manner.
I'm not saying he's lying, but his actions overall seem to be at random with no true meaning yet, much like Zetta's involvement in the past games. If he feels like he wishes to help solve the case with the rest of us, then I'll gladly listen to his arguments and reasoning. Having false knowledge puts all the citizens in danger, that we can agree on.
I completely agree. I'm not good at talking without a real reason, but I guess I can say: Trust no one especially yourself.
He makes a lot more sense to me than Zetta does, to be sure. But you are right in that we shouldn't judge by one post.
Very true indeed. But we cannot trust anybody in this casino.You could be the penguin.He could be the penguin,She could be the penguin,i could be the penguin! Same applies to the Cultist role. I hardly know any of you. Analyzing for potential penguins will be harder on my side.
*Sits and admires the scene* I don't have to do ssshit for you people to destroy each other, do I? I guessss I ssshould pipe up, It iss my job to keep you scrubssss alive on and off the gameboard.
A concurrent claim? As in someone who agreesss? I'm not making any claimsss, jusst talking. Few people have sspoken on here yet, letss wait for ssome true sussspicious behavior.
You know the besst part? If I was truly mindfucking you people, no one would even question my role, or even acknowledge my exissstence until half the game was dead. I'm ssskilled like that.
Unless further on in we find out you where lying -3- If anyone's inconspicuous role claims conflict we defiantly have a problem