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RELEASED The Nebulites 3.2

The Nebulite Race: An ancient race forgotten by time!

  1. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Not sure I'll make custom planets, but I'm gonna be giving wrecked ships drifting in space a try. It should be pretty easy, I'll just have pre-made ones using the same system as the gate.
  2. LlamaStein

    LlamaStein Void-Bound Voyager

    May be you should make a trello so we can see what you have planned and may be give inputs on them
  3. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    A trello?
  4. LlamaStein

    LlamaStein Void-Bound Voyager

  5. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Maybe, I was also considering adding a link of sorts for WIP builds. It would include a list of current changes and be available to anyone to allow testing before updating.
    LlamaStein likes this.
  6. LlamaStein

    LlamaStein Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice :up:
  7. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Aye, I'd definitely suggest if you were to put dungeon encounters moons and asteroids would be an excellent idea. They're underused, and the theme fits the Nebulites a little, as you seem to be basing them around Starbound's mysterious ruins a bit. Hell even Frakin' Universe mostly ignores those two spaces.
  8. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Never really gave it much thought but I could give it a go. I may squeeze in 1 or 2 generated dungeons with 2.3, but the update's focus is mainly going to center around some boss tweaks and finishing off the armors. And man, do I hate drawing armors (Although they're looking pretty good so far.)
  9. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Alright, if you're interested, I'm gonna start putting WIP builds here so I can get feedback before releases. Here's the current build for 2.3:
    http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37999906/dl-files/nebuliteracemod/builds/Nebulite Race 2.3 (WIP Build 1.24.2016).zip

    Current changelog so far:

    • Changed the design of the Iron Armor.
    • Added Steel Armor.
    • Added Titanium Armor.
    • Anarchy no longer drops items on the ground. Instead, he spawns loot fairies that you have to hunt down. This is to help spread drops to the party better.
    • Added Loot Fairies. These gift-shaped boxes drop loot when killed!
    • Added tiered loot boxes. Loot boxes range from Lv.1 to Lv.6. Their level determines their loot strength.
    • Added 8 new male heads and 8 new female heads. All heads from here on out will have unique runes. Older heads will remain unchanged.
    • Added a new legendary broadsword: Lightbane. This sword drops from the Anarchy raid boss!
    • Added more legendaries to the legendary loot capsule.
    • Added more name parts to the name-gen list.
    • Added Nebulite Bed (Suggested by LlamaStein!)
    • Removed platform collision from Dark Energy Lamp.
    • Tweaked Pillars of Death a little bit.
    • Tweaked the textures of Darkness Being and Anarchy a bit.
    • Tweaked palette for head rune colors a bit to remove an excess pixel that showed on some hats.
    • Changed the look of the wanderer's body. He now has a unique style. (Will be revealed later.)
    • Changed the background of Pillars of Life a bit to make it seem more lively.
    • Changed some of the ambient sounds in both Pillars of Life and Pillars of Death.
    • Changed the rate of Insidia Crystals in supply chests from 10% to 30%.
    • Changed the texture of Insidia Crystals.
    • Changed Anarchy's Soul Gem rarity from legendary to rare.
    • Removed some blocks near the raid spawn to prevent the boss getting stuck.
    • Both Darkness Being and Anarchy will no longer lose track of you if you run away.
    • Increased Anarchy's detection range.
    • Anarchy can no longer be stunned.
    • Reduced the hold-damage multiplier on Anarchy's staff from 10x to 2x. (The 10x was an accident. Though most staves only have 0.5x anyways.)

    If you use this build, please leave any feedback you feel should be worth noting. Also, keep in mind that some things are incomplete (Such as the armor icons) and will be finished later on.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  10. Apexastronaut

    Apexastronaut Space Hobo

    noticed an issue with insidia crystals. you need to find one to make a terraforming staff. not bad but i cant seem to upgrade my modulator, so that makes it extremely difficult to get enough fuel to search the stars for these crystals. i suggest either making the staff a starting item, or rewarding it to the player after you find the stranger. either way it doesn't seem to be a very comfortable thing to achieve naturally. everything else is fine though, keep up the good work.

    update: it also doesn't retrieve minerals or resources, so you should probably make it described as something other than a mining staff.

    i also noticed maybe the modulator upgrade issues are caused by me running multiple mods, but at the same time i don't know for certain
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  11. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Insidia Crystal drop rates were slightly buffed in the WIP build, but it still needs more testing to see how it goes. They can also be obtained from bosses and the raid boss is the most reliable source of them, however he requires a party to take down.

    As for the terraforming staff not dropping the blocks it destroys, this is intentional. I will make note in it's description about that though, thanks for pointing it out. :)
    Apexastronaut likes this.
  12. NovaTyphoon

    NovaTyphoon Void-Bound Voyager

    I was able to defeat both the Darkness Being and Anarchy legit with only steel armor equipped, along with a quaterstaff with the special ability of Trail Dash and with this ability I could dodge the boss's hits plus do damage to them. I think you should actually increase the damage done by the bosses.
    ZimaZang likes this.
  13. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Hmmm... based on how the fight went, how much would you recommend buffing them? Darkness being isn't intended to be incredibly hard, but Anarchy is.

    I'm also working on making corrupted variants of normal mobs that Anarchy will spawn to assist himself.
  14. NovaTyphoon

    NovaTyphoon Void-Bound Voyager

    :poke: It would be great if Anarchy spawned some small lesser demons like the Darkness Being (although maybe less powerful), plus a 30% speed boost and maybe even a 10x damage buff from the current stats of Anarchy. That would be A+ :up:

    EDIT: Actually, the damage boost should be around 5x from the current stats as it would do 230 damage (10x damage) which is way too high.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  15. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    ZimaZang updated The Nebulites with a new update entry:

    Update - Armor, Fixes, Boss Tweaks, and more!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    LlamaStein and Esreadel like this.
  16. PoopUnicorn

    PoopUnicorn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I really like the new armor but can you make old iron armor still craftable? Maybe put it as starting clothes or something? I really like your mod and I think it would be nice if you made more nebulite furniture so you can make tennant homes. Thank you!
    ZimaZang likes this.
  17. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Sure! I might add it in as an optional starter armor then.
    PoopUnicorn likes this.
  18. xandertifft

    xandertifft Subatomic Cosmonaut

    also the raid boss is affeced by status effect.i used a frakin sword and he cought on fire
  19. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Mind telling me which sword you were using? He has immunity to all status effects, so that shouldn't be happening.
  20. xandertifft

    xandertifft Subatomic Cosmonaut

    the lava short sword thingy,i dont have the mods anymore,i went to nightly,cus THE FRICKIN COTTON

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