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RELEASED The Nebulites 3.2

The Nebulite Race: An ancient race forgotten by time!

  1. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    this is one of the few mods i deem "absolutely necessary" when i play, will there be fist weapons added? (big ass rock fists pls) and is there unique dialog?
    LlamaStein likes this.
  2. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    I actually hadn't even thought of adding rock fists, but now that you mention it, it sounds badass. Definitely doing that.

    As for unique dialogue, npcs will mention having a headache when they talk to you, and Florans will mention remembering the Nebulites. Outside of that, there isn't a whole lot yet but it's definitely planned.
    LlamaStein likes this.
  3. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    ZimaZang updated The Nebulites with a new update entry:

    Update/Fix - Raid Boss!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    LlamaStein likes this.
  4. LlamaStein

    LlamaStein Void-Bound Voyager

    How about something Like a floating stone vehicle? Like a hoverbike just retextured to a stone. Or something like that
  5. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Yup! Already planned, though I'm not too sure on the execution of it at this point, it's pretty low on my priorities list. I really should finish off the armors.
  6. LlamaStein

    LlamaStein Void-Bound Voyager

    Yea. You're right. Just thought it'd be a cool idea.
  7. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Finished my edit of the bed, opinions?
    Relten and xandertifft like this.
  8. LlamaStein

    LlamaStein Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice :DD really fits the style well!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
  9. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Well, I found my 'big third' of race mods, at least whenever Peglaci gets a official or unofficial update :D I absolutely love the Quarterstaff, and the Darkness debuff they use is pretty awesome. Right now I need to get a supply chest with the right items still but wanna see how the story works, it has some good potential.
  10. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Thanks! I'm still a little limited on my means of telling their story as quests seem to be the only way of telling it, but I'll do my best with what I've got. I'd love to try to add cutscenes, but that may have to wait for Starbound's story update.
  11. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Ah crap... Anarchy's staff has a 5x hold-damage multiplier, that wasn't intentional... Oh well, it's not too terribly important, I'll nerf that a bit with 2.3.

    EDIT: Whoops... Uh... it's actually 10x. Oh boy.
    EricD112 likes this.
  12. xandertifft

    xandertifft Subatomic Cosmonaut

    how to get quests?
  13. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    You get the first quest upon starting your character, it's called "Chapter I: Alone". From there, your first goal is to find another Nebulite (Hint: Check out the new location on the warp gate.)

    Keep in mind this questline is ONLY available to Nebulite characters. The Wanderer will ignore you if you are not the same race as him.
  14. xandertifft

    xandertifft Subatomic Cosmonaut

    THANKS i havent gone to the gate in a while
  15. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    No problem! Feel free to let me know if any problems show up, this is my first time doing quests.
  16. xandertifft

    xandertifft Subatomic Cosmonaut

    its not there :[ the guy isnt at the ark eather. :{
  17. xandertifft

    xandertifft Subatomic Cosmonaut

    also,the first quest is imposible becouse of the quickstart mod, it addds custom commands for all techs,core frags,crstals and such.the command is NOT THERE!!!!
  18. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't think there's anything I can do about that, I'll just have to list quick quests as an incompatible mod.
  19. LlamaStein

    LlamaStein Void-Bound Voyager

    Maybe you have to make a new Nebulite Char.
  20. ZimaZang

    ZimaZang Cosmic Narwhal

    Quick Quests is probably interfering, it definitely works, it looks like this when working properly:

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