Some say they originated from a cosmic warp distortion, some say they came from a mad egg-shaped scientist's lab, others (The right ones) say they came from an entirely different set of universes all togeather The Martexians are one of the first "Races" (if you can call the that) to achieve what many thought was impossible, building an empire that spanned through whole universes. They are extremely techy, and even rival the the combined IQ of the greatest Apex and Novakid minds, and are often refered to by the glitches as "The Technomancers" Martexs, commonly being either robots entirely or just cyborgs have a natural link to technology, however despite this each one has a unique personality and treats. Despite being classified as a race, Martexians are just a coalition of different races throughout the many universes that the Martex Dominion was formed from, all starting from earth prime (An earth that evil space squids didn't turn into lunch) and the original Martex, according to figures shown proudly by martexs, there is at least 50 different Martexians in each universe, times that by the infinite number of universes, and you got a hell of a lot of Mad Geniuses (Yes we know, they brake the lore, that is the whole point of the Martexians, they are basically a race of Deadpools with the IQ or Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking combined, they take the forth wall and destroy it) Most Martexians run by a single motto: "If it moves and it aint friendly, KILL IT." Humans find Martexians disturbing, they don't know why, they just give humans the creeps with there deep dark, sinister stares Martexian ships are mighty destroyers with unrivaled firepower and versatility, including 2 massive hangers at teir 8, and even a functional, oxygen shielded deck on the top of the ship Despite there sinister appearance and intentions, Martexians are very friendly when not busy or working, and are natural jokers. The Martexians have brought the galaxy many great things, for example: the descovery of many other sentient races, Multiverse TV and funny cat vids on the internet topped off with the best military tech the Humans discovered the gun. However, the Martexians also bring much suffering and despair, for example it has been estimated that at least 50% of all animals killed are by Martexian/Floran/both hunting parties Martexians show hostility to anyone foolish enough to tick one off, so ever since the Martexians arrived, the rate of wars started has risen by 15%, and at least 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% are won by the Martexians the Martexians, are commonly seen wearing jet black armor with piercing red eyes, males often wear red capes to assert there power onto others, and you almost NEVER see their real faces, because 99.9% of Martexians wear helmets to protect themselves, as for shape, commonly humanoid, but it can variate Likes: Technology The Glitch The Avians (Martexians commonly have birds/cats/dogs as pets if they do not own a construct as a pet already) The Apex (Friendly Rivals) The Humans (Martex Prime was originally human before he was turned into a robot) Robots Large weapons Machine guns Explosives Mechs The Internet Not being P***** off all the time Dislikes: Egg shaped scientists (You don't want to know why, long story short, its a feud that has been going on for 500 Millennial now) The Novakids (Theres just something about a humanoid sentient gas that creeps the Martexians out, the first reaction was "WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?!?") The Hylotl (The Martexian is the natural enemy of the tree hugging hippie, The Martexians dont hate the Hylotl, they just dont get along that well, becuse you know, Martexians are the Hylotls polar oppisite, Gun building, Planet burning, Warmongers, but they can get along should the right peices be in play.) Being P***** off all the time (That just makes em even more angry) Tech: Martexians are known to be tech giants but none could have imagined there advancements in the field until now Martexian crafting benches - robotics crafting bench reskin, no functional changes exept for having access to all Martexian weapons, items and armor and being expensive as all hell. Martexian STG-150-5000 series assault rifles - High fire rate plasma assault rifles, lovingly titled "The Problem Solver Serise" Only avalible through crafting or Martexian weapon dealers/Weapon ATMs Martexian P-900-10K Pistols - Easy to conceal, while also having a kick, its like a military grade plasma cannon that you can duel wield, given the odd title of "The Luger-nator", only avalible through Martexian crafting benches or Martexian weapon dealers/ Weapon ATMs (This prefix is getting old) Heal-inator - a "Weapon" that heals people, and animals, can be used to tame wild creatures with ease, but its expensive as hell. Weapon ATMs - Automated weapon dealerships using 3d printer technology to build weapons in exchange for pixles, easiest but most expensive way of getting Martexian weapons and armor. Constructs - Any Martexians best freind/Hunting Partner/Evil Minion/Personal Servant/*Insert Other uses here, can only be accessed though Martexian automated shops MAS - Martexian automated Shops are basically your average general store run by nanobots, these sell Martexian cloths/armor and Constructs as pets Quantum Plasma Wrist Blade - any assassins best means of delivering a silent kill, also any Martexian's weapon of choice for self preservation suitable for even the harshest of worlds M.A.K. - Magnetic Accelerator Kannon, Any armored target's worst nightmare, this thing rips through armor like paper but butchers your energy, use with caution. Tank Tech - Summon an armored fighting vehicle to punch through an enemy fortification, functions a lot like mech tech Omega blink - No more range issues, the Omega Blink, while uber rare can allow its user to travel to any point on the world map, and find underground complexes with ease (Only found in Martexian Tech chests, Rarer then the highest level of tech chest currently in the game) Grapple beam - A cheaper, more limited version of the targeted blink, can allow the user to latch onto and travel to any solid object, but cannot travel through walls, as with the normal Targeted Blink. Adventure Lord 2000 - A personal version of your ship's S.A.I.L. that allows you to change tech, go on missions and 3d print (Small items only) while in the comfort of your space station or camp site, it also prevents loneliness on those long tiresome quests to find tech chests Race exclusive Missions (Pre-Final story based mission) The Universe is mine! - Aquire 100 Crystals (Diamonds/Rubium, any crystal item in the game) for your super weapon and give them to your S.A.I.L. Guidance from the Original - Speak with Martex Prime to learn how to allow the Martex Dominion to take over this realm. (Final Story mission, This Mission will differ in name with each race) The Final Showdown - Confront the Evil Space Squid and Save/Dominate the Multiverse/universe/galaxy/that tiny shed near the outpost you've been looking at. Culture The Martexians have a fairly uniqe culture based somewhat on a mix of England and its "Posh" buildings and personalities (Minus the accents) and America, with its "A tool for every job" Lifestyle, along with the military reputation of modern day America with a 99% increase on its existing budget.
Martexians don't hate the Hylotls, they just don't get along due to there drastically different ways of life, there can be cases where Martexians and Hylotls can work togeather, just not very often
Oh, ok. It was just that hylotl what on their list of dislikes, so naturally I thought that they hated them
Personally, a lot of Hylotl are total snobs. And if they don't like it, they can line up behind me one by one and kiss my scaly a-... Oh... Didn't realize that this was publicly posted... :/
This is the apex race, the glitch race, and the anime race mod mixed into one...... I don't think this will make it to vanilla
It's a really cool suggestion, but I think as the gentlefolk above me stated, it seems like it's kind of been done. It looks like apex culture smacked onto glitch bodies to me. I still think you should publish the tech. It's interesting and I'd actually want to see it in game, but the race itself is a little flat. Good work anyway! Thanks!
Well the Martexians, are commonly seen wearing jet black armor with piercing red eyes, males often wear red capes to assert there power onto others, and you almost NEVER see their real faces, because 99.9% of Martexians wear helmets to protect themselves, as for shape, commonly humanoid, but it can variate, for example, some mutated Martexians have a bone structure allot like the Avali, A modded Species,.[DOUBLEPOST=1432749248][/DOUBLEPOST] Well like i seid in the description, alot of these things are subject to change and if i like an idea or find it better than my own, il change the Martexians to fit the community's needs or desires for a new race.
I still think people want something to see, me included. You could make a quick sketch, doesn't matter how good you are at drawing. I believe that if you can imagine things, you can draw them. Or are they just like your avatar? Anyway, just waiting for more info before I can judge.
Just cooked up a basic sprite using my existing avatar, and i followed the established look, jet black, red eyes, cybernetics, helmet, and a few things i threw in because they fit, such as a basic trench coat and a pair of lab gloves