The Magical Thread of Slimy Awesomeness

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LuthienNightwolf, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. TinySpaceFox

    TinySpaceFox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    @sketchunter of course I don't mind :) It's great that we're both interested in these responses. Hope to see more :)

    I think the game is poking fun at the $ logo you see in cartoons when a character curses. They don't use the dollar sign here because the residents of the valley use coins and not dollars as their currency. Just a thought.

    Now I'm wondering if each spouse has unique lines when s/he sees a slime in the house. Time to try this with Penny :sneaky:
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
    • Minimanta

      Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

      Yeah, I think so too, just found it hilarious to see. Didn't come across it when I tested the spouses' reactions to slimes.

      And I think they have the same reactions. I've seen many of the shown responses from both Abby and Haley.
      • LuthienNightwolf

        LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

        I love that we're all experimenting with this now - our poor spouses though! lol I haven't hatched any more slimes in the house but seeing the other reactions is making me want to. >u<

        Do you guys think this is the Easter Egg that CA mentioned nobody found yet? :O
        • Minimanta

          Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

          I've been wondering about that too. He did say it was something he thought nobody would ever do and how many would hatch slimes in their house in an average playthrough? xP
          It's possible it's that easter egg.
            LuthienNightwolf likes this.
          • Obesius

            Obesius Big Damn Hero

            I'm going to try it, I will go to the bus tunnel and fill it with slimes, does it work there?
            • Cramped Sultana

              Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

              I wonder if you can put an incubator in the casino? I haven't tried that yet.
              • Eikos

                Eikos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Is there a quote for that?

                Wait... what about the beach? I just had a thought... There's an icon on the map named "The Lonely Rock". Slimes can spawn in rivers and stuff. Do you think maybe...?
                • Cramped Sultana

                  Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

                  I don't know, but now I'm picturing Elliott stepping out the door of his shack and being carried off by a horde of slimes with hearts over their heads...
                  • LuthienNightwolf

                    LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                    It was in one of his interviews, I wanna say it was the one just before 1.1 came out (at PAX I think?) - I remember he said something about there being some little thing that no one had found.

                    I tried hatching slimes on the beach and they wouldn't breed unless I was actually there, so I kinda gave up on that. Same for the community center. Haven't tried the desert or the casino yet.
                    • Obesius

                      Obesius Big Damn Hero

                      Sadly can't breed in the guild xD
                      • Cramped Sultana

                        Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

                        Other places I want to try are the witch's swamp and the Mutant Bug Lair.
                        • Eikos

                          Eikos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Found the quote!
                            LuthienNightwolf likes this.
                          • LuthienNightwolf

                            LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                            Yes, that's the one. lol

                            I would definitely consider hatching slimes in our house weird and obscure. And yes, we're doing it. lol
                            • lilly_ampleton

                              lilly_ampleton Void-Bound Voyager

                              Wow this is so awesome and definitely obscure. If you have a twitter account you should show this to CA. It might just be the obscure secret people have been trying to find for ages...:lolwut:
                              • Surenu

                                Surenu The End of Time

                                I like how the spouse quotes can be easily taken out of context.
                                "Wh-what did I do wrong, hubby?"
                                "Oh, I don't know, maybe let dangerous monsters that are out for blood into our house? What the heck is wrong you?"
                                "B-but I..."
                                "No more buts! You have a problem and you know it! Next you're gonna plant Mega Bombs in the forest just to get rid of rocks or what?"
                                "Honey, I think I need to tell you something..."
                                • LuthienNightwolf

                                  LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                  I don't, but I'm sure someone here does and they can point him in this direction. We have plenty of pictures now. :D
                                    lilly_ampleton likes this.
                                  • Obesius

                                    Obesius Big Damn Hero

                                    I have twitter.
                                    Will send him the link to this topic.
                                    • Surenu

                                      Surenu The End of Time

                                      Great times are ahead. Everyone, look sharp!
                                        LuthienNightwolf likes this.
                                      • Obesius

                                        Obesius Big Damn Hero

                                        Now we wait, can't post the screenshot of my message cuz I'm mobile right now.
                                        Real life job :cry:

                                        edit here:
                                          Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
                                          newhpete and TinySpaceFox like this.
                                        • LuthienNightwolf

                                          LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                          Actually, on page 2, right about the middle. ;) But that'll be cool if he comes here and sees it. >u>

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