BWAHAGAHGAGAHAGA! Check out my hat! But before that happens... You're welcome. Anyways check it out! It's colored lamp shades! ERRRMAAAGEERRRSH! It comes in 8 colors! Classy Classic, Glorious Green, Gayrocious Orange, Murderous Pink, Swagadellic Purple, Rice Red, and Urine Yellow! Isn't it utterly legendary? But there's one more, and it's secret, so follow me. A RAINBOW lamp shade!Because, SATAN! :catface2: Oh, and I have two hats I constructed that I wanted to enter into the competition, but I thought the lamp shades were better There's my other two creations! The first one is a cage, because the ugly police came by and put you in jail! The second is an epic face mask, which I later saw another thread that entered a epic face and it looked far better than mine These were my creations, and it was my first stab at spriting! Hope you enjoyed it!
That'd be glorious, although I think there is a paper bag entry going around here... But then again, I've already made a rainbow lampshade, what have I got to lose?
I haven't made a "Paper Bag" version yet, but I was just chilling, and then, inspiration happened! I started going ham, pixelated left and right, and occasionally down, and then... BOOM! This Happened! Wait, what? You can't see it you say? Gasp! *Waves fingers* BOOM! Magic. Sorry for the bad quality up closem but let me explain the main points. THIS IS A FREAKING SUBURBAN SAMURAI! The lamp shade- Sedge Shade The pink snuggie- Kimono And industrial sized paper towel roll on his back- Samurai Sword. WHAATAHH!