Race The Leeven - Pride&Prey

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Beatrice, May 23, 2014.

  1. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    The Leeven – Pride&Prey


    The Leeven (in their own language: Li-Ven, also: Leevens) are an anthropomorphic lion-race, known as merchants, bankers and explorers. Always searching to increase their “prey” (Fa-mi) and the honor of their “pride” (Fi-ma), they reached the end of the galaxy and have a somewhat notorious reputation – characterized as sly, deceitful and even untrustworthy by those who were tricked by their advanced merchant practice. However, others are fascinated by their culture and unique society which can be defined as an anarchic-plutocratic system, consisting of alliances and feuds between different clan-structures.

    They are a rather peaceful race, because they like to exert power through money, not through war. In fact, their word for “pride and prey” (Fima-fami) means “power” in their language and is viewed as ultimate goal for a true Leeven. “Absorbing” a person, a colony or even a race by making it dependent from their commerce is viewed as art. Besides that, they have a very strong sense for their “pride”, which is much more than just a family or dynasty. If a member of a pride is attacked, all members of this pride and its allies will deal with the aggressor; in that case, these mostly gentle lions will show their teeth and roar.

    Even if the Leeven have started a space program themselves, they stick to their traditional culture which is a crossover of the Early Modern Period and the oriental Mediterranean. They like to raise fish in their bow-nets and press wine from grapes. Their society is heavily influenced by the "Book of Pride and Prey" (also called the "Book of Power"). As expanding its pride is seen as an important part of life, polygamy is common in leeven societies. Nevertheless, this depends on the status of a pride and has certain rules.

    Chapters I-IX: Main

    I. Physiology, Clothes, Armor

    A leeven marketplace

    The Leeven are very similar to anthropomorphic lions from Earth. Like these, the male Leeven have a majestic mane which is seen as a sign of prestige and age. They are a bit taller than humans, but especially males with their mane look taller. Leeven have a normal lifespan of 100 years.

    Their normal clothes are very similar to those worn in the human Early Modern Age in the Mediterranean. Their typical outfit is divided in four different categories which reflect the leeven society: Sailors, Merchants, Bankers, Patricians. The last three classes like to wear long cloaks and tricornes. A Kaftan-like dress is also in use, normally worn together with an ornamented turban.

    Even if the Leeven never had something like a standing army or conscription, mercenaries have a long tradition in their history. Originally, these were part of private armies to wage war against other prides in bloody feuds; later they were used to protect new trade posts. Leeven armor has many similarities with human oriental armor, like the Turkish Janissaries used. However, as the Leeven had contact with other races, higher ranks have a much more advanced armor, but keeping this style.

    EDIT: I've browsed a bit through deviantArt and found this and that. These pictures are not done by me, but the authors on deviantArt and taken as examples to give a better impression. All praise to them. This are only ideas what a Leeven may look like, depending on his role in society.

    A male Leeven
    A female Banker
    A male Sailor
    A female Sailor
    A honorable merchant
    A couple
    On a Journey I
    On A Journey II

    Sprites done by friendly people:

    by Dragonith:


    by Ado:


    by myself, based on Dragonith's sprite:


    by Heriol:


    II. Language, Names

    The language of the Leeven is called Leevensi (in their language: Li-vensi, literally: “(that what the) people say”). Some historians are convinced that the leeven society was one united nation before the Great Flood, which would explain why all Leeven speak the same language. In the course of centuries the original language evolved in each pride; because of that, each pride has a specific accent or even dialect which another Leeven can immediately identify. But still it remains only one language which is one of the links between all Leeven.

    Leeven names begin with the name of the pride, followed by the personal name. The name of a pride is short and consists only of one syllable with two or three letters in a consonantal-vocalic rhythm. Personal names are normally longer to avoid any possibility of confusion. Both are connected with a hyphen, leading to some typical names like Al-Marin, Ar-Sanal, As-Schaba, Az-Kalab, Bel-Jur, Ben-Yamir, De-Grote, Del-Battuta, Di-Lando, El-Dorian, Ibn-Assam, Il-Lago, Iz-Fahel, Ya-Shur, Ur-Lan and many others more. If a Leeven meets a stranger, he would introduce himself first as “I’m Lan from the (glorious/great/honest/rich/famous/*enter-exuberant-adjective-here*) house of As” (As-Lan), like a human would say “Hi, I’m Jack.”

    III. Everyday Life: Structures, Cuisine and Culture

    Beatiful leeven ornaments

    Leeven architecture consists of an elaborate style with much attend to detail. Soft brick, sandstone brick and packed dirt are combined to harmonious forms and buildings with an oriental-venetian touch. Mosaics and huge open windows are common. The palaces of a pride are splendid structures; normally, the basement and the main floor are used as trading station or warehouse of the pride, whereas the upper floors are private rooms. Their houses are decorated with items from other cultures, showing the prey they made on their long Journey. The Leevens have also affection for water (in huge contrasts to other felidae). They like fountains, channels and dams.

    This is hardly surprising, because fish farming is one of the main sources for food in their culture. Spices and hot dishes are highly esteemed, and so is meat and wine. In fact, wine is a very important part of leeven culture, and a Leeven without wine is seen as a poor guy. Cubs who have to leave the pride get at least 3 grape seeds before they begin their journey to secure their wine supply. Another typical leeven dish is La-Zanja. It's exactly what you think it is...

    All in all, the Leeven are omnivores; however they prefer to eat non-intelligent species. Eating a Hylotl or Floran is not very profitable, because you can do it only one time; instead, you may trick them twice or even more times.

    It’s also important to note that even if “prey” means so much in the leeven society, culture is not absent but blooming since centuries. That seems surprising, as a plutocratic society would normally deny such things as “unprofitable”; however, culture is heavily sponsored by the prides to celebrate their own greatness. Literature, opera and drama take a high role and are financed by the most influential prides that have an interest to better their reputation in the society. For example, there is no “History of the Leeven” or a National Epic, but thousands of historical books, written in the name of a specific leeven pride; there are also millions of stories, fairy tales and legends considering the founder of a pride or the tale of a famous merchant from that family. And as prey is nothing without pride, Leevens spend a lot when it comes to that.

    By the way: Leevens really like music. Maybe it’s their rather vocalic language which is perfectly suited for singing and opera (there is a strange musical about singing felines, but it’s also heavily criticized by conformists). The typical leeven instrument is the Mandoline.

    Also, as the concept of “state” is rather thin, schools, libraries and even hospitals are donations of powerful prides which have an interest to get more votes in political elections.

    IV. The Philosophy of the Fima-fami

    Leeven ethics are compiled in the so-called “Fima-fami”, which can be translated as “(Book of) Pride and Prey” or “(Book of) Power”. It consists of a number of rules which were made to ensure at least some degree of co-existence between the different prides. It’s not seen as a “holy scripture” or a real codex, but as a morale guide to a good life and is protected by the High Consul of their home planet, who is seen as the highest authority among all prides. Here an example for the first rules:

    Rule One: There is no prey without pride and no pride without prey.

    Rule Two: Everything is allowed as long as you gain prey.

    Rule Three: Nothing is allowed as long as it hurts your pride.

    Rule Four: Wine is really good. Drink some.

    Rule Five: The world is bad. Trick others before they trick you.

    Rule Six: The word “deceit” is used by those without success.

    Rule Seven: People forget. They don’t remember bad things after a while. You can trick them again.

    Rule Eight: The greatness of a pride consists of the prey it has.

    Rule Nine: Children are a long-term investment. They are both prey and pride. What could be better?

    Rule Ten: No rule of this book should be changed. Neither should a rule be added to this rule to trick me, boy. Already thought of that.

    It’s unknown when the Fima-Fami was published the first time, and it’s also not sure when it will be finished; and as there exists the rule that no rule can be changed, the Leeven stick to the tradition and only add new rules to the book (except to Rule Ten, as the inventor of the book had foreseen that… unfortunately). Here is an example considering the Rule Seventeen:

    Many Leeven thought that this may have leaded their society in a false direction, so this rule was later “enhanced”:

    The Fima-Fami has a high impact on the leeven worldview. Some frame the book as source for a very realistic, maybe even Machiavellian habit, which sees a possible source of money in anyone who is not part of their pride. On the other side, it also makes the Leevens rather non-ideological and skeptical when it comes to “great ideas” or fanatical thoughts.

    V. Pride: The Society

    The palace of a pride

    Whereas “prey” (Fa-mi) is more or less “profit” in our language, the word “pride” (Fi-ma) has many different meanings, and it is not easy to translate. Interestingly, it’s not only the term “pride” like in “a pride of lions” but also “pride” like “personal honor” (proudness) which has a similar meaning in the English language. But pride means much more, as a pride does not depend on blood like a family. However, each member of a pride is seen as part of a clan, a dynasty, a community, but also a company. Each pride has its own emblem – which works like a coat of arms – and even its own dialect.

    To understand what a pride represents, the term “family company” may be the most fitting. A pride may have many different trade posts in the universe, but the headquarter remains on the planet Lyon, their homeworld (called “Li-On” in their language, literally: Ground of the People). The head of each pride (the “Mane”) runs the business from that location and represents the interests of all members of his pride in Lyon to stipulate its interests in leeven politics. He is also responsible to accumulate more prey and better the reputation of his pride; these important members of the leeven society are called Patricians.

    Other members of his pride do their part in the family business to enrich the company: Sailors are mainly workers in the trade houses (warehousemen, bookkeeper, secretaries) or crew members on space ships, Merchants are their bosses as ship captains, managers or explorers, whereas bankers give credit to others or take an interest to control local politics via corruption; which is viewed as fully acceptable in this society – if someone has more money than a rival to bribe an important person, that’s considered totally fair.

    A pride can be open to other members outside the original pride; that can happen if a pride goes bankrupt or loses its reputation in the eyes of the other prides. In that case, it is viewed as a reasonable thing to leave its own pride and work for another. Marriage is another case in which a pride can be changed, especially when the marriage is made as an alliance between different prides.

    Marriage is a good example to show how a pride really works. In fact there is nothing like marriage in the leeven society, the word means literally “partnership” and a marriage ceremony is called “merger”. Traditionally, a male Leeven is considered a traveler, an adventurer who has to go far away to make a fortune, risking his life and dealing with all dangers out there to defend his fortune and return with prey; a female Leeven instead is viewed as an administrator, who stays at home to collect the prey the male brings back. There is no word like “sexism” in Leevensi, because everything works fine and is “in order”, because prey and pride matter more than sexual identities. However, there are also rare examples of females who steal prey, if it’s in the interest of the pride –Leeven are rather pragmatic when it comes to that.

    Polygamy is the rule. It’s normal when a Leeven has three different partners at the same time. However, it’s very important to note that Polygamy is open for both genders, and it depends on the pride which name is taken over. That makes partnerships on the same level very rare. Higher classes chose partners from lower classes to keep their pride, and Leeven from lower classes see this as an option to better their status and their prey. A rich Leeven can have a wife in the sailor class and one in the merchant class, who will be part of his pride from then on; they are also not allowed to initiate a partnership with anyone else, because they are not the dominant link. A female can do the same and marry different males, if she is from a more influential pride. This mixture also prevents huge social differences in the leeven society.

    A short Anecdote from the “Book of the Al”

    There is a famous example in the history of Lyon, when Al-Karim, the head of the most influential pride of Lyon, initiated a partnership with Iz-Bella, which came from a good, but less important family. After the fusion, she became Al-Bella, and being his first wife, she became the boss of the Al pride after the death of her partner. However, she married three different Leeven after that, which all became part of the Al pride, because it was now Al-Bella who had become the richest Leeven of Lyon. And even if neither she, nor her new partners had a drip of blood from the original pride, she became one of the most admired persons in the history of Lyon: she gave birth to 12 cubs and her three partners accumulated more prey than before, and she managed everything wisely.

    Monogamy is known and accepted, but it is not seen as reasonable, because less partners means less prey and pride; prey because someone has less partners who may accumulate money, and pride because the amount of children has a very high value. Children are seen as investments, and the bigger a pride, the more are the chances to expand both.

    A story from “Tales of the house of Del”

    One day, the first wife of the Mane of Az came to our mother, the first wife of the Mane of the house of Del. And she showed her the jewels her partner brought back from his journeys, and she said: “Look at our wealth and our capital. How nice they are! These are the jewels of the house of Az!”

    And our beloved mother roared for her children, and suddenly, the whole room was filled with cubs. She pat the hat of her youngest daughter and said: “And these are the jewels of the house of Del.”

    The Journey

    Children are considered as later members of the pride who will take the company over and expand it. A Leeven will live the first 19 years of his life in his pride, learning the elementary things a Leeven has to learn and also have a rather carefree life. However, when a Leeven celebrates his 20th birthday, he has to leave his pride for at least ten years. He is not allowed to return to his pride or to Lyon; he is also not allowed to speak with members of his pride, and vice-versa. Any communication, even letters are severely prohibited.

    Instead, the cub gets a symbolical sum of pixels, some fish, three grape seeds and the Book of Pride and Prey as “present” before he leaves. From now on, the cub begins his journey and is now known as a “lonesome” Leeven. In the following years, he has to show his talent by hunting his own prey. The child who makes the most fortune in his absence will become the favorite of the Mane, and as such the heir to this pride (if the Mane dies before a cub reaches his 30th birthday, the first partner will lead the pride, until a cub has reached his 30th birthday and gathered more prey than his sisters or brothers).

    However, many Leeven don’t return after ten years, which can have several motives. Bankruptcy or even death are the obvious ones. There is also a small minority which breaks with the leeven society and wants to stay entirely free from any control by a pride. But the most common one is a strange mixture of shame and ambition. Especially the former cubs of rich and important prides don’t return as long as they think that they have made enough fortune to impress their pride. It’s easy for the son of a sailor or merchant to return; but for someone who is the born as a son of the current Mane, it’s hard to impress the rest, because there is much more pressure on him. Pride comes also from “proud” and a Leeven would hurt his own pride if he can’t fulfill the same as his father or mother did. Some Leeven are the children of the noblest persons of their own pride at home, but have to explore the outmost parts of the galaxy to gain more prey than anyone else. Some of them never returned, but have become famous explorers, or expanded the pride in faraway sectors, establishing their own trade post there.

    VI. Politics

    The Leeven are not a united race and more similar to a confederacy. Their homeplanet Lyon is still fragmented and governed by several republics which form a loose alliance. The most important of these republics are Nyuven, Porthos and Datscha. Some republics control huge parts of the surface of Lyon, others are mere city states. All republics elect a general council (Senate) and a major representative (High Consul). However, these organizations are merely representative and have limited political power. They are viewed as primus inter pares, who have to keep peace and balance between the republics and have a word when it comes to changings regarding the Book of Pride and Prey. The High Consul has the duty to protect the original book with his life.

    Elections are very important for a Leeven, and monarchy is viewed as Tyranny. Freedom and independence are regarded as too valuable to give up for unity. The republican concept of the Leeven is not “democratic” but based on the membership in a pride and their fortune. Each member of a pride will automatically vote for his Mane in an electoral campaign, and so will their allied prides to prevent the victory of a rival pride in their own republic. Clientilism, bribing and donations are normal. Paradoxically, the Leeven believe that they have the best government in the universe, because they call it a “meritocracy” – if everyone tricks and bribes, those with the biggest pride and biggest prey will win and become Consul.

    The local political rulers in villages or trade posts outside of Lyon are called “Censors” and are elected the same way. They have to judge when differences come up and to reach a compromise, using the Book of Prey and Pride to find a solution.

    Feuds between prides in the same republic or feuds between prides of rivaling republics on Lyon are carried over in the universe. The same goes for alliances. Leeven history is full of dramas which narrate the story of a boy and a girl falling in love, but being part of rivaling prides, ending with the death of everyone. No, not only with the death of the couple, but also their parents, grandparents, cousins, the gardener, butler, police force and the doctor, ending with spectacular explosions and whole cities ending up in fire. Glitchspeare would cry.

    VII. Religion and Superstition

    A leeven chapel, normally part of a palace

    As the Fima-Fami is considered as the most important book for the living (and still considered completely secular), religion is viewed as a very private thing in the leeven society. There is no “church” in the sense of an organized, centralistic structure.

    Still, there is some kind of piety among them. Each pride has a shrine (chapel), in which they remember their ancestors. These chapels are mostly part of a palace and maintained by the living. Priests are unknown; the head of each family is also the head of the chapel. The spirits of the dead can still intervene in the world of the living; Leevens see their forefathers like Saints or Angels who protect the living members. For example, “luck” is a concept which a Leeven can’t explain, because it didn’t happen because of his effort; in that case he is convinced that the spirit of a mighty ancestor, who was an important merchant in the past, may have had his hand in this situation.

    On the other side, bad things which can’t be explained are tracked back to the spirits of rivaling prides, which are seen as demons. Cursing someone in the leeven society is taken literally: the spirits of the forefathers should do damage to the rival. That’s a motive why the prides speak still in a respectable tone with each other, even if they don’t like each other – no one wants to be cursed by the others. Curses in the leeven language are not as short as in the Germanic or Anglo-Saxon language, but long and colorful. Typical curses are:

    The term “lazy” is in the leeven language the same word for “sin”. Leevens are highly convinced that a concept of “sin” itself doesn’t exist, but all bad habits come from laziness. Here we come to a last, interesting point: the Leevens believe in an after-life, but view their ancestors only as spiritual entities, not as gods or deities. However, there is one concept which may be a relic from the time before the flood, which has still survived in the religious life of the Leeven: the Winged Lion.

    The Winged Lion or Leeon – in their language: Li-One, literally “(the one who is) with the people of the Ground” – awaits the dead on the other side of the “Great Water”. Sometimes shown with a sword, sometimes shown with a book, Leeon is the judge who knows all accounts, all fortunes, all shares, and even all spaceship insurances. He will divide the Lazy from the Powerful, and he will guide them to their eternal pride. However, the image of Leeon varies from a benevolent, wise lion to a furious beast when it comes to the belief of different prides.
    There is no concept of heaven and hell like we know it. After-life is very similar to the life before: the status depends on how much a Leeven earned in his life and how much he served his pride. If he was poor, he will stay poor and won’t have much influence when it comes to help the living; and if he didn’t help his pride before, his ancestors won’t accept him after his death. Postdestination, anyone?

    One further word: Atheism and Agnosticism ars known in the leeven society and tolerated. However, no one is convinced that something like Atheism or Agnosticism really exists. The most heard sentence in that case is: “So, our neighbor has become an Atheist? Well, I’m sure it’s a big surprise that he doesn’t have to pay for his chapel anymore!"

    VIII. History

    A leeven trade post

    Lyon, the homeworld of the Leeven, is a small planet: only as big as the Moon. Before the “Great Flood”, Savannah dominated the planet and formed a Pangea-like continent. Other information for the time before the Great Flood is sparse. There are only rare sources, suggesting a unified leeven nation, ruled by a King. The leeven society was much more militaristic, and “pride” and “prey” may have had different meanings. Only the name of this old Kingdom is still alive in the head of every leeven cub: Ven. That’s the origin of the name Leeven (Li-Ven, “people of Ven”). The rest are only fairy tales and legends, and every pride has its own myth when it comes to their ancestor who survived the disaster and founded his dynasty.

    The Great Flood happened approximately 2.000 years ago and reshaped Lyon dramatically. The sea level rose and flooded the major part of the planet. ¾ of the population was killed in this accident. The pre-industrial Kingdom of Ven was destroyed. The motive for the sudden change is unknown until today, and it is still a mystery for scientists who suggest climate changes, sun eruptions or other interstellar interferences.

    The first century after the Great Flood is considered a Dark Age. Only lagoons, archipelagoes, marshland, or slim coasts at the edge of former mountains were left from the former continent. Even some bigger landmasses were considerably marked by lakes. The survivors had to defend themselves against pirates and corsairs who searched for booty. It was an anarchic time, in which the Book of Pride and Prey was introduced, but it is still disputed when and by whom. Some say, that the survivors, who wanted to recreate a society formed the first “prides” to defend themselves. Other counter, that the concept of “prey” leads to an assumption that it were the pirates who formed the first prides, with their crew as company and the Pirate Lords as first Manes.

    The lack of fertile land and the competition between rivaling prides lead to the leeven culture as we know it today. It were hard times and a fight for survival. In the first centuries after the publication of the Book of Pride and Prey, the Leeven learned to drain the marshes and reclaim land with a new system of channels and dams; fish farming became the heart of agriculture; vineyards flourished on former mountains who had become mere hills in the water. New cities expanded on tiny islands, and the first republics were founded, with Nyuven (Niu-Ven, meaning “New Ven”) becoming the biggest and most important one. Be aware that a leeven republic is nothing more than a federation of prides who elect a common government and won’t betray each other (or at least less than rivals). The word literally means “many prides” (Fima-Fima).

    Leeven culture and lifestyle became more and more sophisticated, and Lyon became a planet of hundreds of independent merchant republics, which were in a constant rivalry with each other. In this “Golden Age of Pride and Prey”, prosperity and progress took place as “competition is good for business”.

    1700 years after the Great Flood, the Industrial revolution began for the Leeven, bringing new problems for the whole society. The population grew much larger than before, and the whole planet was in danger of overpopulation. Resources became scarce. Scientists warned the Consuls of the different republics that the situation may lead to a collapse of the whole society. Some suggested building new cities and mines underwater, but experts made clear that this would solve the problem only for some time.

    It was only logical that not a republic or even a united federation of leeven republics started a space program, but a pride (in that case: the house of Al). As this would have lessened the reputation of other prides, the latter followed to establish their own trade posts. Colonies, founded by republics and comprising several prides, followed later. Young Leeven were expelled from their families, other left voluntary to hunt for prey were no other pride had gone before. This moment was the beginning of the ritual called “the Journey”.

    IX. Contact with other species

    Even if some races consider the Leeven untrustworthy and only looking for their own personal gain, not all rumors are true. If a Leeven considers a stranger part of his pride – it may happen that he offers this honor to someone who he calls a “friend” (which means: a person, who did me a favor and whom I owe something) – he will be much more than a “friend” and defend him with his own life. Also, a Leeven will never be arrogant, but keeps an elegant and humble speech (“You are like the sun my unknown friend, what shall I do to make you light even brighter, as my own presence darkens your existence?”) as long as someone doesn’t insult his pride… or doesn’t seem to have any prey. People without prey are considered uninteresting or even non-existent.

    The Leeven didn’t establish contact with other species for a long time – the position of Lyon is far away from the homeworlds of other species. After the first contact, the Leeven were responsible for cultural, economic and technological transfer between different parts of the galaxy and may have even reached parts of the universe which are still unknown. The Leeven didn’t invent notable new technologies; but some claim that they invented the Pixelprinter (Refinery) and 3-D Printer to convert ores to prey, and prey to other goods, to sell them later for a better price. In fact, some say that the Pixel currency was introduced by this race to establish better trade relations and a more efficient way to gather prey from other species.

    Apex: The Apex are highly esteemed among the Leeven because of their more advanced technology. They regard Big Ape as a mane of a wealthy company. Nevertheless they don’t like the concept of Tyranny. Especially Apex rebels have become friends of wandering “lonesome Leevens” on their Journey.

    Avian: The Avians are called “the people of the house of Kluex” by the Leevens. They don’t worship him as a God, but certainly think that this “Mane Kluex” must have been an important person in the history of the universe. This leads to some kind of unwanted theological discussions with those Avians who belief in Kluex; however, as the Leevens are mostly in contact with enclaves founded by the Grounded, Avians and Leevens are neutral to each other.

    Floran: When the first group of Leeven sold weapons to a group of Florans, they regretted their decision seconds later. After this embarrasing episode, the Leeven try to avoid any further contact with them. Florans are viewed as possible bandits, thefts or murderers.

    Glitch: Glitch are skeptical when it comes to strangers, and the Leeven noticed a great amount of phrases which began with “Distrustful”, “Suspicious” or “Leery” when they tried to get in contact with them. A Leeven still remains humble and polite in such situations, but the Glitch never lost their distrust when it came to things like “travelling merchants”.

    Human: The Leevens didn’t have any contact with Humans – yet. But I’m sure they will welcome them warmhearted and try to sell something. Maybe something which they didn’t even want…

    Hylotl: The relation between Leeven and Hylotl is a very complicated and ambivalent one. On one hand, both praise culture and like water. But the Hylotl are also aware of the leeven main dish, and their merchant habits. The Hylotl regard the Leeven as untrustworthy – in fact, some use the word Leeven as a synonym for “thief” – whereas the Leeven regard the Hylotl as naïve.

    Novakid: The Leeven simply love the Novakids. They are the best customers in the universe. They are curious, euphoric and as such interested in anything a Leeven may present them. In Leevensi, Novakid means literally “fast Pixels”. The best thing: the Novakid will inevitably forget after some time that they were tricked, so they can be tricked again and again. “Why can’t you be a Novakid?” has become a proverb in front of angry customers.

    Typical NPC speeches:

    To other races:

    Extended Universe (other races from concepts or mods)

    Even if a Leeven doesn’t know friendship outside his own pride, there is something like a benevolent attitude towards the Desulti – which is extraordinary. It seems that the value of “family” and recreation has been a motive why some leeven merchants view the Desulti as a race of “lazy prides”. And even if the Leeven are not interested in societies with a military tone, they acknowledge the fact that the Desulti keep the space free from pirates. Leeven will always be very friendly towards Desulti, even if those have made some bad experiences. Especially young lonesome Leeven have founded trade posts in Desulti colonies, or opened La-Zanja restaurants and made friendships with the local inhabitants.

    There have been a lot of misunderstandings between the the Nagath and the Leeven – from the viewpoint of the Leeven. The Leeven simply don’t understand the concept of “pride” in the sense of “proudness” which the Nagath hold in high esteem. Racism is simply not profitable for a Leeven. The leeven merchants are aware of the nagathean aversion, but that doesn’t change their gentle attitude and their hope that there may be still some Nagath out there who never encountered a Leeven and can be tricked. Especially because they hope to get access to nagathean industrial products, as they seem to be very profitable…

    Chapters X-XI: Codex entries

    X. Codex (Fima-Fami)

    Introduction to the Book of Power

    "by As Lan, High Consul, in honor of the 87th edition
    Neither the author, nor the date of the first publication of this book is known. But does it matter? Well, it doesn't matter because none of the Manes of the prides is interested in any research. No one wants to pay because of a possible copyright infringement.",

    "Every pride has its own history, its own cult of ancestors, its own literature and even its own dialect. But the Book of Power is accepted by every pride and as such, one of the links between the different branches of our society. Power means pride and prey, the basic values of or people.",

    "Every Leeven lives for prey and pride. Other species won't understand it. That's not important. As long as they have prey, we are happy and will help them to hand it over to us. Oh, that wonderful odor of Pixels in the morning!"

    The Rules

    "#1: There is no prey without pride and no pride without prey.
    #2: Everything is allowed as long as you gain prey.
    #3: Nothing is allowed as long as it hurts your pride.",

    "#4: Wine is really good. Drink some.
    #5: The world is bad. Trick others before they trick you.
    #6: The word 'deceit' is used by those without success.",

    "#7: People forget. They don’t remember bad things after a while. You can trick them again.
    #8: The greatness of a pride consists of the prey it has.
    #9: Children are a long-term investment. They are both prey and pride. What could be better?",

    "#10: No rule of this book should be changed. Neither should a rule be added to this rule to trick me, boy. Already thought of that."

    "#11: Weapons are expensive. Words are gratis.
    #12: Running is exhaustive. Let others run for you.
    #13: However, you shouldn't unlearn to run. It may safe your life",

    "#14: People hate the truth. Tell them what they want to hear.
    #15: A friend is someone who owes you a favour.
    #16: It's better to be feared than to be loved by others. Especially if one of them owes you money.",

    "#17: Don't lie.
    #17 A: Pretexts are allowed. (added in the 3rd edition)
    #17 B: This is only true for your own pride. (added in the 12th edition)
    #17 C: Well, a bit lying didn't kill anyone, eh? (addition unknown)",

    "#18: Laziness is the virtue of those without pride and prey.
    #19: There's always prey. If you don't find any, go further to find some.
    #20: Love your pride. You can't make children with a sack of gold."
    #20 A: Even if it may seem more logical. (addition unknown)"

    "#21: Agreements must be kept. As long as you don't want to break them.
    #22: A wise Leeven scents the odor of prey.
    #23: Who doesn't expand is lazy - or dead.",

    "#24: Every thing has its price. The same goes for people.
    #24 A: Especially politicans. (added in the 19th edition)
    #25: Life ends with death. The pride is eternal.
    #26: You may lose your hope, but you shouldn't lose your fortune.",

    "#27: It's a joy to expand your pride by loving your partner. It's gratis.
    #28: A good partner will never divide your prey, but doubble it.
    #29: Forgery doesn't exist when nobody complains."

    "#30: Be gentle to those who you prey. Smiling is good for your health. And a longer life means better chances for more prey."

    "#31: Questions can be deadly.
    #32: Answers can be deadlier than questions, though.
    #33: If two Leeven struggle with each other, you should be the third one to steal their prey.",

    "#34: Occasionally words must serve to veil the facts. But let this happen in such a way that no one become aware of it.
    #34 A: Or, if it should be noticed, excuses must be at hand to be produced immediately. (added in the 9th edition)
    #35: Ven never allowed a trouble spot to remain, simply to avoid going to war over it. Neither should you allow trouble in your pride.",

    "#36: Time contains the seeds of all things, good as well as bad.
    #37: The first method for estimating the intelligence of a person is to look at the Leeven he has around him.
    #38: Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are.",

    "#39: It's wiser to absorb your rival's house than to destroy it.
    #40: Remember the greatness of the house of Fi and the poorness of the house of Ye. Remember the extinction of the Fi and the raise of the Ye. The reason is easy to understand, for it is the good of the pride and not private prey that makes prides great."

    "#41: Killing is bad. You lose a potential customer.
    #42: The word 'stranger' in the dialect of the Al means also 'possibility'.
    #43: If you don't like your partner anymore, enter a partnership with another one. Or two. After some time has passed, you may appreciate your first partner again.",

    "#44: It is not from the benevolence of the fisher that we expect our dinner, but from his regard to his own prey.
    #45: You may often fulfil all the rules of justice by sitting still and doing nothing.
    #45 A: Therefore, the rules of justice are not the rules of prey. (added in the 2nd edition)",

    "#46: Don't sell your grandmother.
    #46 A: Lease her. (added in the 37th edition)
    #46 B: But only to an allied pride to safe the reputation of your own pride. (added in the 38th edition)",

    "#47: War is good for prey.
    #48: Peace is good for prey.
    #49: Every prey has the value one is willing to pay for it.",

    "#50: If you paid for it, it's yours."

    "#51: Ask not what your pride can do for you. Ask what you can do for your prey.
    #52: Even a blind Leeven can see shiny gold.
    #53: Never betray someone - as long as you may geht caught.",

    "#54: You can't put drunken wine back in a bottle.
    #54 A: But you may still sell it. (added in the 33th edition)
    #55: Diamonds are a Leeven's best friend.
    #56: Your pride is your honour.",

    "#57: The day was made to work, the night was made to sleep. Nevertheless, your prey may conceal itself in the dark.
    #58: The Winged Lion doesn't watch the Lazy, but the Powerful.
    #59: Rumours are only true if you invented them.",

    "#60: Treason happens because you became wiser."

    "#61: It's never too late to change your opinion.
    #62: Having no children is true poverty.
    #63: Begging pardon is a strategy, not a ritual.",

    "#64: A powerful ally may become your biggest rival.
    #65: There's no trust, only interests.
    #66: A loyal partner is worth 1001 diamonds.",

    "#67: The Winged Lion couldn't be everywhere. Because of that, he made your Mother.
    #68: It's good to eat a La-Zanja in company. You and the La-Zanja.
    #69: You may tell someone a secret - but be sure that you cut off his tongue.",

    "#70: A good reputation reaches the end of the world. A bad one reaches even farer. One should avoid to be despised and hated."

    "#71: Poverty is like death, but wealth doesn't mean that you live.
    #72: Your tongue is like your ship. If you master it, it will rescue you in peril.
    #73: There is no Mane without pride.",

    "#74: Ask advice from your rival and do the opposite.
    #75: A Mane and a fisher know more than a Mane alone.
    #76: Keep quite before you speak.",

    "#77: The one who has the money is always right.
    #78: If the Mane dies, another will follow.
    #79: You shouldn't talk about prey. You should have it.",

    "#80: Not the title of Mane makes a Leeven illustrious, but the Leeven has to make the title of Mane illustrious."

    "#81: If we both are Manes of our pride, who's going to fish our dinner?
    #82: It's good to believe in the Winged Lion, but it's better to tie your boat.
    #83: A lazy one who can't master his ship will say: 'The sea was rough'.",

    "#84: Don't curse your rival because he tricked you. Learn why he had success.
    #85: You have to learn to lose. There is enough time to win later.
    #86: Prey doesn't vanish.",

    "#87: It's easier to learn for a cub than for a Mane.
    #88: More partners means more children. More children means more chances that they will expand the pride. A bigger pride means more prey.
    #89: Don't hate your children because nine of them are lazy, but care for the one who shows talent. He will inherite your prey.",

    "#90: Once, the Kingdom of Ven controlled all land and all seas. The King of Ven was the mightiest Leeven on Lyon. What did remain? Nothing. Question yourself what will remain from you. The answer is simple: your children."

    "#91: Don't envy your neighbour because of his prey. Think how you can steal it.
    #92: If you can't steal your neighbour's prey, try to find other ways to accumulate more prey than he has.
    #93: The reputation of your pride has an effect on your prey.",

    "#94: Don't sleep with the secretary. Sleep with the banker. But only if you are the secretary yourself.
    #95: Don't despair in the desert. Collect sand.
    #96: What the house of Iz regards as piracy, the house of Sha regards as commerce.",

    "#97: You don't live forever, but be sure you live as long as you can.
    #98: It's not your fault if you fall ill, but its your fault if you don't hire someone to sub for you.
    #99: Defend your pride until your own death. Your prey is worthless if you don't have a pride anymore.",

    "#100: Prey is short, pride is long. Think of the future, but don't miss your boat in the present. Find the balance between both to become powerful."

    XI. Additional Codex

    Greenfinger's notes: The Leeven

    by Greenfinger of the Florans
    Understanding a Leeven is simple, if someone understands their society. To most strangers, the Leeven are untrustworthy merchants who would do everything for a shiny pixel. However, the case is more complex than I thought. In fact, visiting Lyon has enlightened me. The problems of Lyon formed the Leeven as we know them today. It's a tiny planet, covered mostly by water. Land and ressources are extremely rare. Different prides and 'republics' are in constant feuds with each other.",

    "In this regard, they are similar to the Florans. However, in contrast to the Florans, the Leeven have some sort of loose alliance between the different republics. The High Consul is only a representative of all prides and republics, but he protects the 'Book of Power'. This codex is neither a holy scripture, nor a constitution, but it keeps peace and prosperity on Lyon. It describes the rules which the Leeven should honour, but it would be false to call it a 'moral guide'.",

    "It contains rules which explicitly allow lying, cheating and stealing. In the leeven philosophy, cleverness is seen as a virtue. Therefore, the Leeven won't understand why we criticise them, because they consider their behaviour as morally correct. They had to develope this practise to survive. Killing wasn't a solution, when Lyon was only sparsely populated; instead, the Leeven had to find a way which lead to prosperity and engaged as corsairs or merchants.",

    "Prosperity and the importance of a growing pride has lead to overpopulation. The merchants we mostly encounter in our sector of the universe are those Leeven who left their pride to continue the history of their people. Most of them can't return, until they have accumulated a fortune big enough to impress the mane. Their hunt for pixels is... well, a sort of 'hunt for (the) pride'. Their sense of honour is completly different from ours."

    A trustworthy merchant

    by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl Adventurer
    Today, I met a merchant from Lyon. It's overwhelming what the Leeven offer when it comes to trade: fine leather-jackets, bullwhips and funny hats. The trader was polite and made me some special offers I couldn't refuse. His dark cloak and scarf, made of silk, covered most of his face, when I found him in a dark alleyway. I'm sure that not everyone finds this mysterious location.",

    "He even sold me an 'adventure'. Exciting! The price for the treasure map was high, but the hastily written notes are a hint for the dangerous and important expedition that will come. X marks the spot!"


    "by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar
    There is a proverb that the Leeven worship money. I would say, that the Leeven have some kind of religious belief, but it can hardly be described as theology. Their religious belief is based on their ancestors. Powerful ancestors may have an effect on a Leeven's life and are viewed as guards. As a Leeven can't explain luck, all luck depends on these demons. Every pride has its own cult and its own chapel with its own demons. The dead Leeven of rival prides are responsible for bad luck. Honouring an ancestor is seen as an insurance regarding events, which a Leeven can't control.",

    "Leeven religion is simple and chaotic and has nothing to do with the strenght of Avian belief. In fact, their rituals are more based on superstition than theology. But there is one interesting detail, which I have to add.",

    "It seems that the Leeven society was once a monotheistic one before an event happened, which is called the 'Great flood'. All Leeven do belief in the so-called 'Winged Lion', who acts as a judge at the end of a Leeven's life. Sometimes, he is shown as a wise and benevolent diety with a book, but I've also seen mosaics with a feary beast in the middle of fire. They don't have any evidence for the existence of this beeing, in contrast to the great Kluex. However, it is fascinating that this materialistic species respects a winged diety of great power.",

    A fragment of the history of the enlightened house of Sha

    "It is a well-known fact that the founder of our house, Sha-La, was a noble from the ancient Kingdom of Ven; a wise statesman, a proud warrior and a successful poet who also invented the wheel, fire and security insurance. Especially the latter made him the richest Leeven on Lyon, until the great flood came, which destroyed his home country, his believes and business. Especially business, as he forgot to invent the flood insurance."

    "There are some rumours, spread by the lazy pride of Iz, saying that Sha-La was neither a noble, nor a statesman or anything else. They even suggest that he didn't invent anything after all. These claims are obviously lies, as the enlightened house of Sha has kept all books, all accounts and has noted the founder of the house of Iz as an debtor of the house of Sha. "

    "And the Winged Lion - who knows all accounts, all fortunes, all shares, and even all spaceship insurances - will condemn them as lazy, because they still owe the house of Sha the amount of three talents of silver, two talents of gold, and a half platinum bar. May the current mane of the house of Iz gain a fortune, and may he spend it all on urologists."

    "May the demon of Sha-La destroy their trade and make our house glorious, as he was the wisest Leeven on Lyon, because he founded Nyuven, the successor-state of Ven. He took his wife and children and shouldered his father, escaping on a galley, and thus our house was founded."

    A fragment of the history of the famous house of Iz

    "Iz-Kander, the greatest Leeven Lyon has ever seen, was the Steward and Mayor of the Palace of the King of Ven. A cunning merchant and excellent diplomat, serving King and country, who would later found our glorious house after the desaster which is known as the great flood. Everyone knows that Iz-Kander was the richest Leeven who ever lived on Lyon, because he was a wealthy man and the protector of the royal treasury."

    "It was also Iz-Kander who rescued the majority of the people of old Ven in a heroic action and lead them to higher lands. He was the first mane of manes, and Iz was the first pride of prides. The Winged Lion smiled on Iz-Kandar; and may he serve him on the other side of the great water, were he accumulates each day more money and protects it against the greedy hands of those who are descendants of the scurvy pride of Sha."

    "May the head of the mane of the Sha grow in the ground like an onion, and then may the ground be filled with rotten fish. And may they remember, that when the perfidious corsairs of Sha asked for protection money, that we did refuse and that we seized three talents of silver, two talents of gold, and a half platinum bar from their pirate ships."

    "And the half platinum bar is still shown in the chapel of Iz-Kandar and shows the great victory, as we keep all accounts and books. But Iz-Kandar used the gold and the silver as investment to found Nyuven and married the four daughters of the last King. That was the beginning of the only rightful successor-state of Ven and also the beginning of the glory of the house of Iz."

    Leeven Exploration

    "by Beatrice Memmo, Human Archaeologist

    It’s an interesting fact that trade and exploration goes hand in hand. Merchants played an important role in human history – like Marco Polo from Venice, Vasco da Gama from Portugal or the Dutch traders from the United Provinces. Columbus reached a New World when he searched a faster trade route to India. Before any conqueror can claim a land, a merchant has already reached it.”,

    “As the search for profit drives their society, it’s not surprising that Leeven merchants have discovered areas in the Galaxy which nobody else has even heard of. And if Lyon itself wasn’t situated in a rather remote sector, Leeven merchants would have encountered other races way earlier. Sometimes, a Leeven may sell his maps to others; however, if they consider it valuable information, they may demand high prices. Each pride has its own library of Navigation maps, collected by different family members. “,

    “Other races, which intend to establish new colonies or collect strategic information, made several agreements with merchants and whole prides to gather the cartographic knowledge of the Leeven. But even if these lions are greedy and seduced by the prices of thousands of pixels, they are not naïve. “,

    “When the USCM met the Leeven for the first time, the latter sold some of their maps, especially because mankind had only vague understandings of the vastness of the universe and the most important systems. After the agreement, the guards noticed that the Leeven had still some information regarding certain areas – but the lions didn’t want to share. It’s obvious that the Leeven have still their own interests when it comes to future colonies, possible resources and trade posts.”

    The Sal-Sa ladle – A Leeven opera

    Nyuven in the Late Chaotic Age. The mane of the house of Sal lends his soup ladle to the mane of the house of Sa. In exchange, the mane of Sa promises his first daughter to enter a fusion with the mane of Sal. When the mane of the house of Sal sees the bigger dowry which the house of De offers, he changes his mind. The mane of Sa swears eternal revenge and keeps the ladle for himself. ”,

    “Act I
    Nyuven, 200 years later. Sa-Rah, the youngest daughter of the house of Sa falls in love with Sal-Im, heir to the maneship of Sal. The manes are against any relationship between the couple. Sal-Im is forced to travel to the lands of Datsha, whereas Sa-Rah is placed under house arrest. In her despair, Sa-Rah decides to steal the Sal-Sa ladle from her father and bring it to the mane of Sal to resolve the dispute between the families. Sal-Im instead wants to become the richest Leeven on Lyon to destroy the business of both families through a hostile acquisition.“,

    “Act II
    Datsha, 9 years later. Sal-Im has gained considerable wealth and destroys the trade post of Sa in the harbor of Datsha. This leads to an open war between both prides. In a fight between galleys, Sal-Im’s father gets imprisoned by the rivaling pride. Sal-Im becomes the new mane and allies with different prides to attack Nyuven and the house of Sa. Many Leeven are killed in bloody sea battles and much prey is taken from the dead.“,

    “Act III
    Nyuven, one year of bloody feud between Sal and Sa later. Lady Sa-Ra invites the secretary and the butler to a plot against her own father, trying to steal the ladle after ten years of careful planning. She is able to find the mysterious hideout of the Sal-Sa ladle, but shortly after the discovery, the mane of Sal arrives in the prison of the family palace. The mane of Sa executes his rival and plunders his family business. More Leeven are killed in bloody street battles and even more prey is taken from the dead.”

    “Act IV
    Nyuven. Mane Sal-Im arrives in Nyuven to claim the maneship and challenge the murderer of his father. He finds his pride in ruins and begins with an attack on the family palace of Sa. As the Sa outnumber the Sal, it’s an desperate attempt. Sa-Rah decides to kill her own father to save the life of Sal-Im. In the moment when Sa-Rah slains him with the ladle, Sal-Im is able to bribe the guards at the gate of the pride’s palace. The attackers storm the palace. In a tragic twist, Sa-Rah is killed by a member of the House of Sal. Sal-Im dies in a duel against Sa-Rah’s brother. The secretary and the butler commit suicide, when finding out that Sa-Rah killed her father and caused the ruin of the house of Sa. Soldiers kill each other, fire breaks out, Nyuven in flames, plunder, murder, tragic twists etc.”

    Everyone is dead and everything is plundered. The house of Sa and Sal are no more. The house of De is able to acquire the property of the former palaces to a low price, giving them a profitable location in the center of Nyuven. The mane of De finds the Sal-Sa ladle and steals the prey from both prides. End.

    The Monkey and the Lioness I

    by Atticus Do (once Baneyard), Ex-Lieutenant of the Apex

    The Resistance faced a crushing defeat, and like many others, I had to escape. Choosing the exile seemed to be better than anything else. The Miniknog took my father and my sisters away; my friends all died; there was nobody left who I could care for. No one would be in danger because of my involvement. And nothing would be left from my existence. I wasn’t free to live – but maybe I had the chance to die in freedom.

    This day would come sooner than I thought before. The guards couldn’t catch me, but damaged my ship. It was a hard landing, and only the smooth ground saved my life. I stranded on a desert world. My enemies knew that I was lost; even if I had survived the crash, my death was certain. Their ships left the atmosphere, and I felt the burning sun on my dirty, sandy hair, which announced the upcoming days of hell.

    Two bananas and a bottle of milk. That was everything I got. When the sun set, I felt joy because it became colder; but hours later, I cursed the coldness and the unknown creatures, living in the sand, yelling behind the unknown lakes and hills of dust and bones. When the worst night of my life ended, the sun began to grill the ground under my feet. Would the torture back home be crueller than this? Was this the price for freedom?

    Minutes before I lost my consciousness, I saw a shadow on the horizon. A flying cape and long clothes in the style of wandering Bedouins. A dog-like being barked and ran in my direction, leading the strange person to my body – lying between cacti and the yellow ocean, which I had accepted as my grave. My mind rebelled against my collapsing body, and my last thought was the following: a jackal. The unknown person must be a Leeven.

    In that moment, I was more uncertain than ever, if this was a good or a bad sign.

    The Monkey and the Lioness II

    I have to confess: I never liked this lion species. Everyone warned me, even before I encountered the first Leeven in my life. ‘You can’t trust them’, that was the phrase I heard most when it came to this topic. ‘They are thieves’, said my father. ‘Cunning, amoral creatures, only looking for profit’ added my friends from the Resistance – and told me that the Leeven tried to please Big Ape. For a long time, their merchants wanted to enter the Apex market, opposing the protectionist measures ensured by the government. Officially, these were instituted because there were rumours that the Leeven wanted to steal Apex technologies.

    And here she was. A young, beautiful Lioness in the mid of the desert, with a jackal who protected her and the goods a Derrick was carrying. She had rather mild eyes, and a noble figure. And it was clear that she smelled the pixels I carried with me. All prejudices seemed true, when she sold me a bottle of water in exchange for everything I owned: my pixels, my clothes, even the metal junk which once was my spaceship!

    She didn’t show any mercy. The Lioness travelled further, after she gave me that bottle, which would continue my agony another day. But my thirst triumphed over my brain. I had to drink; my tongue was dry and felt like the asphalt on the Apex streets. Only seconds later, no water was left, and my misery began… once again. I lost all hope and my will to live.

    When I woke up, it was night. But something had changed. A warming fire crackled under the stars. A colourful quilt covered my body, with signs and symbols I didn’t know before. My eyes must have looked embarrassing big, when I saw the Leeven sitting in front of me. Did I dream?

    The Lioness introduced herself as Remy, from the house of Do. I was confused. ‘I didn’t know that a Leeven would do anything gratis’, I said. ‘Why did you rescue me?’
    The Lioness smiled, but she didn’t look in my face.
    ‘Well’, she began. ‘It’s always bad to lose potential customers, isn’t it?’

    Until today, I’m not sure if she was only citing one of the obscure merchant rules from the Leeven Book of Pride and Prey… or if she was different from other Leeven.

    The Monkey and the Lioness III

    Do-Remy was only 21 years old. The Journey began for her recently. She was one of the thousands of young, so-called Lonesome Leeven, who travelled the universe to gain a fortune. Many of them wouldn’t return to Lyon. Some, because they were killed; others, because they weren’t able to accumulated enough wealth to impress their pride. The most successful merchants had the possibility to become the heir of the Mane, the current head of the pride.

    Remy didn’t like that topic.

    ‘I’m the youngest child of my father, the Mane of Do’, she explained. ‘I have twenty-six brothers and twelve sisters. All of them started their Journey long ago. My father will die soon, and my oldest brother has already bought his own moon. No place for me.’

    A moment of silence followed. Only the wind of the desert whispered. I began to understand. There was no return for her. She would never see her family again, but move to the farthest points of the galaxy. As the daughter of a Mane, the pressure was enormous. If she was the daughter of a sailor or a normal merchant, it would have been easier. But this wasn’t the case. She had to be tougher than the toughest, and smarter than the smartest to win. And she had to prey me and take everything I possessed, because she didn’t have another choice.

    But still, she returned. And it became clearer to me, why she did it, when she added: ‘You’re from the Apex Resistance, eh?’ It was rather obvious. An Apex outside the Miniknog had to be a rebel or a spy. And as I didn’t look as the latter would be in any way possible, I nodded. We didn’t say anything. Because we knew why we sat there. We both were in exile. We both were alone.

    ‘You Apex are good with numbers’, Do-Remy remarked. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘I still need a secretary. A bookkeeper. You know, I have to expand.’ To be honest, at first I couldn’t react. But after a thought I accepted. Did I have any other chance to survive? She had everything, and I had nothing. ‘Good’, I said. ‘And now?’

    ‘From now on’, Do-Remy grinned, ‘you are part of my pride.’

    The Monkey and the Lioness IV

    Do-Remy and I worked together for ten years. It changed my whole life – and the way I used to look at the world. The life of a Leeven is quite the opposite of the Apex one. They hate collectivism, but love their family; they don’t go to war, because they search for more intelligent ways to injure their enemies; they never heard of an institution like police or military, and the concept of state is underdeveloped. I think there is no race in the universe which is as anarchic and free as the Leeven, without falling to the primitive chaos of the Floran.

    I don’t know what it is, but deep in their soul, they despise everything which could lead to a ‘monarchy’ and as such, the Leeven are very sceptical when it comes to authority. Even their Manes and Consuls rule through their prestige, money and deeds, not through violence. Maybe we misjudged this race entirely, because we only saw the surface: the greedy face of the pixel-grabbing Leeven.

    You may not trust my words; you may say that the influence of a Leeven may have changed me too much. But the day, that one day when Remy and I were travelling on a Jungle planet to sell some Erchius to a factory, made it clear to me. A group of bandits lied in wait for us, and attacked the caravan before we could react. It was Remy who fought like a true Lioness to protect me and the other merchants.

    She died there, deep in the forests, in the rain and mud of that cursed day. Because I was part of the pride; and prey isn’t worth anyhing without the pride. A Leeven can be your worst enemy, but he may be also your most loyal friend.

    I’m going to return to my people. The Leeven have learned what Individualism, Freedom and Sacrifice means. And I hope that the Resistance may benefit from my experiences. When I returned to the trade post to contact a Leeven to tell Remy’s family what happened, he told me, that it wasn’t the first time that Lonesome Leeven and Apex rebels teamed up.

    I, for one, hope that it wasn’t the last time.

    Unwanted help?

    by Hewlett Deckard
    Glitch bounty hunter

    Rumours. Only Rumours. When I entered that village of Outcasts, I could hear it everywhere. Seems like some merchants from Lyon opened their business in the town. Some Glitch Outcasts are fascinated by their ‘free ’society. The Mane of a pride has announced to support the village with everything it needs. That includes weapons.

    The Leeven can’t be trusted. I’m sure they have their own interests. Glitch are mostly reserved, especially those who are part of the hivemind. It’s hard for the lions of free trade to enter mercantilist societies.

    The Outcasts are a possibility to open these markets. It’s obvious. The Leeven help them, because every self-conscious Glitch is a customer. And these new ‘friends’ want to expand. I hope not everyone falls for them.

    Chapters XII ff.: Fictional reports by ambassador (dr.) Beatrice Memmo on her diplomatical mission to the Consul of Lyon

    XII. Lyon, homeworld of the Leeven - a report by Beatrice Memmo



    Lyon is the fifth planet in the Leeon-System. The sun after which this system is named holds the name of the mythical Winged Lion; this star has reached the phase of a subgiant. Leeon is much more luminous than the sun in the Sol-system, that’s the motive why life was possible on Lyon, even if the distance to its star is bigger than that between Earth and Sun. As Leeon is older than Sol, the light has become reddish.

    At approximately 3.500 km in diameter, Lyon is a relatively small planet (Earth: 12.700), and has roughly the size of Io (3.643) or Earth’s Moon (3.476), but is still bigger than Europa, Triton or the common dwarf planets (sorry Pluto). Two satellites orbit the homeworld of the Leeven, known as Niza and Shambri, resembling Enceladus and Miranda in size (ca. 500 km in diameter).

    A year on Lyon is considerably long. It takes 1.001 days to circle around Leeon.


    On the first look, some may say that Lyon is an Ocean planet, but that is only partly right; a more fitting name would be “archipelago” planet, as it is not completely covered by water. 2.000 years ago, Lyon had a Pangea-like continent that covered most of the so called “ground”. Due to unknown motives, this continent vanished in a disaster called “the Great flood” which reshaped Lyon dramatically and is responsible for the current state. Plateaus, former mountains and hills formed the scarce landmasses, which today are known as the biggest islands.

    The climate zones are responsible for the different type of islands. In the northern hemisphere we can discover islands with a mild climate, lagoons, swamps and sandy regions under the pressure of high and low tide. Advancing towards the equator, we encounter Mediterranean-like atolls, some of them rocky and resembling the Aegean islands or the coast of Dalmatia; even farther, on the equator-line, desert islands like Malta or Djerba are possible. On my journey to Porthos I’ve even seen some huge cliffs, which came out of the water like sharp sticks.

    The Southern hemisphere instead is dominated by tropical paradises with white sand, palms and exotic fruits. The Antilles and Pacific Islands like Hawaii or Tahiti come to mind. Farther South, we encountered once again a mild zone.

    It’s a shame that many of these paradises are destroyed, as the growth of population has led to severe problems. But as a Censor said to me, Lyon has as many islands as a Mane has pretexts and excuses. There are also some private islands which are still under the control of a single pride, which jealously denies any access to outsiders. Until today, there are still prides out there who aren’t part of any republic on Lyon and consider themselves autonomous states, reigning over their own island as Consuls/Manes.

    I think it’s noteworthy that the biggest islands are commanded by the most influential republics and are mostly part of the northern hemisphere, in the so-called mild zone. The most important republic Nyuven has its capital in that location. Beside the fact that many coasts can be rough, there are also huge mountains and even lakes in the inland. Forests and trees have become rare in that zone, because the wood was used in the last centuries for shipbuilding. However, the Leeven are magnificent foresters and are capable to secure the last woods.

    I have to add that the Leeven are also highly experienced when it comes to the art of dam building. It’s highly impressive that this species is lion-like; I could bet that they are better beavers than the ones we had on Earth. Some prides wrested a huge amount of land from the sea, like the noble citizens of Datsha. They claim that a third of their land was once part of the ocean, and that they were able to dry the land in the work of three centuries.

    XIII. Flora and Cuisine on Lyon - a report by Beatrice Memmo

    As mentioned in my prior message, Lyon has different climate zones; and the difference of these zones is responsible for the different fruits and crops. There are some of them which are remarkable, because they are similar to those we know from Earth: wheat, tomatoes and grapes. Besides fish, a pasta-like dish with tomatoes can be called a standard of the leeven cuisine. The specialty of the mild sphere, and especially the Republic of Nyuven, is a pasta-dish with tomato-sauce, meat-ragou and cheese, called “La-Zanja”. It’s exactly what you think what it is. I've heard that the pasta recipes have even reached the society of the Desulti, imported by "lone Leevens".

    Other pasta dishes are made in a much lighter way; they use different types of fish, or simply cheese and Ulif (they call it “Ul-If”, which would be “(sitting) under (your) tongue” in our language). Ulif is dark, black oil, made of the Ulif plant, which grows in the Mediterranean and Desert zone I described before. The oil is pressed from black fruits, which mature on gnarled trees. These trees grow even in the hottest places of Lyon, and need a dry and sunny climate. I’ve tasted some bread and pasta combined with this delicious oil, which can have a wide range of different flavours. Even if the Hylotl and Leeven have a quite ambivalent relationship, there is an important trade of Ulif between the two races.

    Like Ulif, La-Kanea was a rare luxury good before the industrialization of Lyon. Only the richest prides could afford it, and one of the most profitable trades was the La-Kanea trade. La-Kanea was esteemed like gold, and there were even some republics which used La-Kanea as currency. La-Kanea is a bamboo-like plant, which only grows in the southern tropical zone of Lyon, deep in the jungles of Kandia. Whereas the cultures on Earth collected sugar from canes or honey from bees, the Leeven has sweetened their dishes for two millenia with La-Kanea.

    When I accompanied the Mane of Ye, he showed me a couple of these plants and threw his family sword in the bushes. I immediately observed a thick resin running out of the brown-golden reed. An extraordinary, sweet odour perfumed the whole scene. He gave me a branch of La-Kanea, and I have to admit, that I never licked something sweet and delicious like that before (maybe except for the Gianduia at Torino, before Earth was destroyed). In fact, La-Kanea is a kind of syrup, but I can’t define if it tastes more like liquid sugar, honey or caramel, as it has many different facets; there are various types of La-Kanea in the whole southern region, and the Leeven experimented a lot with cultivation of tastes. Also – in contrasts to our sweets – La-Kanea does not harm the teeth.

    La-Kanea had a strong impact on the development of the leeven civilization, as it only grew in the south; however, the biggest fields for agriculture and supply were part of the north. Finding the route to the legendary “La-Kanea-Islands” and the competition for this profitable ware was the cause for several wars between prides or entire republics back in the “Golden Time of Pride and Prey”. Large companies and armadas of ships were built for international commerce, and corsairs infested the little islands in the Mediterranean sector, trying to raid the convoys between the hemispheres. The Mane of Ye told me, that his family played no role before the discovery of the La-Kanea-Route. However, the Ye became one of the most powerful prides of Lyon, when they engaged successfully in the sector of La-Kanea-trading. They hold this position until today.

    Leeven confectioners can create an astonishingly big amount of different sweets from this plant. The most notable is Ma-Zapan, which is hardened La-Kanea with Ulif, glazed with almonds, raisins and – since transracial contact – a pinch of sugar. Besides traditional sweets like that, the Leeven also tend to caramelize meat and fish with this sweet gold.

    A last point I want to add is the cheese I’ve mentioned above. As Lyon is a planet without big continents, large grasslands or vast forests, there are no big animals at land which would serve as domestic cattle like we know it. Instead, the Leeven gather their milk from an animal which has such a complicated name that I forgot it; however, it would be something like “The cow of silver salmon mousse” in our language.

    I hope that I answered the question of the High Aedile in a satisfactory way; I will answer the other topics I mentioned the last time in my coming message. I’ve also read the complaints regarding the shadow on the planet of Lyon, which I attached to my last report; because of that, here is a view of Lyon without shadow.



    Dr. Beatrice Memmo, magnificent scientist, explorer and cartographer

    XIV. Demography, History and "Ages" in the Leeven Calendar - a report by Beatrice Memmo


    Lyon has a bit less than 1 Billion (10^9) inhabitants. This seems underwhelming, but we have to take in account the overall-size of Lyon and the morphology of the surface. In fact, Lyon has a relatively high population density.

    However, the demographic history of the Leeven was like a stock exchange quotation. It seems that the Great Flood destroyed most of leeven culture and society. Originally, the Kingdom of Ven controlled the whole continent which spanned over the planet. There are some estimates regarding the victims; traditional sources claim that only one out of four Leeven survived that event. I think that this is still a very careful and conservative theory. Regarding the facts I found and the sources I’ve read, I tend to say, that at least 80% or 85% of all inhabitants were killed.

    Historical data or written sources are more or less untraceable when it comes to the time before the Great Flood. Naturally, as the greatest archaeologist of our time, I tried my best to find some relics or scriptures, but even the history of the Kingdom of Ven has only survived in legends and dubious writings. I added another chapter regarding the history and calendars of Lyon to give a more detailed report.

    After the Great Flood, the population of Lyon stagnated for at least two centuries, when the Leeven struggled for survival. With the introduction of the Fima-Fami and the development of leeven culture as we know it, the population saw once again significant growth. Villages became cities and thriving trading centers; until today, the historical architecture of Lyon mostly consists of buildings from this time. Even newer construction from later centuries emulate this “classical” style, and literature, music, paintings and craftsmanship copy this typical “leeven” style which shaped the society for 1500 years. At the end of the era, Lyon had more than 100 Million Leeven, living mostly in the big trading capitals of the different merchant republics.

    In an epoch, which the Leeven call the “New Age”, improvements in medicine, agriculture and technology lead to a massive growth of population; the birth rate exploded due to Leeven ethics more than we can imagine it – children are seen as an integral part of leeven “pride and prey”. Traditional land reclamation couldn’t please the Leeven’s needs anymore. Conflicts between the prides and republics became so dangerous, that a possible culmination could’ve lead to a disastrous world war. The fight for land and resources became more important than before; it’s also the only period after the publication of the Fima-Fami when its philosophy was questioned. Some philosophers even suggested that the Fima-Fami itself was responsible for the critical state of the whole planet, which saw a period of incredible technological change, but also suffered under political, social and environmental problems. In hundred years, the overall population of Lyon sextupled.

    Historians of the “challenge and response”-theory would be happy to hear that the space program of the pride of Al was motivated by these problems. Famous are the words of the Mane Al-Qasar, a convinced defender of the Fima-Fami: “If there is no prey on Lyon left without losing the own pride or potential customers, we have to search for other prey.” This phrase was even introduced in a later edition of the Fima-Fami, even if his following phrase “Bye, suckers”* was left out.

    The “Age of Journey” started from this day on, and continues until today. The Leeven settled on other planets, established trade posts and colonies, and the vast majority of merchants didn’t return; and even if they did, they only managed some things in the pride, brought their “prey” at home and started another merchant mission. Today, the vast majority of Leeven lives outside of their home world. The new worlds are claimed by one pride or one republic alone; there is nothing like a central colonial organization, like we had on Earth. And even these colonies are largely autonomous. I had a secret meeting with the Consul of Nyuven last week, and had a talk regarding leeven and human history. As the administration of every leeven republic is heavily decentralized, he couldn’t even give clear numbers how many citizens of his state lived in other systems, but he was sure that “only a sixth or seventh” of Nyuven’s burghers live on Lyon – and that’s only one republic of the whole planet!

    Calendar and Ages of the Leeven

    To understand the historical mind of the Leeven, we have to understand their philosophy. There are long periods of stable growth, and short periods of crisis. Traditionally, the Leeven divide their timeline in these “Ages”:

    - The First Age. The Age of independent leeven tribes (not prides!) before the Kingdom of Ven unites all of them. Knowledge about this time is practically zero.
    - The Age of Ven. The history of the empire which lasted for 1.000 years and centralized leeven culture. Until today, we find its heritage in religion and language.
    - The Chaotic Age. The Great Flood destroys the ancient culture of Ven. The Leeven who are able to flee fight for survival. Also known as “The Age of Pirate Lords”, “The Age of Darkness” or “The Age without Hope”.
    - The Golden Age of Pride and Prey. The classical age of Lyon with rivaling merchant republics and tribes. The Fima-Fami lays the foundation for 1.500 years of prosperity and the leeven culture we know today.
    - The New Age. Another short period of change, heavily influenced by new technologies. Increasing birth rates and lesser resources bring the leeven society to the brink of a total collapse.
    - The Age of the Journey. With the invention of space travel, the Leeven are able to establish new trade posts and colonies. New resources, interracial trade and expeditions open a new Age of Pride and Prey.

    We see that each "Age" has a certain caesura: the unification of Ven, the Great Flood, the publication the Fima-Fami, the Industrial revolution and the first space program. We also see long, prosperous ages and short, critical ages. It’s interesting that the “New Age” was a “boom”-Age, but was seen negative by the contemporaries, as they believed that exponential growth of economy is more dangerous than a long, but steady one. The “Chaotic”-Age instead was in every regard a “crash”.

    More or less nothing is known about the “First Age”. We don’t even know it’s beginning, as the first cultures on Lyon are unknown; we don’t even have any clue where and when the first tribes settled down, invented scripture or agriculture. The Kingdom of Ven, however, seems to be a rather developed state, having all these innovations from the beginning. If we gather the information we have at hand, I would say that there were several developed civilizations before Ven “unified” them – which means, that Ven conquered its predecessor-states.

    I think it’s not a too farfetched idea that the Kingdom of Ven may have destroyed every scripture of other cultures to underline its own legitimacy. The Kings of Ven had at least 1.000 years to do so, and the winner writes history.

    As the Leeven don’t have a united government, even the calendars vary from republic to republic or even from pride to pride. The republic of Nyuven, for example, dates after the foundation of Ven, whereas other republics take the Great Flood as reference – as such, the people in Nyuven live 1.000 years in the future in regards to other inhabitants. As all history of the Leeven is based on the history of the most influential prides, even the exact dates are unknown, because historians tended to invent mythical leaders or even whole dynasties to underline the importance of a pride. I’ll give another example: most Leeven will say that the Great Flood occurred “2.000 years ago”, but that is only an approximate estimate. Officially, I’ve read the number “2127”, but I’ve also encountered some historical scripts of other families, who claim that it occurred 2200 or 1900 years ago.

    Especially in the case of the house of Al, the pride does neither prefer the “Ven”, nor the “Flood” calendar. In fact, they prefer the “Journey” calendar – for prestige reasons, like many of the “new families”, which became rich after the start of the “Journey”.

    In recent years, the date of the Fima-Fami has gathered more importance than before; this book seems to be the most important thing when it comes to leeven identity, and as such, different Consuls and Manes have proposed the “Fima-Fami” calendar. This proposal is still under consideration – since 87 years.

    Needless to say, that I had to re-calculate the years on Lyon (1.001 days) and the years on Earth (365 days), and I may have done some minor errors. I hate mathematics. Instead, I made this astonishing graphic, to give a rough impression:


    I took the “Great Flood” calendar as base, and tried to show the spaces of the Ages and the most important events. Please keep in mind that the flood happened 2.000 or 2.100 years ago. The space for the First Age is only symbolical, as we don’t know its beginning. I also mentioned the year in which the Age begins; in that case, the Kingdom of Ven unified 1.000 years before the flood an lasted for 1.000 years; the Chaotic Age for 200; the Golden Age for 1.500; the New Age for 100; the Age of the Journey at least 250 (and lasts until today).

    May your wine always fruitful and spicy,

    Dr. Beatrice Memmo, magnificent scientist, explorer and cartographer

    *I have to add that this is only a rather free translation done by me. The original curse was three lines long and much more offending, especially against the grandmother of the house of De. I’ve also read a version in which is stated that these words weren’t added by Al-Qasar, but by his brother Al-Bandi.

    XV. Some words on Leeven physiology and the climate on Lyon - a report by Beatrice Memmo

    When I first met the Leeven, I didn’t notice anything which would appear as special when it comes to their senses. This was wrong, as I had to discover after some weeks on my trip in the different republics of Lyon.

    Humans mostly use their eyes to gather information; the sense of sight is our primary sense. Leeven have a comparable sense of sight, with a small difference: they are more sensitive when it comes to sparkling, twinkling and shiny objects. From an evolutionary point of view, there is the common explanation that the ancestors of the Leeven had to search in the vast Savannahs of the old continent for small oasis. Seeing the reflections of sunlight on the horizon could save someone’s life.
    However, today it explains the Leeven’s appreciation for metals like gold and silver or pixels.

    This leads to one of the most underrated Leeven skills, which is their olfactory sense. Their nose is a complex organ and is able to scent a wide range of different smells and aromas. Personally, I would guess that this sense is four or five times better than that of a normal human.

    When a Leeven merchant shortchanged me, I was able to meet him again – under surprising circumstances, which included lube, a whip and a high tree (but I’m sure your Excellency is not interest in this long and very embarrassing story for this fly-by-night Leeven). After a gentle talk with him, he explained me that one of the most common strategies in leeven business is the “use of the nose”. Leeven can scent strong emotions through our glands. The release of our evaporations can tell them in which mood we are, like dogs do. If we are confused, afraid or insecure, our body tells this to an experienced Leeven. I have to underline, that this important fact should be carefully kept in mind when our politicians have a talk with the consuls of Lyon.

    I want to make another addition to the olfactory sense of the Leeven, because it’s the most important one. When they say “I smell pixels in the morning”, this is not only a metaphorical saying. I encountered situations in which Leeven only followed their nose to find some pixels. It’s also worth mentioning, that their proverb for “this promises trouble” is “this smells like trouble”. It helps them to lower risks. And even if they encounter risks, Leevens can be very fast.
    Well, for the first 200 meters, at least. Like I showed earlier, when talking about that Leeven merchant.

    As the scent and the gustatory sense are related, the latter is also highly evolved. It’s obvious why the “art of cuisine” has such a high role in their culture. I heard that Big Ape had once a leeven food taster, but these are only some rumors. Ironically, the job of food tasters who protected his mane in the time of the private feuds between the prides has led to the development of some very refined dishes; assassination via poison became too difficult. There are some notable examples were manes died under suspicious circumstances, after eating such delicious pasta that their gustatory sense literally collapsed under the weight of the various aromas.

    Leeven ears are highly developed. Not only do they play a major role when it comes to actions like hearing rumors or the sound of clinking pixels; a Leeven’s ear is also important when it comes to the expression of his mood and even communication. That’s a very interesting field, because Leeven don’t only talk via mouth and hand, but are also able to give signals with their ears. In the Golden Age of Pride and Prey, secret agents were able to “talk with their ears” alone, giving secret messages to their allies in this code. Due to the communicative nature of this topic, I may elaborate a bit more about the function of ears when it comes to their language.

    We also have to keep in mind what a high role the “art of music” plays in the Leeven society. There are still some conservative prides who demand that male lions have to write at least one song on the Mandolin for a female to “please her ear” before entering a fusion with her.

    There is a last thing I want to mention, which is highly connected with the climate on the planet of Lyon. Leeven are somewhat nancified when it comes to cold temperatures. There are no polar regions on Lyon; snow is only known in some mountainous regions and quite rare. The optimal temperature for a Leeven is around 30°C and 40°C (86°F-104°F); even in the mild zones, the temperature is rarely less than 15°C (59°F).

    In fact, in the Golden Age of Pride and Prey, shadowy gardens and cool winds were praised in poems, because they were rather scarce; but the Age of the Journey was also a shock for the Leeven, when they encountered the vast snowy steppes of some lands. Thanks to clothes and technology, they are able to survive, but they normally evade cold planets. Since today, there are no Leeven colonies on planets with arctic, snow or tundra biomes. They also tend to lament a lot when it gets cold; so much, that there are some common curses, like “May you win a vacation and then get stranded on an ice planet”.

    Taking these facts in account, I would suggest that we may prepare a giant fridge in the case that the political negotiations with the Leeven end in a deadlock.

    Dr. Beatrice Memmo, magnificent scientist, explorer and cartographer

    XVI. Archaeological expedition on Lyon - a report by Beatrice Memmo

    Your Excellency,

    as it seems that the Senate is still not willing to recall me – and I’m very sure I know the reason, Excellency, and you should be sure that I’m a resentful person – I had to find something to fill my time. As the Republic of San Leone doesn’t even pay me and tried to get rid of me on different “missions” (like visiting a Floran outpost, which was in fact a Floran prison) I returned to my main profession and tried to get some archaeological excavation rights on Lyon. Wasting time is a sin, because time is money. In that case, I completely follow the philosophy of the Fima-Fami.

    When talking/bargaining* on a local market in Nyuven, I had a small conversation/trade talk* with a merchant from a nearby island called Munta. He was a member of the pride of Il. This noble house owns the whole island I mentioned before and has a well-known library with historical records; rumors about a human who was interested in ancient history spread faster than I thought, and clearly, the Leeven searched profit. He offered me a ferry. Naturally, I agreed and paid the ticket.

    The most interesting thing, however, was the fact that there are many stories/legends about Munta. This tiny island in the Grand Archipelago has a mysterious background, and the books I’ve read suggest that it was the tip of a mountain in the times of the Kingdom of Ven. This is nothing remarkable, because I’ve read such stories on several occasions; but in this case, the story is a bit different. The sources I’ve read claim that the founder of the pride of Il fled originally from a city at the feet of that mountain, until they reached the top. The “Fabulous and Unreachable Story of the House full of Greatness we know as the House of Il” mentioned that the refugees used a cave.

    The Mane of Il – his name is Il-Lago – welcomed me and even arranged a little festivity for me, including a Mandolin concerto. When asking him about excavation rights, he refused; but after an evening full of discussions, wine and music I was able to convince/bribe* him. I lost most of my pixels to these greedy lions, but I got at least a week to inspect the place. Munta is a small island, extending only some miles from east to west, and even smaller in its extension from north to south. I was rather optimistic to find some relics in no time.

    Four days passed without any sign of ancient relics. On the fifth day, a merchant wanted to sell me some ceramics, which were obviously imitations, but were quite handy to break them on his furry neck. On the sixth day, I found some chicken bones, which were my greatest archaeological advances so far on Lyon.

    On the last day I became desperate had a walk at the beach and encountered a troublesome crayfish. When illegible thinking about important philosophical questions and archaeological problems, I tipped against an old, engraved stone in the sand. After hours of shoveling dead prawns and shells, my expedition began. An old portal from ancient times, long forgotten, was buried under the masses of beach-sand. With the help of plasma grenades cunning use of my matter manipulator, I was able to open the old door.

    Well, someone should have written a warning sign or something at the front of the door – these old stairs have some huge and deep steps! Only my old bull-whip saved my live. Swinging in the dark, above an unknown hole, I saw in the face of a giant monster, made of silver and obsidian. I needed my lamp to realize that this creature was made of stone, an ancient relic of the Kingdom of Ven.

    Leeon himself, the judge and guardian of the Leeven, greeted me.



    *The Leeven language amazes me when it comes to certain synonyms.

    XVII. A note on leeven architecture - a report by Beatrice Memmo

    When travelling through the galaxy, it's not uncommon to find Avians, Glitch or Florans to live in small houses. Lonesome Leeven, those who have left their pride to find prey on their Journey, are no exception. Leeven are specialized to live an autarkic profitable life, even when not connected to their community.

    The typical house of a lonesome Leeven consists of a shop/working area on the ground-floor and a private are upstairs. The first one is normally a business office or shop, connected to a storeroom. Here, a Leeven may gather the goods he wants to ship later to another place and sell them on a near market; others are also shopkeepers and sell their goods in the local area they live in. Sometimes, they have the most expensive luxury goods in their range items - but sometimes also the weirdest ones.

    The part upstairs is an apartment with a central room, called the "Room of Prey", where a Leeven exposes his Book of Pride&Prey in a collection of goods from all the places he visited on his Journey. Maps with different planets or stellar systems in which they trade or did trade are also part of this exhibition. Mosaics underline the prestige of the dynasty or the philosophy of Pride&Prey (this is the case in a mix of blue and yellow colors, which represents the harmonious combination of the two main concepts).

    As the Leeven are aware of their roots and prefer fish as main dish, Leeven houses always own a pond nearby where they raise fishes for private use. A terrace for food - mostly wine or La-Kanea - is quite common. The Leeven are no Hylotl, but they keep their standard. A pride without wine or at least standard living conditions loses reputation.


    (As you may guess, that's how a Leeven mini-dungeon would look like, when you find a single house on a planet).

    A Leeven house with different ornaments on every floor.​

    One of the first things a traveler may notice when entering a Leeven house are ornaments and decorations on the walls which are typical for this race. These ornaments are not only a sign of aesthetics, but have a greater meaning. All in all, there are two types of ornaments:

    1. The wall decoration, which refer to the pride, the owner or generic topics. The house of Sha may have different wall decorations in respect to the house of Ibn, and both may identify the house due to the ornaments used in a house. Like medieval shields and coat of arms in human society, a Leeven will recognize the owner or pride of a house when identifying the ornaments.

    On the other side, ornaments can stand for a vast variety of different topics, mostly associated with the system of Pride&Prey. One symbol may stand for stability, another for expansion. These ornaments show what the owner prefers on his Journey to get more Prey or expand his Pride. They shouldn’t be misinterpreted as “blessings” or “wishes”, but be seen as personal note of the owner or pride.

    A symbolical use of stilized palms or vines refer to the symbol for "fruit"; fruits in the sense of "fruits of your work".

    These ornaments refer to the concept of "concord", especially peace in the pride itself.

    The symbol for "expansion".

    "Stability" is one of the most used ornaments in Leeven architecture.

    2. The mosaics, which mostly refer to the concept of Pride&Prey, but MAY also refer to the own pride in some cases.

    When the combination of blue and golden ornaments is used, it’s a direct reference to the philosophy of the Fima-Fami. Gold stands for the profit, for money, for wealth and such for “Prey”; the reference to gold and any other shiny metal is obvious. Blue instead is the concept of the family; the Leeven associate it with the “big water”, which is formed by tiny drops. As such, the ocean is the “Pride”, and the drops its members. There are further philosophical books which see further connections and metaphors: Blue stands for the home planet of the Leeven, Lyon; Gold stands for Leeon, the Sun. Blue stands for the Ocean, and as such, for the pride living on the Ground; Gold instead refers to those who crossed the water and live in the eternal pride. Blue is female, because they bring children to live and such, expand the Pride; Gold is male, as they tend to risk more for Prey. And so on, and so on, and so on…

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Different mosaics showing the harmony of Pride&Prey.
    However, there’s also the possibility that we see mosaics which are not composed by the famous blue-golden combination. In this case, the mosaic is the sign of a pride itself, like a national flag. Sometimes, letters from the Leeven alphabet are used.

    The sign of a lesser pride, only consisting of one syllable.

    It’s obvious that a Leeven house tells a lot about the owner. Especially the minor prides have specialized in some special trades, like cloth, armour, vegetables, wine and so on. The ground floor, where we find the store of a Leeven, will exactly tell us to which business our merchant belongs. Normally, goods are shown and sold in this area. This leads to a wide range of different types of Leeven houses, even if the concept of the different rooms and levels is the same as told in chapter I.


    However, the Room of Prey will tell more than someone may guess. A sharp eye is needed to take all the details in account. We can see the contacts and the life of the inhabitant. Old and noble prides have family chambers in which the most precious things are shown, gained by ancestors, distant cousins or famous Manes from that pride. But even lonesome Leeven can look on a rich and interesting life. Glitch weapons, Floran warrior statues or an Avian Gong may suggest a partnership with other merchants from distant systems; maybe our Leeven visited some place like that and returned with a thing which he thought to be an extraordinary good prey.


    For Humans, it may be confusing to see an Apex radio between golden jars. But a radio can be regarded as a good prey if the Leeven lives in a region in which radios aren’t common. Also, things which are rare on Lyon are regarded as more valuable than others. There is the famous example of Fa-Solasi who brought a Hula-Hula-girl puppet to Lyon. For a human, it may be rather worthless, but it was the only Hula-Hula-girl puppet on Lyon, and as such, a very expansive prey – at least until other prides tried to get one.

    Some examples for different shops and stores:


    This is obviously a tailor. Unfortunately, we don't see the Room of prey, because it takes place on the other side of the house. Instead, we see the working area.


    A nice little house of a weapon seller. Having a close look at the Room of Prey, we may discover a Glitch hourglass and an empty Floran weapon rack. It seems like our Leeven sold mostly to these two races.


    A merchant who focused on exotic flowers. Like the tailor's house, we see the working area on the upper floor.


    This is an interesting case. Obviously, this Leeven sells food: mostly fruits and vegetables. But the Room of Prey is rather small, and we don't see much prey. Doesn't the business go well? Is this trader in crisis? Well, the overall size of the building - much bigger than the shops shown before - suggests that this is not the case. We also see a beautiful dining terrace on the top. So, how does this come? Possibly, this is a house of a lonesome Leeven, or the house of a young pride. A succesfull, evolving one, but which has yet to gain enough prey. When time goes by, the owner may enlarge his Room of Prey for more precious artefacts.


    This seems to be the toy shop of a Leeven who interracially has many contacts to other traders, buying toys from everywhere and later selling them here. Once again, the Room of Prey is not shown, but the working area.


    This is the prestigious palace of a rich Merchant Lord who didn't concentrate on one sector, but on several products. Look at the depot, full with crates and different goods. Have also a look at this wonderful Room of Prey with valuable things from the galaxy!

    Different motives why I think that at least a thought in that direction has some value:

    - Geography: The current races reflect at least one continent – with the exception of Australia – but there are still white spots. Especially if we take the Glitch for “Europe”, their culture is mostly northern European, but doesn’t fit to the culture in Southern France, Italy or other Mediterranean areas. The same goes for the Middle East and its Arabic/Turkish/Persian culture. There are also some things in common with Armenian and Jewish culture.

    - History: Regarding timeframes, the Florans live in the Stone Age, the Avian in Ancient times, the Glitch and Hylotl are medieval, the Novakids 19th century, the Humans “Modern” and the Apex futuristic. However, there is no race for the Early Modern Era (1500-1800).

    - Politics: There is no race which has a pre-modern republican model with a government form consisting of families (oligarchy) and merchants (plutocracy) like most republics had back then (Italian Merchant Republics like Venice, Genoa, Pisa; the Dutch Republic; the Hansa).

    - No Merchant race: There is ALWAYS a trading nation in history. Not only lonesome merchants, but powerful institutions like East India Companies or whole states (Portugal, Venice). It’s just good business.

    - A defragmented race: I always find it a bit dubious if other alien races are able to unite their people if humanity may never reach that point. The Leeven are divided in dynasties which act like trading companies and such reflect a feudal society even more than the “real” feudal races in Starbound. Borgia, de Medici and the Montagues and Capulets come to mind. The same goes for the Arabian world were personal honor and the honor of the family has still that role.

    - The Florans live in trees, the Hylotl under water, but the Leevens ON water.

    - Some new possible goods – Wine and Fish – which should fit logical in the game. Also a possible, logical explanation why all races use Pixels.

    - Every race has a certain “plot” or “concept”.

    - You also need that certain tricky, untrustworthy race which you also find – for some reason – likeable. If Orwell was an Apex, Machiavelli would’ve been a Leeven.

    - Irony! Oh that irony. And puns. And Allusions. Some are really good. Not all, but some.

    The bad thing: I’m totally untalented when it comes to art (also pixel-art). I’m aware how low the chances are, but maybe there is some kind Modder out there who is interested to help me regarding the character design…

    Also I beg for pardon for my English.[/quote]
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
  2. manofbedrock

    manofbedrock Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I like this race. It's well made, and likeable. You obviously put a lot of time and effort into the Leeven, and for that I must commend you. Keep up the good work! :)
    Beatrice likes this.
  3. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    Thanks for your answer! Like I said, my skills regarding art and pixels is really bad, but I may at least mod some books and kodexes in for those players who like to play and discover new things. I appreciate your post, especially because you designed another race.
  4. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    Added some pictures I found when randomly browsing through dA. I've added the links in chapter I. Only to give a better impression.
    Last edited: May 24, 2014
  5. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    I've added possible books under a new category X. The space between lines represent the pages. At the moment the Codex of the Leeven consits of the Introduction to the Book of power and the Rules #1-#50. Each book consists of ten rules, which makes a total of six books. I will publish 50 other rules in the future to show the first 100 rules of the book of pride&prey (or: book of power). There are more though.

    X. Codex

    Introduction to the Book of Power

    "by As Lan, High Consul, in honor of the 87th edition
    Neither the author, nor the date of the first publication of this book is known. But does it matter? Well, it doesn't matter because none of the Manes of the prides is interested in any research. No one wants to pay because of a possible copyright infringement.",

    "Every pride has its own history, its own cult of ancestors, its own literature and even its own dialect. But the Book of Power is accepted by every pride and as such, one of the links between the different branches of our society. Power means pride and prey, the basic values of or people.",

    "Every Leeven lives for prey and pride. Other species won't understand it. That's not important. As long as they have prey, we are happy and will help them to hand it over to us. Oh, that wonderful odor of Pixels in the morning!"

    The Rules

    "#1: There is no prey without pride and no pride without prey.
    #2: Everything is allowed as long as you gain prey.
    #3: Nothing is allowed as long as it hurts your pride.",

    "#4: Wine is really good. Drink some.
    #5: The world is bad. Trick others before they trick you.
    #6: The word 'deceit' is used by those without success.",

    "#7: People forget. They don’t remember bad things after a while. You can trick them again.
    #8: The greatness of a pride consists of the prey it has.
    #9: Children are a long-term investment. They are both prey and pride. What could be better?",

    "#10: No rule of this book should be changed. Neither should a rule be added to this rule to trick me, boy. Already thought of that."

    "#11: Weapons are expensive. Words are gratis.
    #12: Running is exhaustive. Let others run for you.
    #13: However, you shouldn't unlearn to run. It may safe your life",

    "#14: People hate the truth. Tell them what they want to hear.
    #15: A friend is someone who owes you a favour.
    #16: It's better to be feared than to be loved by others. Especially if one of them owes you money.",

    "#17: Don't lie.
    #17 A: Pretexts are allowed. (added in the 3rd edition)
    #17 B: This is only true for your own pride. (added in the 12th edition)
    #17 C: Well, a bit lying didn't kill anyone, eh? (addition unknown)",

    "#18: Laziness is the virtue of those without pride and prey.
    #19: There's always prey. If you don't find any, go further to find some.
    #20: Love your pride. You can't make children with a sack of gold."
    #20 A: Even if it may seem more logical. (addition unknown)"

    "#21: Agreements must be kept. As long as you don't want to break them.
    #22: A wise Leeven scents the odor of prey.
    #23: Who doesn't expand is lazy - or dead.",

    "#24: Every thing has its price. The same goes for people.
    #24 A: Especially politicans. (added in the 19th edition)
    #25: Life ends with death. The pride is eternal.
    #26: You may lose your hope, but you shouldn't lose your fortune.",

    "#27: It's a joy to expand your pride by loving your partner. It's gratis.
    #28: A good partner will never divide your prey, but doubble it.
    #29: Forgery doesn't exist when nobody complains."

    "#30: Be gentle to those who you prey. Smiling is good for your health. And a longer life means better chances for more prey."

    "#31: Questions can be deadly.
    #32: Answers can be deadlier than questions, though.
    #33: If two Leeven struggle with each other, you should be the third one to steal their prey.",

    "#34: Occasionally words must serve to veil the facts. But let this happen in such a way that no one become aware of it.
    #34 A: Or, if it should be noticed, excuses must be at hand to be produced immediately. (added in the 9th edition)
    #35: Ven never allowed a trouble spot to remain, simply to avoid going to war over it. Neither should you allow trouble in your pride.",

    "#36: Time contains the seeds of all things, good as well as bad.
    #37: The first method for estimating the intelligence of a person is to look at the Leeven he has around him.
    #38: Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are.",

    "#39: It's wiser to absorb your rival's house than to destroy it.
    #40: Remember the greatness of the house of Fi and the poorness of the house of Ye. Remember the extinction of the Fi and the raise of the Ye. The reason is easy to understand, for it is the good of the pride and not private prey that makes prides great."

    "#41: Killing is bad. You lose a potential customer.
    #42: The word 'stranger' in the dialect of the Al means also 'possibility'.
    #43: If you don't like your partner anymore, enter a partnership with another one. Or two. After some time has passed, you may appreciate your first partner again.",

    "#44: It is not from the benevolence of the fisher that we expect our dinner, but from his regard to his own prey.
    #45: You may often fulfil all the rules of justice by sitting still and doing nothing.
    #45 A: Therefore, the rules of justice are not the rules of prey. (added in the 2nd edition)",

    "#46: Don't sell your grandmother.
    #46 A: Lease her. (added in the 37th edition)
    #46 B: But only to an allied pride to safe the reputation of your own pride. (added in the 38th edition)",

    "#47: War is good for prey.
    #48: Peace is good for prey.
    #49: Every prey has the value one is willing to pay for it.",

    "#50: If you paid for it, it's yours."
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
  6. manofbedrock

    manofbedrock Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Its good! I like it! Just wondering, would you mind if I added a racial interaction of the Leeven to my race's page? It would be cool if we could both do one, as our races are similar, but different at the same time.
  7. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    Well, if you want to write some fictional interaction with our species, fell free to do so :). You know, merchants are those who reaches the shores first. Thanks for your interest. I have still to add interaction with the Novakids, because I forgot them for some strange reason, but I may also add one for other races of the extended Starbound universe. Interesting idea (I like to write dialogues).
    PabloElPuas likes this.
  8. manofbedrock

    manofbedrock Subatomic Cosmonaut

    okay. But I would enjoy some help in understanding how your species thinks. If you want to add a racial interaction with my race, then here is a link to the page.
  9. manofbedrock

    manofbedrock Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I enjoy writing dailogue too. considering you know I made a race, I'm assuming you read the Nagath's page already.
  10. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    I did. ;) Give me some time, I may write something tomorrow.
  11. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    Added interaction with Novakids. Added a sub-category for concept or modded races. Added interaction with Desulti (maybe my favorite concept race since I found them back in December) and Nagath. May add more (Felines and Avali seem logical).

    PabloElPuas likes this.
  12. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    As much as I would like to run around as a Khajjit,evaporating enemies with a laser gun,I don't think that any more animal races are welcome here.If you replaced the lions with something more original,It would be great.
  13. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    There are many puns and allusions which wouldn't work anymore and make many things obsolete, however. Lions would fit best regarding some key elements.
  14. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Alright,if you think so.I'm glad that you took lions instead of normal cats.
    That's manly.
  15. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    I'm still happy that you posted in this thread. I could make a detailed list why I chose lions and what my detailed thoughts were; nevertheless, this may become a huge list and it may be rather uninteresting for you (if you insist, I'm willing to do so, I only don't want to annoy you).

    To be honest, maybe six months ago, I would have wholeheartly agreed with you. And partially, I still do so. I'm under the impression that many modders, but also those with suggestions first imagine "what a race looks" and then it goes into detail. Others have a certain concept. As I'm heavily influenced by culture and history, for me it's the society and the habits, the mentality, from which most things start. Everything evolved then very smoothly and became an interesting symbiosis, and well, after a certain "point of no return" I accepted that this race has to be lion-like for many different motives, like typical social habits, history and allusion (the name "Leeven" itself is an allusion to a dutch-like word, as the Dutch were the trading nation of early modern times, and -ven similar to the name Venice. Both had a lion as symbol, both were infamous merchants... only to give one example how it fit together).

    I'm too realistic to see any race included in Starbound, especially mine. Still, there may be some who get an inspiration, maybe others like the description, and maybe I'm even able to collect some pictures - or more stuff - and put it together in this thread. I'm doing that for fun. Hope is misleading. I'm quite happy for two or three responses, as "walls of texts" have become quite unpopular on the internet (whereas it wasn't that extreme in the time when I began to write things on the internet).

    Besides that, what do I have to expect? If you have some imagination, or maybe a smile on your face when you read my post, I'm happy. It cost me some effort to post this, as it was only a "private" thing, but well, now it's public, people may judge and criticise me or may propose better solutions. It's still better than total silence :)

    Also, regarding cats... it may surprise you, but I don't like cats that much. Lions are a completly different species to me, as they are social beeings. In some regards, lions and wolves/dogs have more in common with each other than lions and cats. Also, cats are much more like playful childs, whereas lions are more mature; the lion is simply the sign of power in most cultures, especially in the mediterranean-oriental area.
    Last edited: May 27, 2014
    Ado likes this.
  16. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    It's good to know some trivia.I hope your race get's more views/replies.I'll try making a sprite for you,if I have time.
    Beatrice likes this.
  17. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    That would be wonderful, thank you so much! :)
  18. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Woot!It's here.
    Didn't take that much time.I couldn't make the mouth look lion-ish,hope you like it!
    Beatrice likes this.
  19. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    Your help is much appreciate! Thank you so much!

    Also, Dragonith did some sprites for me:


    I'll add all of them later to the first post, when I'm going to update the cdoex ;)
    Heriol and Ado like this.
  20. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    I've added the pictures under chapter I. I also added the other 50 ruels of the Book of Power in the Codex-section. There are clearly more, but it is enough to get a good impression.

    The Rules 51-100

    "#51: Ask not what your pride can do for you. Ask what you can do for your prey.
    #52: Even a blind Leeven can see shiny gold.
    #53: Never betray someone - as long as you may geht caught.",

    "#54: You can't put drunken wine back in a bottle.
    #54 A: But you may still sell it. (added in the 33th edition)
    #55: Diamonds are a Leeven's best friend.
    #56: Your pride is your honour.",

    "#57: The day was made to work, the night was made to sleep. Nevertheless, your prey may conceal itself in the dark.
    #58: The Winged Lion doesn't watch the Lazy, but the Powerful.
    #59: Rumours are only true if you invented them.",

    "#60: Treason happens because you became wiser."

    "#61: It's never too late to change your opinion.
    #62: Having no children is true poverty.
    #63: Begging pardon is a strategy, not a ritual.",

    "#64: A powerful ally may become your biggest rival.
    #65: There's no trust, only interests.
    #66: A loyal partner is worth 1001 diamonds.",

    "#67: The Winged Lion couldn't be everywhere. Because of that, he made your Mother.
    #68: It's good to eat a La-Zanja in company. You and the La-Zanja.
    #69: You may tell someone a secret - but be sure that you cut off his tongue.",

    "#70: A good reputation reaches the end of the world. A bad one reaches even farer. One should avoid to be despised and hated."

    "#71: Poverty is like death, but wealth doesn't mean that you live.
    #72: Your tongue is like your ship. If you master it, it will rescue you in peril.
    #73: There is no Mane without pride.",

    "#74: Ask advice from your rival and do the opposite.
    #75: A Mane and a fisher know more than a Mane alone.
    #76: Keep quite before you speak.",

    "#77: The one who has the money is always right.
    #78: If the Mane dies, another will follow.
    #79: You shouldn't talk about prey. You should have it.",

    "#80: Not the title of Mane makes a Leeven illustrious, but the Leeven has to make the title of Mane illustrious."

    "#81: If we both are Manes of our pride, who's going to fish our dinner?
    #82: It's good to believe in the Winged Lion, but it's better to tie your boat.
    #83: A lazy one who can't master his ship will say: 'The sea was rough'.",

    "#84: Don't curse your rival because he tricked you. Learn why he had success.
    #85: You have to learn to lose. There is enough time to win later.
    #86: Prey doesn't vanish.",

    "#87: It's easier to learn for a cub than for a Mane.
    #88: More partners means more children. More children means more chances that they will expand the pride. A bigger pride means more prey.
    #89: Don't hate your children because nine of them are lazy, but care for the one who shows talent. He will inherite your prey.",

    "#90: Once, the Kingdom of Ven controlled all land and all seas. The King of Ven was the mightiest Leeven on Lyon. What did remain? Nothing. Question yourself what will remain from you. The answer is simple: your children."

    "#91: Don't envy your neighbour because of his prey. Think how you can steal it.
    #92: If you can't steal your neighbour's prey, try to find other ways to accumulate more prey than he has.
    #93: The reputation of your pride has an effect on your prey.",

    "#94: Don't sleep with the secretary. Sleep with the banker. But only if you are the secretary yourself.
    #95: Don't despair in the desert. Collect sand.
    #96: What the house of Iz regards as piracy, the house of Sha regards as commerce.",

    "#97: You don't live forever, but be sure you live as long as you can.
    #98: It's not your fault if you fall ill, but its your fault if you don't hire someone to sub for you.
    #99: Defend your pride until your own death. Your prey is worthless if you don't have a pride anymore.",

    "#100: Prey is short, pride is long. Think of the future, but don't miss your boat in the present. Find the balance between both to become powerful."

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