Gameplay [The Kingdoms 1.x] RP Story building - all builders welcomed!

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by SivCorp, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. Ravoik

    Ravoik Space Spelunker

    Siv can we document time of our adventures like captain logs in star trek or something?
    SivCorp likes this.
  2. Plasmataz

    Plasmataz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I seem to have gotten my Mod Conflicts under control, and there's been a couple of major updates for the mods I wanted. Real life seems to be slowing down enough that I may be able to pick back up on my series, or just scrap it and restart from a slightly more "advanced start" than building up from nothing again. We'll see which way the nebula drifts.
  3. Pedro Falcão

    Pedro Falcão Pangalactic Porcupine

    Please, refrain from multi-posting like this. You can simply edit your last post and put an "EDIT: (...) " on it.
    The Squid likes this.
  4. Ravoik

    Ravoik Space Spelunker

    Deleted like 7 posts, thanks for the criticism I'm still kinda new to the forum concept
    The Squid and SivCorp like this.
  5. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    Thanks, Ravoik. Keeps the posts clean, that's the reason for the "edit" option :)
  6. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    I know how you feel. I had serious problems with some mods too. Couldn't play for 2 or 3 weeks until I found the problem. I even considered unsubscribing from most of them and restarting with a new character (but with the same story and appearance). That is why my last update was so apocalyptic.

    Unfortunately, something changed in the Create a Friend mod and the npcs look different from before even if I use the same seed number. So if I restart I'll have to change the appearance of the minor characters and I prefer not too.
    SivCorp likes this.
  7. Ravoik

    Ravoik Space Spelunker

    Oh for the animals, there is a chest called a chicken feeder, could we make it for every 4-8 chickens you need 1 of those chests?

    Also for Mods can i use I want to Dive that Van, and I want to Fly that Van?
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
  8. Pedro Falcão

    Pedro Falcão Pangalactic Porcupine

    You can make that true for your colony, yes.
    Yes. This whole thread only gives you a setting and some very basic rules. What to do from there is your call. Of course there is a limit of you can do in the current RP setting, but I don't think adding a van would break the setting. Unless your kingdom doesn't have the materials to craft that van, that is. Then it doesn't matter how much you "just want to drive that van". =D
    SivCorp likes this.
  9. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

  10. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    I mighty like that thar talkin style you doin' Partner!

    As for them stats...

    Looks like you got 3 folks, 11 crops, one water source, 3 beds with 3 houses, no sanitation, no recreation. Do you have clothing made for the others?

    Here is what you would have at this point.

    Population = 3

    Food = ( Crops 11 /3 )+( Recipies 2 /2 )+( Drinks 3 / 3 )-( Pop 3 )
    >> 2.6 = 3.6 + 1 + 1 - 3
    Health = ( Food groups 4 )+( Liquid sources 1 )+( Med -0.5 x Pop 3 )
    >> 3.5 = 4 + 1 + -1.5
    Housing = ( Rooms 3 / Pop 3)x( Beds 3 - Pop 3)
    >> 1 = 1 * 1
    Bed lvl = 3 bed (1)
    Morale = (Clothing 3 - Pop 3 )+( Recreation 0 - Pop 3 /10 )+( Sanitation -1 * Pop 3)
    >> -3.3 = 0 + -0.3 + -3
    Economics = ( Jobs 3 - Pop 3 )+( Landmarks 0 - Pop 3 /10) + Other 0
    >> -0.3 = 0 + -0.3 + 0

    Kingdom rating 3.5 = 2.6+3.5+1+-3.3+-0.3

    Tech Level = wood/stone, copper/iron, coal
    Fleet Level = 1 damaged transport

    Does that all make sense?

    EDIT: Added two players to the main post. Welcome, and have fun! I will also be editing my post, and continuing the story, perhaps with another addition.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
    The Squid likes this.
  11. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Thanks! I do have clothes for one of them, but I can add that in. :up:
  12. Ralij

    Ralij Big Damn Hero Jumping in as well... finally. NaNo took my attention all month. Wanting to just get it started even if I don't actually have a population other than myself yet. I feel like I have to get things proper before getting colonists... the sewer system is going to take awhile... and a lot of cobblestone.

    Dont really have a name yet... Phoenix Imperium? Idk, too cliche I think but eh.
    SivCorp and TheFloranChef like this.
  13. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester


    It has been awhile from our last activity... We should change that.

    Time to get going proper, now that most mods are running well, and the bugs are all ironed out. :)
    TheFloranChef and The Squid like this.
  14. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    I'm glad to see a new kingdom and the others still active. I'm busy with other games but I haven't abandoned mine. I will post more. Eventually. :nurutease:
    The Squid likes this.
  15. Kirumaru

    Kirumaru Pangalactic Porcupine

    Get back to work. It's March. No updates in months. Unacceptable!
    TheFloranChef and SivCorp like this.
  16. moremuffin

    moremuffin Cosmic Narwhal

    I did actually notice none of them seem to have been updated for quite a while too. I was starting a new character soon anyway so I might start one of my own.
    TheFloranChef and SivCorp like this.
  17. Kirumaru

    Kirumaru Pangalactic Porcupine

    I've been thinking of signing up, again, too. I haven't played much since 1.0 killed my last [Kingdom]
    I actually found Chapter 3 of my old file [Rise of the Valiant] on Google Drive. Apparently I never posted it. The travesty!

    I'm sort of waiting for the Space update, though. News of it got me back into thinking about Starbound again.
    I just have no idea how long the wait will be.
    TheFloranChef and SivCorp like this.
  18. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    Yeah, I'll be going again once that space update drops.
    TheFloranChef and Kirumaru like this.
  19. moremuffin

    moremuffin Cosmic Narwhal

    Yep I was mainly planning around just getting up to the point of leaving the planet. Then saving the rest till after the update, since it seems like it'd be more fun that way.
    TheFloranChef, SivCorp and Kirumaru like this.
  20. Ravoik

    Ravoik Space Spelunker

    Yes, we must rebuild our forgoten empires and rise from the spacedust of the past, too bad space maps are probably gonna be totally revamped :(. Also we could add rules for the new mechs and also rules for building the new spacestations, for example if your empire is big enough they may house one space station where you can have ships docked or soimethin
    Kirumaru and TheFloranChef like this.

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