"To Bring the universe a peaceful world than we should, The kais will do the rest." - Southeast Kai What are the kais? The kais are a peaceful human alien race depends on Crystal and Thymaninrum, They are peacekeepers with the sole purpose is to watch the universe from actual danger. They live in a crystal planet ten times the size of earth, with 0.75x Gravity. Yokai Domania is the Kai's home planet. Biology: Their composition of the Kai's Blood is very extremely poisonous it consumed to the carnivorous life, Their life space due to a very stable evolution is a max of 2,500 years. The kai's skin and hair color depends on Light purple and white hair type. Others has a random dependency of mostly colors. Their height can be randomised to short, to human sized. Some have faciels on their heads like bug antennas to use telepathy and etc. Culture: The kai's culture was based on Dragon Ball Z before the Kais are killed. They have 2 languages, Trinese and Japanese. They don't use trades or artificial food to survive, Only to use natural foods and seeds to plant with. Their buildings are based on japanese shrines and cities during the Edo period. Their clothings are traditional to the kais too. They are highly intelligent, But stuck in the Edo period for sure. Military: Military kais use traditional swords made of Thymaninrum, Crystal, and Rarely, Titanium and Violum. They banned guns from the whole planet is because they believed it lost the motion and energy. They use also Ki to use telepathy, Flight, And ki attacks. They also developed to sense energy and use I.T (Instant Transmission) To go to other planets and share other ships just in case. They always powerful to outmatch any monster. Relations: Many relations with other races are successful, But others are questionable with their nature. Apex: (To Player) "Why you would rely on Swords young kai?" The apex are confused to the kai's military. But relations with Apex are somewhat successful, But somewhat failed due to the MiniKnog putting trade laws with the kais, But waited approval with the central kai. Avian: (To Player) "You look cute for a person like you would it? So tell me about your race." The Avians are in a good relationship with the kais, However, They intended to have open hugs on yokai when the first avians landed to bring gifts. They believed that kluex were friends with the Kais after all. Floran: (To Player) "Your meatsss are no good, but Floran is the mastersss of ssstabbing, Kaisssss sssecond bessst." The Floran has the most intense relations of all. The Kais has many wars with the floran, All of them are victories and defeats. The floran taunts Kais that they are the master of stabbing, But Kais believe that they are lying. But very few florans tended to ally with the kais. So they established weaponary laws to restrict Florans from killing kais. Glitch: (To Player) "Intrested. I guess we can be good allies." The Kais have relations with the glitch in the past. But they are unsure of them if they can be approved or not. Some glitch are outcasts, Others are self aware. So the kais can't accept them if the glitch would stop stealing the crystals from buildings. Hylotl: (To Player) "Greetings kai, We are the hylotl, Supposed your race is a peacekeeper too?" The Kais had wide open arms with gifts from the Hylotl, Which half of the population traveled to yokai wo live with them in a peaceful way. The Hylotl trades were approved by the Supreme Kai. The Kai likes coralcreep a lot due to the poison on all fruits are immune to the Kai blood. Kai restrants were made to the Hylotl community. Even Hylotl cities were estabulished everywhere in Yokai Domania. Human: (To Player) "You know, You look like the show i just watched, but i don't know the name of it." The kais noticed their human suspicion of what they looked like after watching the show that was long forgotton. But relations were little as they don't exist. Novakid: (To Player) "Yee-Haw! You never use guns on your whole planet? That's insane, You should make gun blades in order to be good allies!" The Kais seen the novakid as arrogant as Vegeta. Even told the novakid to use swords, But due to the short memory loss, They can be good friends.. But the Supreme Kai Approves of good allies to novakid as well as giving them swords with guns combined into one. Avail: (To Player) "Tell me tales of your adventure Kai!" The Avail found the Kais to be adventurers, And they like to trade food to the kais to Yokai. They also like to tell stories to kais and others. But The kais made a library for Avails to share their lore to the whole planet. They approve the Avail trade of goods to the Kai planet as 'Tasty' and 'Durable'. Saiyan: (To Player) "Join us in cold blood or else." Some Saiyans are known to be approved to be trused with the Kais. Others are maleviolent, Idiotic, and can't be approved. But their greatest hero of all is Son Goku. A saiyan warrior who helps the kais to stay strong. Many approved friendly half-Breeds are in the buildings of Yokai, Eating Melodistar Ramen and living in peace. ---- Fan Works: (Send your own drawing what they looked like!) Sprites: (Send your own too!) Fan mods: (Make a mod based on the kais!) ---- "Join the Kai Brigade now!"