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The Gunsmith's Weaponry

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by D.M.G., Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Jellyman

    Jellyman Phantasmal Quasar

    Nice, thanks
  2. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    You're whalecome ^^
  3. Jellyman

    Jellyman Phantasmal Quasar

    /spawnitem raregrenadelauncher 1 '{"shortdescription":"KBM 9000","level":15,"seed":301,"animationCustom":{"sounds":{"fire":["/sfx/gun/pulsecannon1.ogg"]}},"primaryAbility":{"projectileType":"impactgrenade","fireTime":0.2,"baseDps":10,"projectileCount":5,"inaccuracy":0,"projectileParameters":{"speed":50,"power":0,"knockback":50}}}'

    It's a modified version
    (by the way, how I can boost up shooting?)
    Waffle-Chan likes this.
  4. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Shooting rate you mean? Or othe parameters?
  5. Jellyman

    Jellyman Phantasmal Quasar

    How fast it can shoot or bullets per second
  6. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Oooh, in that case, change the value of the "fireTime"
    Waffle-Chan likes this.
  7. Jellyman

    Jellyman Phantasmal Quasar

  8. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    If anyone got anything to ask, feel free to ^^
    I'm not very busy at the moment
    Waffle-Chan likes this.
  9. Waffle-Chan

    Waffle-Chan Guest

    Come on down to Waffle's Wacky Weaponry today, and I'll do my best to make a gun to your liking!
  10. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Say, if I provide you the JSON code, will you be able to put it in your mod, with a custom sprite? I could be one of your supplier x)
    Waffle-Chan likes this.
  11. Inferus[RF]

    Inferus[RF] Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't what to request, maybe a sword called Rei's Starchaser(or something) with an emphasis on movement or something agile? Idk like how the violium broadsword has it's flipslash.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
  12. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    I'll do that tomorow, PM me right now so I can remember
  13. Inferus[RF]

    Inferus[RF] Pangalactic Porcupine

  14. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    @Rei Novae
    /spawnitem rarebroadsword 1 '{"seed":3300,"description":"Dat Swooshy Justice","level":10,"elementalType":"fire","altAbilityType":"flipslash","shortdescription":"Rei Starchaser","rarity":"Essential"}'

    /spawnitem rarebroadsword 1 '{"seed":124,"description":"A swooshy Cat Tail","level":10,"elementalType":"electric","altAbilityType":"flipslash","shortdescription":"Z Cat Saber","rarity":"Essential"}'
    Inferus[RF] likes this.
  15. Inferus[RF]

    Inferus[RF] Pangalactic Porcupine

    omg I love it, thanks
  16. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    You're whale-come :3
    Inferus[RF] likes this.
  17. SilverCatChuckles?

    SilverCatChuckles? Void-Bound Voyager

    OH yeh i found it thanks ^_^
    An even better description than mine
    Inferus[RF] likes this.
  18. Inferus[RF]

    Inferus[RF] Pangalactic Porcupine

    *Swooshy justice Intensifies*
  19. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Glad yyou two like your blades ^^

    And as usual, anyone, feel free to ask sommfink
    Inferus[RF] likes this.
  20. SilverCatChuckles?

    SilverCatChuckles? Void-Bound Voyager

    Ive been playing Starbound nonstop recently and its been a breez thanks to you D.M.G. ive gotten towards the end of the game
    I even have the high tier armor but it seems said armor is kinda trash now due to how far ive gotten (and the kinda planets i have fun exploring)
    Thats where you come in once again may you please help a cat out and create a set of armor to match with my "Swooshy cat tail"

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