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RELEASED The Great Collection of Starbound Songs and how to put 'em in.

Discussion in 'Musical Instruments' started by Midnight_Blitz, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    Could you please do the original theme of cervantes from soul blade? :pwease:
  2. Blade Skydancer

    Blade Skydancer Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome. And yeah, right now, the closest thing that's in Starbound is an accordion. We really, really need a set of bagpipes. Well hopefully someone will figure out how to make an instrument at some point.
  3. Kodos

    Kodos Void-Bound Voyager

    I would LOVE a properly working rendition of Home on the Range for my Cowboy and his harmonica.
  4. Midnight_Blitz

    Midnight_Blitz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Firekirby and I recently discovered that if a song is heavily reliant on drums in the background, it will not sound the same. Drums will not convert.

    I can still try. No guarantees. Thank you very much for the video example!

    Someone already has. And I'm watching him closely for some of these songs. Starbound was designed welcoming mods, as stated in a pre-beta dev post, so it is possible.

    I'd love one, too. Traditional version? If not, could you link me an example? I can't guarantee it's the version I'll find, but there are versions out there with major differences.
    Due to the previously stated discovery on heavy drum-relied songs not working well, we had to scrap a few Metal Gear Solid ones, @IamJamez . Currently, the only one we have is two versions of the Metal Gear Solid 2 theme. All others Kirby found were heavily drum-reliant. I may keep searching, since I now have more resources on hand, but this may or may not be all for now. This will also effect any future requests with a heavy reliance on drums!
    Gravik likes this.
  5. beep23

    beep23 Intergalactic Tourist

  6. Midnight_Blitz

    Midnight_Blitz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I use that place sometimes, however, try playing a few of the songs. Not all of them are accurate. Some of the songs on this list are from there and another LOTRO resource, however, Kirby and I are converting those that aren't at .abc resources or sound awful from them.
    Example: Try out Saria's Song. Lost Woods theme. Kirby's Theme. You'll see my point very quickly.

    About Bastion - Build That Wall...
    Either I'm going to have to abandon the song, or (since it's simple enough) I could compose it myself. However, that'd take a long time. I'm afraid I have to put this one on hold for now until I have the time to compose.

    In other news, new song:
    MLP: FiM - Hush (Lullaby only. Sweetie would destroy your instrument.) (Firekirby)
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
    firekirby135 likes this.
  7. Brickwrath

    Brickwrath Void-Bound Voyager

    Think maybe Pokémon theme (I wanna be the very best) and battle music possibly?
    Another idea would be basic Mario stuff (Above ground, underground, boss, etc.)

    Also, would you consider renaming the Drive files to be a bit easier to recognize?

    This is a great thread idea, thanks for the support and simplification of my life!
  8. Equitarius

    Equitarius Space Hobo

    Could you add this beautiful piece of music that I've had stuck in my head for the past 3 weeks?
  9. Midnight_Blitz

    Midnight_Blitz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Pokemon (ESPECIALLY THAT), Mario, things like that are actually already under consideration by me. (Example: I'm currently working on fixing Pikachu's Goodbye.)

    I am also working on renaming, and possibly reorganizing the Drive files to be easily recognizable, but I can't make the file names too long.

    That song sounds very complex. Also, note that any drum parts in the song will not be there in the end. .abcs don't take drums. This may not sound like the song at all in the end.
    Currently, I'm not making giant symphonies of multiple instruments forming one song. I may in the future, but not now.
  10. Blade Skydancer

    Blade Skydancer Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh, speaking of Pokemon, we need some RBY Route 4, RBY Trainer/Gym Leader Battle, RBY Champion battle, and I'm especially curious to hear Lavender Town coming from my accordion.
  11. Zarphus

    Zarphus Void-Bound Voyager

    i'd like to see some metroid stuff in here. if it helps, original format SPC files can be provided (nintendo's SNES midi format)

    and.. maybe owl city stuff.

    shut up. i like owl city..
    .. stop laughing at me D:
  12. Midnight_Blitz

    Midnight_Blitz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'll see what I can do about those.

    All I need to know is the title of the song if possible, if not, a song sample. I don't have a player that will read .spc I believe, so if you can provide one of the two, that'd be great.

    Owl City, I was thinking about songs from them at some point. Fireflies, namely. I'll look into it.
  13. Kodos

    Kodos Void-Bound Voyager

    [Wall of text]

    Sure thing. This was the best version I could find that still kept it simple enough that it seemed like it would be fairly easy to do. http://puu.sh/5L422.mid
  14. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    Thanks, but I've already got the midi for it and uploaded the .abc. I didn't say anything because it was only a single file and I was waiting until I added more to adress it, but it's there. Sorry for keeping that from 'ya. ;)
    Midnight_Blitz likes this.
  15. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    Maybe This version would make it easier to convert?

  16. Sikelh

    Sikelh Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Final Fantasy music and none of these are the Phantom Train theme? No EVERYTHING from Journey to Silius? What blasphemies are these?
  17. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    Don't worry, we'll look into the song. Honestly, to me, it doesn't seem as undoable as Alert 1 in MGS2. (here come the drums. Ugh) Just be warned that, if we personally don't think the version we produce holds up to the initial song, there is a chance we will not post it. Obviously, we'll let you know, though, so you won't have to wait in silence hoping, and can instead request something else you want for us to work on! :)
  18. Midnight_Blitz

    Midnight_Blitz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Only the finest. This thread is fairly new, so it doesn't have as much as it could potentially have. I'll consider this.

    Right. Until this current load gets finished, requests will be closed. Unless Kirb requests me to put it back up.

    Edit: By that, I mean requests to me are closed.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
  19. Kodos

    Kodos Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, just downloaded that one, and I have to say I'm disappointed that it's just the melody with no chords. The MIDI I linked is the actual song, with chords, and I'd much prefer that version. I do appreciate the effort though =)
  20. Midnight_Blitz

    Midnight_Blitz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Here's the problem with this: If you do it with the chords, your instrument may sound bad. That's why people don't just take a converter and slap a song into .abc. It takes a bit of work to figure out what would sound right on one instrument. Download GreenHill.abc (Green Hill Zone) and try that out. You'll see what I mean. I'm going to take a guess and say that's what happened. You'll have to wait for his reason, though.

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