The Gods Are Angry

Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by Red Space Monkey, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Red Space Monkey

    Red Space Monkey Phantasmal Quasar

    - Involved NPCs -
    Ahon - Humanoid

    - Location -
    Random planet with volcanic activity.

    - Quest -
    On a planet that is struck by volcanic eruption, you will meet Ahon and his ginormous ship that he calls an ark. He speaks in muddy and insane tongues, predicting the end of this planet he has been living on for eternities. Throughout the dialogue, he will resort to speak to himself, like his gods are pestering him like angry housewives. He believes that it will be flooded with lava because of his failure to please the deities he's worshipping. Before the planet is flooded (which will not happen), he wants to save two specimen of all the animals that inhabit this planet. There are only 2 species left to rescue, but he's tired and exhausted from finishing his spaceship. He sends you out to finalize his doing.

    - Reward -
    He will give you the newborn baby of very rare animal species that you yet not possess (the game will detect that). It was born several minutes ago on his ark. Also, he will give you the coordinates of the planet he's planning to travel to, so you can visit him, which will resolve in another side quest.
    Kjkillercom likes this.
  2. BrassMonocle

    BrassMonocle Bad Fanfic Afficianado

    holy crap i love this idea. will talk more about it later!!
  3. Red Space Monkey

    Red Space Monkey Phantasmal Quasar

    Really glad you like it, at first I thought the theme would be a little too...controversal. ;D
  4. BrassMonocle

    BrassMonocle Bad Fanfic Afficianado

    i'd like to make it a bit more jokey, but we'll shop it tomorrow
  5. saison

    saison Phantasmal Quasar

    How about just a newborn human baby? I just leave it on the ship and we let nature take it's course ;)
  6. Red Space Monkey

    Red Space Monkey Phantasmal Quasar

    And then it will be taken away by the Intergalactic Child Protective Services. :D
    I added something to the overall quest text to make it a little more jolly btw.
    saison likes this.

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