Digital the "Giving Myself An Excuse To Draw Sebastian" thread

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by MagicallyClueless, May 27, 2016.

  1. Ghostly Fox

    Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

    -chokes on air- why even
      mrobake, Gabaw, Pudassassin and 2 others like this.
    • Risukage

      Risukage Giant Laser Beams

      It's a bit like The Ring at this point: you can't quite contain it, so you're sharing it with everyone else, and in a week we'll all be dead of laughter. :D
      • CjBeats

        CjBeats Weight of the Sky

        Yeah but Frodo didn't share it and it consumed him until.. well you know what happened
        • Risukage

          Risukage Giant Laser Beams

          *Blinks.* I was actually thinking of that movie with the creepy girl in the well (I've never seen it so I probably referenced it wrong). But that direction works, too. Woo-hoo, unintentional double entedre reference FTW.
            Gabaw, CjBeats and MagicallyClueless like this.
          • Ghostly Fox

            Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

            Let's not do the volcano thing, yeah? Ridiculousness that may kill mortals or not.

            Edit: Excuse me while I curl up in a ball at the Sadako reference.
              Gabaw, Risukage and CjBeats like this.
            • Pudassassin

              Pudassassin Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

              "My Precious... Puns" *run the hell away from it*
              How come we all have a visit to the Middle Earth?
                mrobake, Gabaw and CjBeats like this.
              • Ghostly Fox

                Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                Because the Ring saga basically colors most of the views on fantasy settings from when it was written on and many people feel the drive to eventually visit the work that influences the genre even today?
                  Gabaw and Pudassassin like this.
                • about drew

                  about drew Phantasmal Quasar

                  I am still impressed the most by Sea Basstian
                    rhomboid, mrobake, Gabaw and 3 others like this.
                  • Anushka.C

                    Anushka.C Guest

                    I just got the idea for SeBUStian.
                    My mind is blank and this is all I could come up with.
                    • MagicallyClueless

                      MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                      he rides across the countryside providing better transportation than pam could handle
                        about drew, Gabaw and Pudassassin like this.
                      • Risukage

                        Risukage Giant Laser Beams

                        "Hey Sebastian, I'm gonna ride you. :3"

                        Yeah, it works for me. :D
                          Gabaw, about drew and Pudassassin like this.
                        • MagicallyClueless

                          MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                          *my jealous spouse senses activate*
                          NOW HOLD ON A MINUTE
                            Leludar, Risukage, Gabaw and 3 others like this.
                          • Risukage

                            Risukage Giant Laser Beams


                            *Throws popcorn as chaff, runs away.*
                            • Anushka.C

                              Anushka.C Guest

                                Pudassassin likes this.
                              • Gabaw

                                Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

                                fight fight fight fight fight fight fight
                                  Risukage and MagicallyClueless like this.
                                • Ghostly Fox

                                  Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                                  Quick, someone get two pairs of Sebastian's boxers and throw them in opposite directions!
                                    Risukage, Gabaw and MagicallyClueless like this.
                                  • rhomboid

                                    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3


                                    do it
                                    do it
                                      yokimoninoka, Gabaw, Megzzzx and 4 others like this.
                                    • MagicallyClueless

                                      MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut


                                      my power went out last night, but i knew i gained 300 tumblr followers so i decided to make a little thank you!

                                      found my new icon sorry walrus
                                      • Gabaw

                                        Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

                                        rip in blubber jaderus you will be blubbed :rip: also grats on 300 tumbs up wooooooo :up:
                                        • Risukage

                                          Risukage Giant Laser Beams

                                          301 now. I finally went around to making a Tumblr login so I can start following people, and you're the first. Stalker Mode, activate!

                                          *THROWS CONFETTI.*
                                            Gabaw and MagicallyClueless like this.

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