Digital the "Giving Myself An Excuse To Draw Sebastian" thread

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by MagicallyClueless, May 27, 2016.

  1. MagicallyClueless

    MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

    yes, that is right. TIME TO MAKE A NEW THREAD.

    I've been trying a lot of different things and new coloring techniques and whatnot, and due to my love of Stardew Valley, Sebastian has become quite the guinea pig of mine.

    So let me spam you guys with doodles to full drawings of this beautiful raven-hared BEAST (sebeastian?)

    More stuff throughout the thread!

    Newest work:


      Last edited: Aug 2, 2016
    • Pudassassin

      Pudassassin Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

      wow, That's awesome! He's good looking with just the sketch alone! I wondered how he's like when colored.

      And btw, I would do the same with Leah too, different art experiments of the artist herself!
        MagicallyClueless and Gabaw like this.
      • Gabaw

        Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

        omfg "sebeastian" 10/10 lol... you know I always like your stuff, even if it's 99% Sebastian (the other 1% is his reflection) :rofl: haha jk, couldn't resist tho. Anyway, the linework so far is solid, especially the details in the pupils and hair :confirm:
          MagicallyClueless likes this.
        • Risukage

          Risukage Giant Laser Beams

          You draw the most huggable Sebastian. I'm an Elliot fan, but Sebby here is just too cute. :3
            MagicallyClueless likes this.
          • Megzzzx

            Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

            I already told you it was awesome but I'll tell you again! HEHE
            • Firepaw Da Cat

              Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

              Seb looks nice!
              And I like the tags you wrote [​IMG]
                Last edited: May 27, 2016
              • EvilPoptart81

                EvilPoptart81 Cosmic Narwhal

                I like how his hair looks, it's not stiff or sticking out too much. Great doodles as always. :3
                • MagicallyClueless

                  MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                  HE HATH BEEN FINISHED!!!
                  (check the OP, i will start including art in update posts starting on the second page)
                  • Gabaw

                    Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

                    Checking in on the completed headshot. The eyes really came alive once you put some color in! Those full lips tho... Even I'm sweating over here lmao :rofl: *puts handkerchief to forehead* No! You won't pull me in!
                      MagicallyClueless likes this.
                    • MagicallyClueless

                      MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                      YOU CAN'T RESIST!!!!

                      he has his mother's arms
                      • Gabaw

                        Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

                        omfg I wasn't expecting this f**king ambush holy s**t lmao!!
                        • MagicallyClueless

                          MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                          tryin' to practice KISSIININNGGGHHHGHHH and i really wish i could have a wedding dress in-game so dangit i just drew one instead
                          • MagicallyClueless

                            MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                            okay nevermind i changed my mind about the rule i made

                            i colored the kissies
                            • Gabaw

                              Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

                              *opens door* Hey guys what's going on he- WHA?? :wot: Haha hey these are well done too. All I gotta say is good thing they don't have long noses :rofl:
                                CjBeats and Pudassassin like this.
                              • MagicallyClueless

                                MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                                swolebastian is mine, gosh!!!
                                ahahaha i am using a reference for these kisses so when i get used to it i will probably be able to have more variation. but for now their noses can squish, it's cute.
                                  CjBeats and Pudassassin like this.
                                • Firepaw Da Cat

                                  Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

                                  Such a nice couple [​IMG]

                                  *Hopes that Magic will colour the other kisses*
                                  • Pudassassin

                                    Pudassassin Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                                  • Risukage

                                    Risukage Giant Laser Beams

                                    These two are such sweeties. D'awwwwwww! :3
                                    • Anushka.C

                                      Anushka.C Guest

                                      I just found this thread
                                      YOUR DRAWINGS GIVE ME LIFE-
                                      they're such sweeties ksfhls
                                      • xoipa

                                        xoipa Seal Broken

                                        my goD THE CUTENESS KILLS ME

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