The fastest way to sort these things out is to shoot me an email at Would that be all right? Please also include: Which operating system you're on. Which version of Lenna's Inception you have (e.g. if the file you downloaded was, your version is beta3a). If you're on Windows, did you try running it via the .exe? Which version of Java do you have installed (if you know)?
I'm using version 67 of java 7 my operating system is Windows 7 beta4b and beta4a both do not work they both ask me to install Java already have it installed and I reinstalled it twice and that did not fix issue
I've tested it on Java 7 update 67, and it worked for me. Could you send me an email? I need to collect some more information in order to help you. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing the solution. I guess you have to have 64-bit Java on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine then. Good to know!