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"The Frontier" - Newcomer friendly casual RP server. [24/7]

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by TheWalrusNet, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. d3r3k

    d3r3k Space Hobo

    This server still up and active? The IP provided on the forum doesnt show up on SB server lists and the forums do still appear active (people are still white-listing every day).
  2. williamcll

    williamcll Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sorry for the late response, most of the original staff have retired. We are doing completely fine however, ranking 3rd on the starbound server list as of this post.

    You have to make an account on the forums
    you can do it in your shipworld, however you cannot build it elsewhere.
    The link to our server is here
  3. weejimmy

    weejimmy Big Damn Hero

    Hey gang, some of you might still be snooping for the forums using this post: If so, the link to the forums can be found here:

    since zetaboards shifted to tapatalk in 2018, the original link doesn't work. Though you can still find the OG forum via the wayback machine if you really wish.

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