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"The Frontier" - Newcomer friendly casual RP server. [24/7]

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by TheWalrusNet, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. ReticentGrace

    ReticentGrace Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i was considering getting back into servers, and I was wondering how friendly//populated you guys were- I was on Galaxy Citizen a long time ago, but it....wasn't as friendly as it looked at first.

    And starbound is fun....but it's more fun with friends!

    ((Also, I hope y'all don't mind hokey accents. My novakid's speech is based off of my rural texan wife's language :) ))
  2. superturtle4546

    superturtle4546 Space Hobo

    umm how do i join can someone help?
  3. Phoenix123

    Phoenix123 Orbital Explorer

    So it says not accepting new registrations?
  4. superturtle4546

    superturtle4546 Space Hobo

    wait i said that wrong. Its just that i don't know how to join a multiplayer server
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
  5. Maikoa

    Maikoa Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Kind owner -- a cool dude, I give Frontier props!
  6. TheWalrusNet

    TheWalrusNet Phantasmal Quasar

    Thank you for your kind words :) props to the guys over at boundstar too, they run a fantastic server, and if anyone is interested in joining one, or has joined mine and likes what they've seen, I highly recommend you try them out too!

    Head over to our forums via the link in the OP, there you'll find the basic rules to read through and a copy of the server details for you to join. All you need to do is load up starbound, enter the IP and port (Separated by a : on the forum post, but separated into two boxes in-game) and then enter our username and password which you can find at the bottom of the rules post. If you're still having trouble, don't hesitate to add TheWalrusNet on steam and I can help talk you through it.

    We're accepting new registrations! It may have told you that your forum account needs to be approved. This is a manual process and won't always be instant, but check back regularly and someone will have gotten to it soon enough.

    Any and all accents and nationalities are welcome here! I suggest you try it for yourself, as I can't speak as one man alone for the entire server, but I like to think we're as friendly and welcoming as possible. We're mainly populated during the evenings and nights (GMT time, that is, so mid-afternoon to morning in the US.) If you do decide to give us a try, I hope to see you on there :D
    Maikoa likes this.
  7. kain the novakid

    kain the novakid Aquatic Astronaut

    I would like to join the server but do you allow mods so I know if I have to delete them I mostly just use costume mods also if I have multiple [different] charaters can I just use one of the other ones for example if I have a human and he dies can I use the apex character instead of waiting for a day
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  8. kain the novakid

    kain the novakid Aquatic Astronaut

    honestly sorry if i'm annoying you but when I typed in the address the error message showed up and said "failed to determine address for" (no such host is known)
  9. kain the novakid

    kain the novakid Aquatic Astronaut

    when I tried to connect it has a timeout error every time so is the server down
  10. Deathninja5551

    Deathninja5551 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Did the server just crash mid-way battle?
  11. williamcll

    williamcll Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I noticed, it seems like the server resets everyday, including the teamspeak (I think?), when is it?
  12. Deathninja5551

    Deathninja5551 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Website is down for me. http://imgur.com/a/vi6Rl
    I also can't load into the server. (but I can load into single player)
  13. mineghost23

    mineghost23 Master Chief

    Having played the server. I can say that it is immpossioble to get intergrated into the RP. Everyone is too busy tal;king about insiude jokes that no one can get a word in edgeways
    Meursing likes this.
  14. Deathninja5551

    Deathninja5551 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I agree with mineghost23.
  15. williamcll

    williamcll Subatomic Cosmonaut

    what were you characters?
  16. mineghost23

    mineghost23 Master Chief

    I have played a variety of characters from the edgy to the normal. I would delete them afterwards. Every time after trying to start a conversation, someone else would arrive and then everyone would disappaer. Yopu would sit in the opub having some RP and then a new guy appears and they go off on their own small story that you can't join because you weren't here at this place or that place. Occasionally you do get some good RP but at that point everyone has gone offline and its too short. You are not welcoming to new players as no new players can become a member of the community or make friends.
  17. mineghost23

    mineghost23 Master Chief

    Oh! And klets not forget the memes... My word. I mean, its a clusterfuck already. But when you advertise you want to teach new players and about 60% of your RP is memes and ooc then you give them a bad idea.
  18. williamcll

    williamcll Subatomic Cosmonaut

    There's not even that much memes, I think you just keep logging into low activity times.
  19. Ahrceon

    Ahrceon Space Hobo

    What do i do if it says im anonymous? :/
  20. VoidGuy

    VoidGuy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Looks great! One question though, my character, Veral, is a merchant. His past was full of space crusaders n' sh*t. He started looking at life differently and decided to set up a small shop! So anyways, the question is, Could I build a small, second hub-like place that operates like a Store or mall, on another planet? I know there's the whole memory leak issue, but it'd be great. I'm really good at making custom weapons and I'd like to sell them :D

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