"The Occasus, they are a group of cultist, consist of human only, they seek to destroy all other races leaving the universe for the human only. I know I am a human, and I am not agree with this kind of thinking, my crew are all coming from different races, and I believe this kind of thing is a treat to the universe. That is why I need to know more about them. And yes, there some people looking for me. First, the Occasus, they didn't like my action againts the people of the universe. Second, the USCM, they hate me because I work together with the Protectorate. Finally, the bandits, they are looking for me because I attack their ships and camps" "Well, I have some funny stories about it. Before wearing this robe, we were wearing our uniform, a soldiers uniform, you know like other normal soldiers uniform, and then they attack us. We decide to change our uniform, casual clothes and a cap to cover our face. I thought it is working, the USCM and the bandits didn't attack us, but one of my Floran and Glitch crew accidentally reveal their accent while there is a member of the Occasus nearby. Another shooting with blaster then happen, ending with eight of my men gone to the hospital. After that, we change our uniform again, and again, and again, and again, and finally this robe uniform. Unfortunately, we were having a problem with the local police now, they think we are bandits. But anyway, thanks for the tip, I am still trying to find the right uniform for my crew. So, what do you know about them, and is my pancake ready?" I guess you're right.
"Sounds rough." "Can't say I have too much experience with clothing, I usually just wear the most comfortable thing in my closet. Also, would you like anything on your pancakes?"
"Don't worry I believe I will figure out my clothing problem soon. Oh yes, and for my pancake, give me the best syrup you have."
"This is really good, friend" Suddenly four purple-robed cultist with guns enters the cafe and start to open fire. "Everybody get down!"
The cultists refuses and starts shooting back. "We are here to destroy the unbelievers and to claim the universe for the human!"
The mysterious man draws his dual pistol and helps the fight againts the cultist. "Anyone armed with weapon, come here and help us out! The other, go to the back and find some cover! I think they're bringing some reinforcement!" Another eight cultists enters the cafe.
*Pulls out a shotgun* "Right! I just downed a bottle of Avesmango punch and I got a shotgun so you should go now. You don't want to see me drunk with a shotgun; trust me."
*jumps onto a table wielding an RPK* "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND" *aims at cultists* "Any of you motherf**kers move an INCH and I'll mow down every one of you, creeps!"
"What the hell! They're bringing mech! I think these cultists wants me dead. I am very sorry for dragging you guys in to this fight." An Occasus mech breaks in to the cafe. The cultists keeps firing back. The fight are getting worse by the time.
"Eh, do not worry my friend, I've been in these kind of situations all the time!" *Jumps down and knocks over table* *Opens fire on cultists*
"Thanks, friend!" The cultists keeps sending reinforcement. They keep fighting with no fear at all. "Agh! My left hand! I got hit! These bastards will never stop!" Keep firing the cultists with his right hand. "This is getting out of hand! They got mech in their side, and we are simply out number. I will try to send a distress call to my crew on board, they will come in force, and I don't think so the cafe will be in a good shape. Is that okay, friend?" The fight continues.
"You're not the only one with friends, do as much as you have to!" *Kamii proceeds to fire on the mech but it only barely flakes off some armour*
"No problem, NOW EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" *throws two grenades at mech* *both grenades explode damaging the mech's left leg*
"Alright, then! I will send the distress call now!" Sending a distress call to his crew on board using his communication device. "Black Lotus! This is the captain, we need reinforcement! The Occasus are attacking! They got a mech and a large ground units! Send some medics and rocketeers! Make it quick, we are under heavy fire!" "Alright, guys! I have already send it! Now we just need to wait for..." Suddenly a rocket lauches towards the mysterious man, he manages to dodge it, but the communication device is busted. "Blast! I need this device to receive confirmation from my ship, now it's up to you guys to receive it, they need our coordinate."