She walks up to the counter and hands you the money. "Thank you." "You know a long black robe makes you more conspicuous, right?"
After a long trip away Kamii is back at the restaurant. "I'm back! But I got robbed so I didn't manage to buy anything."(basically, I forgot)
The mysterious man stay silent for a while, he took some pixels from his pocket and put it on the counter, then he begin to speak. "Pancakes looks fine for me, I order one." After choosing his meal, the mysterious man start to ask about something mysterious. "Do you know anything about the Occasus? If you do, tell me what you know." "I suppose it is true, there is someone looking for me, I need to stay low profile, friend. I hope you don't mind, don't worry I will not hurt anybody."
What's the Occasus and who's after you? I know a thing or two about evading people who are looking for me.
"We covered that already. You can dress casually while still hiding your face, especially with the variety of clothes people wear nowadays."
"Always wear loose trousers, in case you need to escape from someone or... something... I speak from personal experience."
*An unknown man in army fatigues walks in* Can I have Polish dumplings? I have no dollars or pixels, only zloty *Hands over 10 zloty*
"I've checked transaction rates and you need ninety-two 'groszy' but I'll let you off. Anyway, here you go!" "Also, I don't want to be rude but who are you? I don't think I've seen you before in the Outpost."
"Time-traveller? I thought that tech was destroyed a few centuries back. No-one's been able to replicate that level of technology since."
"You don't know? Half of Asia collapsed in on itself after some weird experiment went wrong. I think half the reason why no-one has re-invented the tech is because they're too scared to." *Kamii pulls out a glass of strange rainbow liquid then downs it*
False. Most of Russia east of the Urals and parts of the Steppes Mountain Range was vaporized. What kind of drink is that?
*Rolls eyes* "Whatever. Also, it's Avesmango Punch." *Kamii downs the liquid in one go then recoils* "Whew, that's got a kick!"