It turns on, and a small screen displays the various settings. It allows you to raise/lower the incline and adjust the speed.
Danger gets on the treadmill and sets the incline and speed to be higher. She starts jogging for a while
Aüsreix walks over to a yoga may and begins contorting some stupidly complex and flexible yoga poses... He looks like a Sallok pretzel...
An Avian sits next to Jareixsleir and pulls up a yoga mat as well. "How are you, Sallok?" he says cheerfully.
Danger heads over to the library to see what's there. She ignores the yoga mats and pulls a book off the shelf
"I am well." He stretches his limbs, then asks, "So... what brings you to Icekill? I don't believe I've seen you before."[DOUBLEPOST=1448842169][/DOUBLEPOST] They do. One is about some Novakid gangsters, one is titled "The Anatomy of a Novakid," and the other is a cheap romance novel.
He bends his legs crisscrossed over behind his head. "As a matter of fact, this is my first time coming here. Seems to be quite a bit nicer than Alcatraz I must say, but with obvious increases in... Well... Security... My name is Aüslēir by the way. Mass murder and the devouring of quite more than a few people. My associate and doppelgänger, Jareīx, is not present at the moment. He's busy restin his mind for a while. But in the meantime, I suppose I can strike up a conversation..."
"I see... I was imprisoned for a similar reason. As a Stargazer, I felt it my duty to uphold the message of Kluex. So, I gathered up a few dozen non-believers and sacrificed them to the Gods of the Aether. I had a nice ceremony, really. Oh, and my name's Teico. Teico Silverbeak."
he chuckles a bit... "Well, that story of yours doesn't quite seem very likely... First of all, last i checked anyways, it was the Grounded that would sacrifice non-believers... Not the stargazers... Second of all, ceremonies as such are not considered illegal by galactic law unless they interfere with those that live on colonized planets. So, unless you yourself don't quite believe in kluex, you should not be here for something so trivial... Who are you? really?"
Teico smiles. "It seems you know your way around Avian culture. Let's just say... I have some hobbies." He does some more yoga. The book explodes and kills Danger.