RP The Darkest Hour

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by The Squid, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    To sign up, go to the OOC thread: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/the-darkest-hour-a-starbound-rp.102774/

    In a maximum security prison embedded in the surface of a completely frozen planet, a group of prisoners is sent down beneath the depths of the ice to serve for crimes too horrible to speak of. You are these prisoners.
    Though escape seems impossible, many people have tried and almost succeeded. Will you overcome this obstacle, or will you fall to the bottom and get trampled under the cruel, monotonous life of a prisoner? Only time will tell.

    Aüslēir Cæsrakk and Jareīx Craivīx
    Ethane Propanus
    Benzene "Ben" Noble

    * * *​
    The armored bus rattles across the icy landscape. To the prisoners within, everything outside is just a bleak, white valley patched with snow drifts and icicles. The bus driver informs them over the PA system that the prison is still ten minutes away.
  2. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    The sallok in the back mutters something to himself about freezing his tail off, and then something about eating the guy next to him and sleeping in his warm corpse...
    Arra and The Squid like this.
  3. Jaylor

    Jaylor Orbital Explorer

    Benzene keeps looking out the windows at the harsh landscape. He'd never been to a snow planet before. Not enough stuff to steal, he recalled saying to a hostage one time.

    "They must really want to keep us in here, huh? Hahaha..."

    Ben knew he would be out of here soon enough. Then he'd be free to pillage and plunder all he wanted again...

    But not after he gutted and burned every guard in this prison.
    Arra and The Squid like this.
  4. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    The Floran near the front of the bus wonders where she's being brought to.
    "Sssss cold" She says quietly to herself while looking out the window of the vehicle.
    The Squid and Arra like this.
  5. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    Would mumble to oneself saying "Really Allestar?, You just had to be fancy and try and nano-weld the core out didn't you"
    The Squid, Jaylor and Jareix Cryvix like this.
  6. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    The bus hits some bumpy ground, and the prison starts to come into view.
    Jaylor likes this.
  7. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    Hey, Driver!
    The Squid likes this.
  8. Jaylor

    Jaylor Orbital Explorer

    Benzene still chuckles to himself as he sees the prison come into view.
    Too easy.
    The Squid likes this.
  9. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    The driver looks back through the bullet-proof window surrounding the drivers seat. "Yeah?"
  10. Jaylor

    Jaylor Orbital Explorer

    "Hurry it up! Some of us have things to do!"
    Arra and The Squid like this.
  11. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    The driver chuckles and shakes his head. "Not a lot of things to do in prison, pal. 'Specially not this one."
    Arra likes this.
  12. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    The Sallok in the back was looking up as a particularly interesting rivet, and hits his snout on the cieleing of the bus as the bit. Rubbing it, he looks out the window with a look of mild impressment. He starts talking to himself like a crazy person. "Eh. Probably not as bad as Alcatraz was." "Oh hush... That place fed us bunk mates! How could have been any better?!" "Maybe if it wasn't a place where you woke up with a knife in your back..."
    The Squid likes this.
  13. Jaylor

    Jaylor Orbital Explorer

    "Maybe not for you, but I'm on a schedule, and I'd like to get things started as soon as possible."
    Benzene cracked his fingers and pushed his hat further up his head. If he was gonna start riots and end lives, he'd need some practice. He hadn't been in a good fight in a while.
    Arra likes this.
  14. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    The driver shakes his head, smiling. "There's on every time," he thinks to himself as they pull up to the prison. "Well, here we are, folks. Enjoy your stay."
  15. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    Danger stares at the prison in anger, she doesn't like being there one bit.
    It's like when she put wild animals into cages, except now she was the one being put into the cage, she wanted to leave already.
    She gets up as the bus comes to a stop and starts to head out.
    The Squid likes this.
  16. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Several armed guards stand at the exit of the bus. They form a line heading from the bus' door to the prisons airlock. A man steps out of the airlock and waits for everyone to leave the bus.
  17. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    The Sallok in the back patiently waits his turn to leave and makes no move to escape. "Look on the bright side, at least this won't be our last life sentence!" "Neither is this the first. No thanks so you..."
  18. Jaylor

    Jaylor Orbital Explorer

    Benzene walks up to the front of the bus, turns to the driver and says;

    "Hey, Driver, you'll wait for me, on the outside, right?"

    After that, Benzene laughs and exits the bus. He carefully eyes the man up before assuming he is no threat and casually walks towards him.
  19. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    The man, who appears to be the prison warden, raises a hand, and two heavily armed guards step in front of him, blocking Benzene's path.
  20. Firepaw Da Cat

    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

    Danger steps out of the bus and stands off to the side.
    She watches the man being blocked by the guards for a bit, waiting to see if anything interesting is going to happen.

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