RP thread: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/the-darkest-hour.102914/ Plot In a maximum security prison embedded in the surface of a completely frozen planet, a group of prisoners is sent down beneath the depths of the ice to serve for crimes too horrible to speak of. You are these prisoners. Though escape seems impossible, many people have tried and almost succeeded. Will you overcome this obstacle, or will you fall to the bottom and get trampled under the cruel, monotonous life of a prisoner? Only time will tell. Rules -Be nice. Don't be a jerk. Remember, all normal forum rules apply. -No god-modding or having OP weapons or characters. -Always ask before killing someone else (also don't kill yourself for no reason). -No OOC in the RP thread. Ever. Character Applications Name: Age: Gender: Race: Physical Description: Backstory: Other: (optional- could be a drawing, screenshot, etc.) Traits/Flaws: Please note that this is my first time running an RP, so I apologize for any mistakes I might make. I'll try to get the RP thread up as soon as there are enough players and I have time to start it. Aüslēir Cæsrakk and Jareīx Craivīx Allestar Ethane Propanus DangerSpider Benzene "Ben" Noble Corvax Coldwing
i join Name:general nuclear Age:general nuclear Race:general nuclear Physical Description:general nuclear Backstory:general nuclear Other:general nuclear
OH YES! Perfect opportunity to reveal some backstory to both of my main character... Name: "Our names are Aüslēir Cæsrakk and Jareīx Craivīx..." Age:"We are twenty-eight years old... Which translates to thirty-five years of maturity... Race (and backstory and other): "We are a Sallokian male... Cold blooded scaled predators..." "speak for yourself Aüssy... You're the one who ate a guy!" "Oh hush up Jareīx... At least I put these jaws to actual use!" "Actual use? You're the reason we're down here in the first place!" "I said hush up! It was him or us! Did you want to starve due to lack of blood?!" "We could have just drained enough to stay alive! We didn't have to eat the ENTIRE FUCKING GUY!" "Oh come on! You have to admit, you were feeling hungry as well!" "Of course I did! We're in the same body! But unlike you, I actually know that eating someone is wrong! Especially where someone can catch us in the act! Which is exactly what happened!" "At least I know how to stab someone!" "You wave about a shiny sword and they fall apart! We are both the famous gang leader of the dapper clan... I use guns, you use that came of yours... In this case, a silenced round would have sufficed! Not totally decapitating them in one stroke... IN THE OPEN! The open, might I add, where EVERYONE SAW US! I could have just shot him in the leg and you could have skunked away... But Nooooo! Mr. Badass here with his incapability to not be a total show off like the pompous prick he is!" "Well, at least I have style!" "That... I really can't deny... Damnit..." "Hmph! Serves you right..." Physical description: "that's us in the middle there..." "You mean that's you in the middle" "it's both of us! I just happened to be in control so we wouldn't eat him! Which apparently didn't work in the end when I slept and let you be in charge..." "Shut up Jareix! You know that he was going to take the bullets eventually! Why delay his inevitable demise?" "Because then we could stay only in high security instead of this frozen hell" "I... Hmm... Good point..."
a cold blooded lizard on a ice planet your gonna need all the luck you can get buddy because a winter coat isen't gonna help you much
"Hey, buddy... ever trained with Tai Mei on planet Eutychus? the place takes the seasons to the extreme... Winters are sub zero, summers are always over thirty, fall has gales at tropical storm level, and spring is typhoon season..."
Yeah, I should probably make some rules about that. If you're gonna use a modded race, please ask me first. @Jareix Cryvix you're ok because I know what your race is, and Avalis are fine because I know what they are too. Anything else, please ask first. I don't use any modded races, so I don't really know any.
A thread. I server would be cool, but a) I'm too lazy to build an entire prison and b) I don't know how to start a server. If the whole 'Director Mode' update comes out, that might change...
Hmm I could watch a tutorial real quick, skip the story, find a ice planet and hope for a human bunker and if not, make one if ya want
Well if its been decided to be a thread let me know, unfortunately due to my current financial status I probably won't get the actual game til Christmas.
Name: Allestar Age: 18 Race: Avali Physical Description: fairly tall snow white fur with black and purple marks, large feather like thing on head. Backstory:Scavenger, rouge, Person who brings a mingun to a birthday party Other: Very smart although he does not have common sense, EX: Why cant I bring this gun into a party?, Just because I cant? { shoots person in the leg} But he can hack about anything in known existence
yeshelloiamnowinevenmorerpsbuthistimeanovakid Name:Ethane Propanus Age: 23 Race: Novakid Physical Description: A grey Novakid without a brand, wearing your typical bandits outfit. Backstory: "Born"(or whatever the novakid equivelant is) in a peacefull novakid village. the village was attacked when he was only 4 years old, he was the only survivor, the bandits took him in and trained him, resulting in being who he is today. Other: Very prone to killing people when they do something he doesnt like. Traits/flaws: Good with most types of guns and a valuable ally, altough he quickly resorts to killing even if there are other alternatives.
I think we need a "Traits and Flaws" section for characters... It's a bit unclear regarding some of these people.
I'll do that right now. I mean, technically they're all flawed because they landed in a maximum security prison, but you're right. I should've done this before all of these people joined