The Cranium Connoisseur

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by Rake the Vulpix, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Rake the Vulpix

    Rake the Vulpix Big Damn Hero

    This is the first time I have ever tried to sprite anything, and I thought it turned out rather well.
    HATHATHATMAKEHATNOW.png Yes.png [​IMG]Credit for third image goes to Cobaltcakes.

    So, I guess, what do you guys think? It is rather bland and simple, but I tried.
    Aer_ and Cobaltcakes like this.
  2. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    I like that hat, perhaps you could make a more colorful version?
  3. Rake the Vulpix

    Rake the Vulpix Big Damn Hero

    I could try, but I don't really know how to make a zombie more colorful to be honest.
  4. TheWalrusLivesInMe

    TheWalrusLivesInMe Void-Bound Voyager

    It's a sentient chicken leg.
  5. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    It's a zombie head... was it thrown or did it fall from the ceiling or did it jump or what?
  6. TheWalrusLivesInMe

    TheWalrusLivesInMe Void-Bound Voyager

    That was just my take on it...
  7. Cobaltcakes

    Cobaltcakes Cosmic Narwhal

    I have no life so I made a quick overhaul draft thing for ye, Rake. Feel free to use it if you want.
    (Black BG so you can see the spine)

    Also, love the idea. :3
    I've always wanted a traveling companion that doesn't back talk.
    Gravik and Micahell like this.
  8. Rake the Vulpix

    Rake the Vulpix Big Damn Hero

    Gah, my five minutes pale in comparison to that.
  9. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    Add some blue?

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