The Citrus Wizards' Cap~

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by ProfScarecrow, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Saki Zynkari

    Saki Zynkari Space Hobo

    Mmmm...tasty hat...and a wizard hat at that too :). Excellent work Scarecrow. I hope this hat makes it to the game ^^.
    MrZaton and ProfScarecrow like this.
  2. ProfScarecrow

    ProfScarecrow Big Damn Hero

    Thank you Saki Zynkari!! Thank you for your kind words~
    I'm happy you like my entry~
    MrZaton likes this.
  3. ProfScarecrow

    ProfScarecrow Big Damn Hero

    Thank you WoxandWarf! i really appreciate it~
    MrZaton and WoxandWarf like this.
  4. ProsaurusRex

    ProsaurusRex Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is a pretty awesome hat. Maybe see what it looks like in different colours?

    (Also, it should make you great and powerful instead.)
    MrZaton and ProfScarecrow like this.
  5. ProfScarecrow

    ProfScarecrow Big Damn Hero

    in reply to your request, i felt i might take a try and see what i can make up... so here we are, some of the Citrus Wizards friends have decided to throw in their hats as well~
    Correct size
    ===> [​IMG]

    Zoomed in with more detail

    Hope you like it!
    although i still prefer the Citrus Wizards cap~
  6. Elevy

    Elevy Master Chief

    I Legitimately don't want the game if THIS hat isn't in it. Legitimately.
  7. ProfScarecrow

    ProfScarecrow Big Damn Hero


    Also here is some more hat tryouts~

    Saki Zynkari, MrZaton and WoxandWarf like this.
  8. ProfScarecrow

    ProfScarecrow Big Damn Hero

    well, exploration seems a whole lot better with large warm, fruit themed hats :D~

    Saki Zynkari and MrZaton like this.
  9. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    Jontron? is that you?
    ProfScarecrow likes this.
  10. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    I especially love the lime and orange versions :up:
    ProfScarecrow likes this.
  11. ProfScarecrow

    ProfScarecrow Big Damn Hero

    well hey, if my hat wins you can wear them in world~
    MrZaton likes this.
  12. MrZaton

    MrZaton Space Hobo

    Really nice! i love the size of the hat, really gives the feel of a powerful wizard!

    i love it and i hope it wins X3

  13. Saki Zynkari

    Saki Zynkari Space Hobo

    Citrus, Tomato, Banana, and Blueberry are my favorites :) LET THIS HAT WIN SO I CAN EAT THEM :)...No, seriously, this hat needs to win.
    NabuK and ProfScarecrow like this.
  14. Saki Zynkari

    Saki Zynkari Space Hobo

    True, true...hat must be there. It'd be a shame if it wasn't.
    ProfScarecrow likes this.
  15. ProfScarecrow

    ProfScarecrow Big Damn Hero

    yes, you and me both, i very much hope it gets chosen~
  16. ZombieByPoxy

    ZombieByPoxy Space Hobo

    Yaaaay magically delicious! :DD
    ProfScarecrow likes this.
  17. ProfScarecrow

    ProfScarecrow Big Damn Hero

    Woo and nutritious ~
  18. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    M'aiq enjoys the blueberry wizard cap, although it tastes like old cloth.
  19. Jarod

    Jarod Cosmic Narwhal

    i want one
    so awesome man
  20. Appledamn Fruitcake

    Appledamn Fruitcake Tentacle Wrangler

    This looks beautiful, it seems as if my eyes are bulging out and loosening, falling out and staring at this hat.
    They just did.

    So many great hats, it sure must be hard for the admins and such who vote.

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