RP The Chicken Conspiracy -- Semi-Silly Starbound RP

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Feathery Quink, Feb 27, 2015.


How should the story read?

Poll closed Mar 5, 2015.
  1. First person?

    1 vote(s)
  2. Third person?

    2 vote(s)
  1. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    H'lo spacefaring races... Specifically the few dedicated to, or only willing to do it for da $$, who have enlisted to aid me. I am Palmfrond, and I need your help. The Chickens are coming.
    Anyone can join in this.
    No foul language, or at least in moderation.
    And beware the chickens.[DOUBLEPOST=1424996017][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  2. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    Palmfrond swivels in his chair, apprehensively staring at the clock. Whimzy and Demetrius should be here by now, he thinks.
    The conspiracy could wait no longer. The Floran grabbed a small, scuttling creature off the floor and ate it whole.
    Palmfrond started to doze off, in the manner that all bored Floran do. His light dreams haunted by clucking and white feathers, he snapped upright. There was something at the door.
  3. Demetrius_CF

    Demetrius_CF Big Damn Hero

    Demetrius lands and walks out of his ship, holding a glass of whiskey. A few weaponized juggernauts following me and looking around. Demetrius knocks at the door.
  4. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    Palmfrond opens the door, carrying a huge metal box. He sets it down.
    "H'lo, human. I hear ye awnsssered my bribery-hsss-I mean call."
    The Floran suddenly ducks, as a literal fur-sausage zooms out of the open door.
    "And watch out for my pets."
  5. Demetrius_CF

    Demetrius_CF Big Damn Hero

    The guards aim at the 'pets'. "Permission to fire, sir?".
    I glance at Palmfrond. "No."
    "So, what you need?" He says before sipping from his drink, not seeming to really care.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  6. sansy

    sansy Big Damn Hero

    Whimsy dashed up to the door, where the two were conversing. Almost running straight into Demetrius, she skids to a stop as she is about to hit him. Regaining her balance, she chirps, "Howdy, funny lookin' folk! Am I late? What did I miss?"
    She removes a lighter from her belt and starts to fiddle with it.
  7. Demetrius_CF

    Demetrius_CF Big Damn Hero

    Demetrius turns around, seeming very cold leaning towards anger seeing Whimsy. "Wait. Is this a goddamn trap? She tried to kill me!"
    He pulls out his revolver.
  8. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    Smiling, Palmfrond slaps on a pair of glasses and now speaks without an accent or hiss.
    "No, this is just... more help.
    You see, you two answered me. And now you aren't going to fight. Or... "
    Palmfrond grabs the little furry creature and gulps it down.
  9. sansy

    sansy Big Damn Hero

    "Silly, I don' think you Floran can eat my kinda' folk!", she chirps. Bouncing on her heels a bit, she watches Palmfrond put on those glasses. Deciding she needed said glasses for the express reason that they were shiny, she tries to snatch them away.
  10. Demetrius_CF

    Demetrius_CF Big Damn Hero

    "Eat me? Ha!" He points at the 4 juggernauts. "Now. My glass is empty, lets get to business."
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  11. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    "Ah. So here it is." Dodging the glowing blue fingers, Palmfrond explains.
    "I was found by an old Glitch, known to others as Mother Rust. She taught me the ways of life, bu soon the village was destroyed by unknown causes.' Glaring at Demetrius pointedly, the Floran continues. "It was not long before I was put in a prison. This one was only my first. Many others followed, for crimes... hmm... unknown? Anyway, the 7th prison had a creepy old Glitch in it. Claimed he was one of the ancients. He said 'Look ye now to the stars. The birds know something. The conspiracy! Oh, the *cough*...' "
    "He was indeed Gearshaw, and I repaired his memory chip and circuits. He had no recollection of what happened. But I found a feather, white and poultryish inside his memory chip."

    Palmfrond rests back in his chair, raising a glass of bubbling green goo.
    He pats the metal box, and it unfolds into a Glitch. He is rusted and clockwork machinery flickers in his arm. Wearing a ragged cloak and strange runic design covered clothes, he holds a huge metal staff with a gear at the top.
    "Hello, human. And hello, Novakid."
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2015
  12. Demetrius_CF

    Demetrius_CF Big Damn Hero

    The juggernauts instantly aim at the Glitch. "Avians. Got it. I'll execute 'em. Excuse me while I get a new bottle before I'm sober and the anger kicks in." Demetrius walks to his ship with two juggernauts following him.
  13. sansy

    sansy Big Damn Hero

    Whimsy runs over to try and grab Demetrius by the sleeve or something, to pull him back to Palmfrond. "Woah, woah, woah! Las' time I checked, chickens ain't Avian! Those birdies are far too smaller-ish to be those fluffy anthro peckermen! Let the weird box-feller' speak first, hasty fleshy thing!" Turning towards the Glitch as she runs, Whimsy exclaims, "Howdy, robot! How's yer' day workin' for ya'? Nice staff, do tell where I can pick one up~!"
  14. Demetrius_CF

    Demetrius_CF Big Damn Hero

    Demetrius sighs. "Fine, speak." He turns around looking at the unfolded glitch and removes Whimsy's hand from my sleeve.
  15. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    "Ah." His voice surprisingly soft for a Glitch's, Gearshaw continues to recount a story. "Picture a nasty, urban city on a pretty, green planet -- much like your homeworld, Earth, but with more races than humans." "It was slow at first, but soon was noticeable. The hobos, tramps, and homeless started to appear dead. They all had strange marks on them, like peck marks. Then the rich and old started to die. The last casualty was found like this." Gearshaw holds up a communication screen, on which there is a human boy, no more than twelve. Huge knife marks fly across his face, and on this throat there are peck marks. Tiny, bloody, three-toed tracks lead away from the ruined carcass.[DOUBLEPOST=1425812682][/DOUBLEPOST]"Well, that was creepy," Palmfrond smirks. "Well, who wants some food?'
  16. Demetrius_CF

    Demetrius_CF Big Damn Hero

    "Sounds interesting, but more interesting,
    What's in it for me? And how do I know this is not some kind of trap? Think about that while I get a bottle out of my ship."
  17. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    "Oy. I only would ask you if I was honest." Palmfrond spits poison out a window. "Floran's honor! Alright, Demetrius. But there is no need to get a new bottle. Who's hungry?" The Floran calls loudly "Fleet! Could ya whip a nice meal? Fit for a novakid, a humie, and somethin' for me too?" At the sound of his voice, claws click on the metal floor and an Avian walks in. She is thin and covered in long orange and black feathers. At least thirty knives, pistols, and assorted weaponry are hanging from her belt.
  18. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    "Hello sir, and ma’am. Nice hats, the both ‘o ye. Ah, Demetrius, is it? What ye need to try is some ‘o this. Featherbrew. Made from pure feathercrown juice, stewed in the (sterilized) coffin of a Sunborn. I’fn ye can handle it, ye are in for a treat! Kwaaak!” she squawked. The hyperactive Avian pulled random materials out from seemingly nowhere, and whisked back to the cooking are several times.
  19. Demetrius_CF

    Demetrius_CF Big Damn Hero

    Demetrius looked at the Avian, impressed.
    "I'll take a sip.." He said uncomfortable with the weaponized Avian.
    The juggernauts instantly aim at the Avian, nervous and afraid of her.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  20. Feathery Quink

    Feathery Quink Title Not Found

    "Heh. Ye five think she's fully armed, he should see the twins."

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