The Blue Eagles vs. the Kluex Cult [RP Image Blog]

Discussion in 'Other Fan Creations' started by Iaeyan Elyuex, Dec 26, 2016.

  1. Iaeyan Elyuex

    Iaeyan Elyuex Cosmic Narwhal

    Malli here. Over time, I've figured out a way to twist the knife in the cult that led to the death of my parents. Here are a few examples.
    It's okay, statue. They make me sick, too.
    An ancient meme for an ancient and backwards cult.
    This statue has had its head removed and filth poured down its neck.
    I remember my first. They are adorable, and equally capable of combat.
    Da da da DAAAAA!
    Oh, what you can achieve with a Matter Manipulator.
    Another barfing statue. Don't regret polluting their "sacred" water pool.
    This pithole website was lost with the destruction of Earth. One thing I won't miss.
    Hey, boss? How well can Avians smell?
    I don't think as well as a Human can. Our sense of smell is still functional, though.
    I know I lost my lunch on the way out of there.
    Hey, Miss Malli! Look! I made a lava lamp!
    Ian kind of beat you to that one.
    Well, what about this one? I turned it into a beacon!

    Dang. Why didn't I think of that? Did you catch the priest in there?
    That's almost unethical.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016

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