BACKSTORY: Deep within an ancient underground burial chamber, containing the cadavers of both apex and avians, Explorer Kevamros found a peculiar artifact. It sat in the center of the room, atop a pedestal of solid brass. As Kevamros and his assistant Alithana approached the pedestal, they found that a bowler hat sat atop it--but this was no ordinary hat. Although the brim of the hat was a simple cloth gray, the rest of the relic was made of brass and other metals shaped into a sequence of gears. As Kevamros donned the headpiece, he cut his hand on a sharp edge of a metal gear, and it, along with all the other gears, began to spin and whir. Kevamros found himself overcome by a primal blood-lust, as he searched for something, anything, to kill. He looked to his assistant, who glowed a bright, tantalizing, irresistible red. Several hours after Kevamros was supposed to return, his companions gave a sigh of relief to see him return to the surface. Their expressions soon became worried once more as they didn't see Alithana following behind. Kevamros shoved the artifact into his friend Pavtos' hands. "Take this, and get rid of it. Destroy it, give it to a museum, I don't care. JUST GET RID OF IT!" By the time Pavtos found Alithana's mutilated corpse and the audio log recounting the event by Kevamros, he was already half way across the galaxy. Modern Apex scientists soon discovered that if the wearer knew of the hats' effects before activating it, he could curb the mindless, primitive rage that tried to overcome his reason. They soon saw the usefulness of the hat in combat, and, after reverse engineering the device, were able to mass produce the device for sale on the intergalactic market. Although the Apex themselves seldom understood how the "Blood Bowler" worked, the hat soon became the most desired possession of warriors and explorers everywhere. THE BLOOD BOWLER Item Type: Hat Appearance: Gray Fabric Brim, Steampunk(ish) Bloodstained Brass Gear Crown Awesomeness: Infinite Effect: When slaying a living creature (non-robot) all nearby living creatures (even those in darkness) will glow a bright red (think Terraria's hunter potion, only... Red) for a few seconds. And here is a basic sprite: Obviously, the sprite would be better quality/have more detail in game if it was going to animate. And here is a better looking (albeit hand-drawn) picture/sketch of the hat. Thanks for reading my entry, and I hope you like it.